The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2950: The Guardian God Strikes

Su Yang is quite speechless, now is not the time for you to perform.

Don't be so active, step back, acting here.

Of course, Su Yang couldn't say this directly.

He can only wink at the Emperor.

The Emperor knew it, and immediately brought a group of people, and rushed to it first, surrounding the strongest people who came out of the world.

At the same time, the human emperor hurriedly yelled: "Feihe, you go to help the leader of Su, remove the members of the human race here first, don't let them run into danger!"

Feihe and the others almost flew into the battlefield, and upon hearing this, they could only take people back to Su Yang's side.

Seriously, they don't want to really work hard, but they have to do it on the surface.

Su Yang also pretended to be busy and included those members of the human race who had not yet reached the state of the strongest into the world tree.

Anyway, after a lot of confusion, the human race was in a mess.

Under such circumstances, Tianzong arrived with a large army of guardian gods.

Tianzong was also very cautious in doing things. When he arrived nearby, he did not rush to order directly to attack, but first observed from a distance for a while.

Seeing that the human race was really caught in a melee, Tianzong did not rush to lead people to kill directly, but took a closer look to see if this was a trap.

Su Yang's strength is higher than that of Tianzong. He noticed that Tianzong came over, and at first he pretended to be too flustered and didn't notice, and wanted to draw Tianzong into the bait.

As a result, Tianzong was still observing from a distance and did not do anything, which made Su Yang feel unhappy.

Are you planning to wait for us to lose hands before doing it?

Su Yang certainly couldn't let Tianzong take advantage of this.

Therefore, seeing that Tianzong didn't make a move at all, Su Yang suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of Tianzong.

This is telling Tianzong, I found you!

Tianzong's complexion changed, he was indeed planning to wait for Su Yang and the others to fight each other and spend some time before doing it.

But he still underestimated Su Yang's strength, he thought Su Yang would not find himself in such chaos.

Unexpectedly, Su Yang actually found him, and this made his plan directly fall through.

On the Human Race's side, Su Yang also yelled loudly, asking everyone to quickly prepare to leave. Obviously, he found that the guardian **** came and planned to flee with everyone.

Seeing such a situation, Tianzong knew that if all these people ran away without doing anything, all his plans would be wasted.

Therefore, Tianzong did not dare to delay at all, and immediately went back and ordered a full-scale attack.

Those guardian gods got the order, immediately divided into several batches, surrounded from different directions towards the human race.

This time, they intend to kill all the human races, leaving none.

Therefore, from the very beginning, they were prepared to fight this kind of encirclement, and directly surrounded Su Yang and the others.

The guardian **** came to the human race soon, seeing the chaos of the human race inside, these guardian gods were overjoyed.

The Lord God followed Tianzong and said excitedly: "Master Tianzong, you still have a clever plan. These wastes are really in civil strife."

Tianzong was full of pride, he was very satisfied with his plan.

Although I suffered several losses in Su Yang's hands before, what about?

In the final decision, Su Yang was not fooled by himself, but was still defeated.

This kind of thing depends on the result, the process is not important at all!

Moreover, even the Lord God admires him so much, the guardian god, who else does not accept him?

You know, among the guardian gods, the Lord God is the one who is most dissatisfied with Tianzong.

Now that the Lord God is honest, it can be seen how the prestige of Tianzong among the guardian gods is!

The guardian **** rushed over quickly and soon entered the battle group of the human race.

Tianzong stood in the sky, sneered at the battlefield below.

Human race is chaotic to this level, he doesn't need to act personally at all.

This time the guardian **** wins, it is only a matter of time!

Those guardian gods are taking the lead. After he entered the battlefield, he yelled directly to the strongest ones in the middle: "Everyone, don't worry, we will help you!"

"These human races are also our enemies."

"This time, let's join forces to kill them all, leaving none!"

While speaking, some of these guardian gods have joined the middle battle group.

At this moment, an unexpected situation occurred.

Those members of the human race who were still fighting, suddenly stopped at this moment and attacked the guardian gods who rushed in together.

These guardian gods didn't expect such a thing to happen at all, they didn't have many members coming in, and they didn't have any defense.

Under such circumstances, these guardian gods almost all suffered fatal blows. The bodies of dozens of the strongest were shattered, and a dozen of the strongest managed to escape, but they were also seriously injured.

Before these shattered bodies had time to reshape, Qi'er flew over.

The Yuling Palace descended from the sky, trapping all the broken flesh in it.

At the same time, the endless blood sea also rushed over, turning into a cloud of blood, enclosing the entire Yuling Palace.

After the endless blood sea merges with the previous supreme secret method, it can completely swallow the strongest.

Of course, if it shoots alone, it can only swallow one Xeon at a time, and it has to be inferior to it.

However, if it cooperates with Qier now, the situation can be much better.

The Yuling Palace can trap the strongest, and it can swallow it with confidence, and their cooperation is extremely powerful.

What's more, the bodies of these strongest people have been shattered, which is more suitable.

Qi'er can use Yu Ling Palace to temporarily sever their power so that they can't recover their physical bodies.

It would be easier if the endless blood sea swallowed these strongest people at this time.

The guardian **** outside only heard screams from the Yuling Palace, and immediately felt the creeps.

Although they didn't know what happened in the Yuling Palace, in the previous war, they had seen the endless blood sea cooperating with Qi'er to jointly kill more than a dozen strong men.

Now that they are working together again, how many of these strongest can escape?

At this time, Tianzong also saw this scene in the air, and he was also stunned.

He never dreamed that such a sudden change would happen in a battle that was sure to win.

The people who were in the melee suddenly stopped the war and started to attack them together. What is the situation?

The Lord God is right around here, seeing this situation, he couldn't help but anxiously said: "You...what are you doing?"

"We are here to help you, why are you doing it at us?"

"You are mistaken, we are the guardian god, we are not in harmony with the human race, and it is not your enemy!"

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