The strongest humans were surrounded, and everyone's expressions were very solemn.

They are very aware of the current situation and want to run, which is basically impossible.

"Everyone joins forces. If you can kill a few more, kill a few more!" Human Emperor gritted his teeth.

The other strongest humans nodded one after another, and when they were able to stay and break, they were determined to die.

However, when everyone was about to rush to kill, Su Yang laughed.

"Leave the green hills, don't worry about no firewood, why bother with them?"

"Everyone, follow me!"

With that, Su Yang suddenly struck the void in front of him with an axe.

The space was directly shattered, revealing a cloud of mist, just chaos.

"Go in!" Su Yang shouted, rushing into the chaos first.

The members of the human race are all surprised. Is this the escape method Su Yang chose?

What's the point of going to chaos?

The guardian **** can chase in, but how far can they run?

However, since Su Yang has entered, everyone has no reason to stay outside.

Therefore, everyone also rushed into the chaos with Su Yang with doubts.

"Chasing! Be sure to keep them! Be sure to kill them!" The First God roared loudly, emotionally.

Tianzong smiled slightly: "It's okay!"

"What can we do if we enter Chaos?"

"As long as they are surrounded by us, they can't run away!"

With that, Tianzong also broke through the void directly and rushed into the chaos.

At this time, other guardian gods have also entered the chaos.

However, after entering the chaos, they found that something was wrong.

Su Yang and the others are not surrounded by the Guardian God at this time. After entering the chaos, the position of the guardian **** has also changed, different from the original position.

These people broke the void into the chaos in their place.

But the current chaos is no longer completely connected with space. The scope of chaos is small, but the scope of space is large. Therefore, the position in space and the position in chaos no longer correspond.

If these people chased the gap opened by Su Yang into the chaos, they would be able to stand where they were before.

However, if they break the entrance of chaos by themselves and enter chaos, they will not be able to stand where they were before.

"What's the situation?" Tianzong exclaimed, and the other guardian gods were also shocked. They had never encountered such a situation before.

At this time, Su Yang and the others broke the chaos gap again and rushed out of the chaos range.

"Chasing!" Tianzong shouted anxiously. At this time, he could no longer study their position.

Once Su Yang these people ran away, wouldn't they toss in vain?

Everyone quickly broke the chaos gap where they were and rushed out.

However, after they got outside, they were surprised to find that Su Yang and others were gone.

As for them, they are still standing in their previous space, still surrounded. However, Su Yang and others in the encirclement circle were gone.

"This...what's going on?" The first god's eyes widened, and the other guardian gods were all blank.

They really don't understand this situation.

Obviously everyone entered the chaos together, and came out together.

However, why is the position different after entering and the position after coming out is different.

Su Yang obviously left Chaos not far from them, but why is it gone now?

"Who can tell me what the **** is going on?"

"What happened?"

"Where are those Su Yang? How about the strongest of the human race?"

The angry first **** roared loudly.

No one can answer, these people themselves are confused.

At this time, the frowning Tianzong approached and said in a deep voice, "Will it be a matter of chaos? After the fusion of the worlds, the chaos has also changed. We entered the position of chaos, and we are outside. The location is completely different!"

"Really?" First God thought about it carefully, it was indeed the case.

"Why is this?" the first **** asked in surprise.

Tianzong shook his head: "I don't know for the time being, but I suspect it should be due to chaos."

"Su Yang should know what happened to the chaos, so he dared to take everyone to stay behind, because he can use chaos to escape!"

"This time, we are fooled by Su Yang again!"

The guardian gods are all angry, and the first **** roars wildly: "This Su Yang is simply too cunning."

"I really didn't expect that he could escape with so many of us the strongest."

"What happened to this chaos, why can he use chaos to escape?"

Tianzong shrugged: "This question is really hard to say."

"However, I think we should go to Chaos and find a Chaos Worm to ask about it."

"The changes that occur in the chaos can only be known by the life growing in the chaos!"

"That's true!" The First God nodded: "After so many years, I don't know if I can find another Chaos Worm."

"Send someone in and try it!" Tianzong looked at everyone around him and waved his hand: "You two, go look for it in Chaos."

"If you find Chaos Worm, bring it out to see me immediately!"

The two immediately nodded: "Yes!"

The two broke the space gap and entered the chaos. The First God frowned and said in a deep voice: "Then what should we do now?"

Tianzong said solemnly: "I think since this battle has begun, we should kill it, and take advantage of this opportunity to slay all the human races!"

"Huh?" The first stunned: "This...Is this suitable?"

"Our current strength is just slightly stronger than that of Human Race."

"It's not that difficult to kill all of them like this."

"Or, let's accumulate a little bit more strength, and then kill it?"

Tianzong shook his head: "Not right!"

"Father, didn't you find out? The strength of the human race, the rapid growth, is what we expected in the distance."

"We have calculated for them before, they can win more than two hundred strongest people at most. After all, they are left with those two cocoons."

"Even if the strongest people in the two light cocoon worlds all help them, there are only more than two hundred strongest people."

"However, this time Su Yang brought more than 400 Xeons over, the number far exceeds our previous guesses."

"Don't you think there is something weird in this?"

"Don't tell me, it's really like this!" First God suddenly widened his eyes: "Why are there so many strongest people around Su Yang? Where did he find so many strongest people to help him?"

"He only has two light cocoons left. Even if the cultivators in these two light cocoon worlds are very powerful, how many strong people are there?"

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