"Very good!" Su Yang nodded in satisfaction, which was exactly the result he wanted.

Wan Du waited for a while, seeing that Su Yang had no opinion, he couldn't help asking, "Then what should I do now?"

"Go back and continue to persuade the Xeons who have just recovered their strength. As many people as possible can cooperate with us." Su Yang looked at Wan Du: "No need to argue with them, no need to get angry, just do your best."

"Just... it's that simple?" Wan Du was at a loss, when did Su Yang become such a Buddhist style?

"It's that simple!" Su Yang smiled and nodded.

Wan Du was full of doubts, but in the end he didn't ask much. He knew that Su Yang was so calm, indicating that Su Yang had already made arrangements.

As for the arrangement, it was not what he could think of.

However, since Su Yang is so calm, what should he worry about?

After Wan Du left, Su Yang observed his Astral World Tree.

Those more than two thousand strongest men were placed in this world tree by Su Yang for cultivation. The geography in Su Yang's body provides them with a steady stream of spiritual energy so that these strongest people can practice with peace of mind.

Over the past three hundred years, these people's progress has been enormous.

It is worthy of the rebirth of the once strongest, although there is no memory of previous lives. However, whoever can cultivate to the strongest is not one of the trillions.

Such a strong man, even if he has no memory of his previous rebirth, can still practice quickly by instinct until he enters the realm of the strongest.

In the past three hundred years, several people have entered the realm of heaven. Others, at least prefecture-level high-end, can be described as extremely fast.

According to this situation, within a thousand years, it is estimated that someone will be able to restore the strength of the strongest.

During this process, Su Yang must keep an eye on it. Especially the few who entered the country the fastest were the objects of Su Yang's strict attention.

As for the world of Wandu, Su Yang didn't worry about how the strongest of that world would choose.

After all, Su Yang himself had found more than two thousand strongest people outside.

There are more than two thousand strongest people, even if 30% are willing to help the human race, there are more than six hundred strongest people, definitely far more than the guardian god.

Therefore, Su Yang really didn't care how much the strongest in Wandu's world were willing to help the human race.

The strongest people he recruited himself were the main force against the Guardian God.

After almost six hundred years, Su Yang felt that there were fluctuations in his Astral World Tree, and there was a person who was about to advance to the realm of the strongest.

Su Yang quickly rushed over and found that a Xeon was advancing.

This person has also been on Su Yang's watch list.

His strength has improved extremely fast, and he was the first to advance to the realm of Heavenly rank. Among the two thousand people, he has always been the most peak existence.

Su Yang was not surprised to be the first to be promoted to the strongest now, but felt that this was justified.

Su Yang stood by and waited. After almost half a month, this person finally succeeded in the promotion.

However, he did not act, but stood in the void with his eyes closed.

Su Yang knew that he was recovering the memory of his previous life.

These strongest people can only recover the memories of their previous lives if their strength is restored.

After waiting for a few more days, this person finally opened his eyes.

He saw Su Yang standing next to him at the first glance, and felt Su Yang's strength, and his face suddenly became vigilant.

"Who are you?" the man asked in a deep voice.

Su Yang smiled and said: "Don't worry, my name is Su Yang, I resurrected you!"

"You resurrected me?" The man couldn't help but suddenly exclaimed: "By the way, I remember, I...my world, there is no aura. After that, we are all dead, you...you are How did you bring me back to life?"

"What's your name?" Su Yang asked back.

"Daoyun." The person replied.

"Daoyun!" Su Yang said the name gently, and then said the matter of the fusion of ten thousand realms. At the same time, they also left the remnants of these people in the blood shadows, and the blood shadows shattered, and the resurrection of these remnants with other lives was said again.

After listening to Su Yang's words, Daoyun couldn't help being shocked. After all, he has just been reborn, and has just recovered the memory of his previous life.

What Su Yang said was really hard for him to accept for a while.

Su Yang was not in a hurry, and slowly told him about the human race and the guardian god, about the integration of all worlds, and about the situation in the big world today.

After listening to all of this, Dao Yun's face was full of consternation.

"Human race, the guardian god? How can there be such a division?" Dao Yun wondered: "Aren't we all the same race? Why are there such differences?"

Su Yangqi said: "In your world, there is no difference between the human race and the guardian god?"

Daoyun shook his head and said about the situation of his own world tree.

After listening to Su Yang, he roughly understood.

The situation in Daoyun's world is similar to that of Wandu Liuyun and the others, and there is no difference between the human race and the guardian god.

It's not without contradictions, but it's all about personal grievances or something, and it doesn't involve two races that are so opposed.

Su Yang told Daoyun about the origins of the human race and the guardian god, and finally said: "The reason why I saved you is mainly because you want you to help us deal with the guardian god."

"Of course, you can choose not to help me. After all, the strength of the Guardian God is also very powerful, and it will be life-threatening to fight against the Guardian God."

"However, I hope you understand one thing. Although I don't know what the seven heavenly venerables are plotting, they are extremely ambitious. Since they can come up with the integration of the ten thousand worlds, they may make trouble in the future. What happened."

"Once no one stops them and waits for their plan to succeed, then all lives in this world will be trampled under their feet!"

Daoyun frowned. He did not expect that he would face such a choice just after he was reborn.

After a long silence, Daoyun nodded slowly: "Okay, I choose to help Human Race against the Guardian God!"

Su Yang was overjoyed, he was worried that he would not be able to convince these strongest people. Unexpectedly, the first one went smoothly.

"Thanks a lot!" Su Yang thanked him with his hands.

"You don't need to be polite!" Daoyun: "You are right, working in the style of the guardian god. Even if I choose neutrality, they will not let me go."

"And those things done by the Guardian God are not in line with my personal rules. Therefore, it is impossible for me to get along with the Guardian God."

"Under such circumstances, I can only choose to stand on the side of Human Race!"

Su Yang smiled, this Daoyun is a very bold person!

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