The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2971: Dragon Emperor Distress

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Time passed in a hurry, Su Yang tempered his soul in the World Tree alone, he didn't know the outside situation, and he had no concept of time.

It wasn't until this day that he felt someone approaching outside before realizing that it was time for everyone to come back and meet.

With a thought on his mind, the Immortal Golden Body and Immortal Bone quickly came over and merged with him.

Although it was still the same as before, Su Yang could clearly feel that he had stronger control over the Immortal Golden Body and Immortal Bone.

This feeling is like his soul is being tempered more and more powerful, and his ability to control his body is getting stronger and stronger.

In the past, because his soul was not strong enough, his control over the Immortal Golden Body and Immortal Bone was actually very ordinary.

The indestructible golden body and the indestructible bone at that time were just like his two armors, protecting his body.

And now, when his soul is strong enough, he really began to understand the immortal golden body and the immortal bone.

Moreover, although his soul became stronger and stronger, his understanding of the Immortal Golden Body and the Immortal Bone was also increasing.

He was able to discover the many magical effects of the Indestructible Golden Body and the Indestructible Bone, discover some of the magical methods of the two when facing the enemy, and even discover the horror of the combination of the two.

The only thing Su Yang didn't understand was that he still couldn't remember the origin of the Immortal Golden Body and the Immortal Bone.

He couldn't remember the origins of the two, he couldn't remember how the two were cultivated, and he couldn't teach this method to other human race members.

Su Yang himself didn't know why this happened.

Or, as his soul becomes stronger and stronger, and his understanding of the immortal golden body and the immortal bone becomes deeper, he will be able to truly figure out how the two are cultivated.

Thinking like this in his heart, Su Yang also flew directly out of the World Tree.

Not long after waiting, Su Yang saw the first group of people who came back. They were indeed the people of the Emperor.

They are the first to leave and the first to come back. The emperor has always done things like this.

"Sir, how is the situation?" Su Yang asked loudly.

Far away, the emperor shook his head again and again.

"We found no signs of life."

Su Yang nodded and asked about other things, such as the situation of those stars.

And these situations are exactly the same as Su Yang and the others discovered before.

Inside those stars, they are all empty.

No matter who it was, or the original spiritual source inside, it was gone.

These findings also made everyone more certain that the abundant spiritual energy in this great world should be released by these spiritual sources.

Su Yang didn't rush back to the World Tree, but continued to wait outside.

After a short while, other people came back one after another.

And the situation of these people is similar to that of the Human Emperor, and they haven't found anything special.

In five years, most of the people have returned, but the group of Supreme Dragon Emperor has not yet returned.

Su Yang couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. The Supreme Dragon Emperor has always been a lazy type. Every time I went out to explore something, it was often the first one to come back. Why didn't I see it for so long this time?

Everyone waited for several years, but they still didn't wait for the Supreme Dragon Emperor, and everyone couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"This old loach, isn't it dangerous?" Eternal God Sovereign muttered in a low voice, his face couldn't hide his worry.

The eternal **** emperor and the supreme dragon emperor can be said to exist in the same era, and they have been bickering for millions of years. In fact, the relationship is very deep.

Others also looked worried. Although the Supreme Dragon Emperor didn't have a door on his lips, he was still very enthusiastic. If something happens to this guy, no one wants to see it.

Su Yang also frowned. It stands to reason that if the Supreme Dragon Sovereign encounters any situation, it only needs to crush the ground and wear it, and Su Yang can immediately sense it.

However, this guy didn't crush the jade pendant and didn't come back. What is the situation?

"Could it be lost?" Human Sovereign frowned.

"Isn't it?"

"When we left, we all figured out the direction. Even if the Supreme Dragon Emperor doesn't know the way, it is impossible for the strongest people who follow it to deny the way."

"Furthermore, it also carries the jade pendant of the leader of the Soviet Union. This jade pendant can guide the direction. How can it be lost?"

Everyone was talking in a rush.

Waited for a few more days, just as Su Yang was hesitating to find it in person.

Suddenly, he felt the ground vibrate.

"Not good!" Su Yang exclaimed: "The Dragon Emperor crushed the jade pendant, and something went wrong there!"

"Where! Hurry up!" Eternal God Emperor flew into the air first, shouting excitedly.

Others are also full of panic, and now there is no guardian **** in the big world. Supreme Dragon Emperor, what danger can he encounter?

Su Yang immediately summoned the Chaos Sparrow, calculated the location of the jade pendant, and let the Chaos Sparrow lead them through the chaos to the nearest place.

After that, everyone moved forward quickly and went straight to the location of Zeyu Pei.

This distance, if flying normally, takes half a year.

However, everyone rushed at full speed and arrived at this place abruptly in three months.

What you can see is a huge planet.

"Dragon Emperor and the others are in danger on this planet?" The Emperor Wangu said anxiously: "Leader Su, let's surround this planet first, don't let those people take the Dragon Emperor away!"

However, Su Yang Qier waved his hand: "Don't worry, they are all right."

"It's okay?" Everyone was stunned, what would the jade pendant do when it was okay?

Su Yang is the strongest, and when he arrives here, he feels everything on the planet.

He could feel that the Supreme Dragon Sovereign were on this planet, and these people were in normal condition and had not been attacked or anything.

Therefore, it can be seen that there is no danger to this planet.

It's just that there is no danger, so why crush the ground to make the jade pendant?

With doubts, Su Yang and everyone fell on this planet.

This planet is not small. Although it is not as big as the stars we have seen before, it is also the size of a medium world.

Su Yang compared it in his heart. This planet was at least a million times larger than the Earth before him.

However, for the Xeon, this can only be regarded as an ordinary planet, and there is nothing to be shocked. They've seen a bigger planet, so what's this?

What really surprised everyone was that there was a lot of liquid water on this planet, flooding many parts of the planet.

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