The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2910: Take away the black light

The First God wanted to speak, but was held by the Tianzong next to him.

The supreme is so arrogant now, surely he won't listen to persuasion, there is no point in continuing to talk nonsense to him.

Moreover, they also wanted Su Yang to die here.

Su Yang has now replaced the Skykiller and became the spiritual leader of the human race.

If Su Yang died in battle, the human race would basically collapse.

As long as this group of people is completely defeated, it is tantamount to completely annihilating the human race.

In this way, the plan of the guardian **** was realized.

Of course, Tianzong can also see the supreme wolf ambition. However, Tianzong did not say clearly.

The supreme wants to control the guardian god, but it is not so easy, after all, the heavenly stele is still on the body of the first god.

When the time comes, the First God and Tianzong will join forces to use the Heavenly Path Stone Tablet to kill the Supreme, and it will probably not be too difficult.

What's more, behind the Guardian God, there are seven Heavenly Sovereigns, which are the most powerful combat power of the Guardian God.

Even if the First God and Tianzong are not the supreme opponents, but can this supreme be the opponents of the seven heavens?

Therefore, the ambition of the Supreme is completely meaningless, and Tianzong is not afraid of him at all.

There was no movement inside, shrouded in black light.

Human race is a little panicked here, Su Yang has been in for a long time, and he hasn't resisted at all. Could it be said that Su Yang was really corrupted and killed like this?

The supreme laughed loudly: "How about it? See it now, right?"

"If you enter my God-killing Light, you will definitely die!"

"Hey, little beauty, now you know the strength of the deity."

"I'll have another chance for you, how about being a concubine for me honestly?"

"If you don't agree, don't say that I am ruining the flower?"

Qi'er was very angry, and shouted: "Ugly monsters, you can dream!"

"What are you, you want to kill Brother Su?"

"I'm telling you, Brother Su will be out soon!"

"Today, you will definitely die!"

The supreme appearance is what he cares most about.

Qi'er scolded him as an ugly monster, poked at the painful spot, the Supreme was furious: "Little bitch, I give you face, you don't take me seriously!"

"In that case, don't blame Lao Tzu for being rude to you!"

"You can die for me too!"

With that, the supreme turned the direction of the black light and shrouded it toward Qi'er.

Qi'er's complexion suddenly changed, and when the black light rushed over, there was a strong suction force inside, which unexpectedly attracted her to the range of the black light.

With Qi'er's powerful strength, he couldn't get rid of this suction, and was sucked into the black light area little by little.

"Hahaha..." The Supreme laughed arrogantly: "My God-killing Light, no one can hide it!"

"Little beauty, it's still too late to beg for mercy!"

"Otherwise, if you enter this God-killing Light, nothing will be corroded. What a bad thing!"

Qi'er gritted her teeth and didn't speak, the World Tree above her head made chuckles. She was struggling with all her strength, but still couldn't break free of the suction.

At this time, the Emperor also saw Qi'er's crisis and hurriedly wanted to come to help.

However, the First God and Tianzong also saw what the Emperor meant, and at the same time, they stopped the Emperor, making it impossible for him to come to help.

The other guardian gods also stopped the strongest of other human races, making Qi'er unable to provide assistance.

Seeing that Qi'er was about to be sucked into the range of the black light, suddenly, the black light shook.

Immediately afterwards, the black light suddenly shrank, and in an instant it turned into the size of a person.

Before long, one person walked out of the black light, and it was Su Yang.

The black light quickly diminished behind Su Yang, and finally turned into a black light bead that looked like a glass ball and fell into Su Yang's hands.

The Supreme's eyes widened, even he didn't know what was going on.

"You... why didn't you die?" Supreme exclaimed.

Not only was Su Yang not dead, he didn't even have any scars on his body.

He glanced at the Supreme: "You God-killing light is of no use to me!"

"Huh?" The Supreme stunned, and immediately roared: "Impossible! Impossible!"

"The Light of Killing God, specifically to kill the strongest!"

"You are the strongest, how can you escape from the Light of Killing God?"

With that said, the Supreme shot with all his strength, ready to draw out the light of killing God again to deal with Su Yang.

However, Su Yang held the black light bead in his hand, and there was no movement at all.

The Supreme screamed several times, but the black light beads didn't move at all, which made him directly confused.

The supreme anxiously said: "You...what have you done? Why can't my God Killing Light work anymore?"

Su Yang: "I just cut off your connection with the Light of Killing Gods. Now, the Light of Killing Gods doesn't belong to you anymore!"

"What?" Supreme's eyes widened: "How is it possible? lie to me, how can you cut off the connection between me and the Light of Godslayer? talk nonsense..."

"If you don't believe me, then you can try it, can the light of killing God be taken back?" Su Yang sneered.

The supreme roars wildly, running the God-killing light with full force. However, as Su Yang said, there was no movement at all from the Light of Killing God, and he could not take back the Light of Killing God at all.

"How can this be? How can this be?" The supreme face was full of unbelievable expression.

At this time, Su Yang had already flown in front of him and said coldly: "Your strength is not weak, but it's a pity that you chose the wrong camp."

"Dare to insult Girl Qier, today, you must die!"

With that, Su Yang threw the black light bead out, and the black light bead directly turned into a huge black light curtain, and instantly enveloped the Supreme.

The Supreme roared: "This is my God-killing light. You want to use my God-killing light against me, do you dream?"

With that, the Supreme rushed directly into the range of this black light.

He wanted to use a powerful force to take back this god-killing light.

However, after he entered the Light of Killing Gods, he discovered that the Light of Killing Gods had been tempered again by Su Yang.

He wanted to take back the Light of Killing God, he had to break the restriction left by Su Yang.

Su Yang's strength is stronger than him. He tried several times, but he couldn't break this restriction.

However, the corrosive power of this black light has become even stronger.

Even if it was the powerful strength of Supreme, it began to be corroded by black light.

The Supreme tried for a while, but couldn't take back the Light of Killing God at all, and couldn't help but rush.

It seems that it is basically impossible to take back the Light of Killing God. If he stays like this, then his life will stay here.

Therefore, the Supreme did not hesitate anymore, immediately turned around, wanting to rush out of the range of the Light of Killing God.

However, when he turned around and rushed to the edge of this light, he realized that even the edge of this light had been tempered again by Su Yang.

With the supreme strength, it is impossible to break the prohibition of the light of killing God and escape!

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