The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 359: Some people don't want us to sing

"Liquidated damages, of course, are to be paid back!" Su Yang smiled lightly: "However, the liquidated damages alone may not be enough!"

"Huh?" Zhou Changyuan was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly smiled: "Yes, we will treat Miss Ying Er according to the specifications of super first-tier stars. Moreover, we will add another 10 million, too. It is our compensation to Miss Ying Er to express our apologies!"

Su Yang glanced at Zhou Changyuan, and had to say that the director of the station was really a very clever person. Knowing that Su Yang was upset, he immediately started to make up for it, which is much smarter than the Zhao family and his son.

"Director Zhou, you misunderstood what I meant." Su Yang said: "I mean, this termination of the contract, according to the contract, can no longer be regarded as our Miss Ying Er's fault. Therefore, we gave you the breach of contract before. Gold, you must pay it back. However, since it is not our Miss Yinger’s fault, then you unilaterally breached the contract, and it should be you who gave us the penalty!"

"Huh?" Zhou Changyuan reacted and understood what Su Yang meant. He glared at the producer with the light of his eyes, and still smiled: "This is what it should be, it should be. After all, we caused the inconvenience to Miss Ying Er. It is our fault and we will try our best to make up for it. Well, Lawyer Su, no matter how much it is, our TV station will definitely release it, and it will satisfy Miss Yinger and you!"

"Hahaha..." Su Yang raised his head and smiled: "Director Zhou, you really are a smart person. It is really comfortable to talk to you!"

Zhou Changyuan was overjoyed and quickly said: "Lawyer Su passed the award. In fact, this is mainly our fault. Of course, we should compensate here. That is, Lawyer Su, you see, the ratings of this program have been very high recently. Or, Can you ask Miss Ying Er to renew her contract again and continue... continue to sing here?"

"It's impossible to renew the contract!" Su Yang said directly.

Zhou Changyuan's expression suddenly turned sad. His greatest wish is that Ying Er can renew her contract and continue to sing, and the TV station's ratings will continue to rise and reach unprecedented heights. Maybe it will create a record of TV show ratings!

However, Zhou Changyuan didn't say anything, he was a smart man. He knew very well that Ying Er's worth would be raised soon. Whether Yinger stays here or not to sing, then he can't offend Yinger, at least he has to leave a way for himself.

"I can only deeply regret this, but I also have to admit that it is because of our fault that Miss Ying Er is dissatisfied. We are willing to bear all the results!" Zhou Changyuan said in a low voice.

Su Yang glanced at Zhou Changyuan. This person is a real person who can do great things. Just relying on this bit of patience, people have to be convinced.

"Actually, Yinger is not unable to sing here. Miss Yinger, also likes our stage very much." Su Yang said slowly.

Zhou Changyuan's eyes suddenly lit up, is there hope?

"But, some people don't want Miss Ying Er to sing here!" Su Yang sighed and said, "So, we are really helpless too!"

"Who...who doesn't want Miss Ying Er to sing here?" Zhou Changyuan's lips were trembling.

"Here!" Su Yang looked at the producer and smiled: "June Wang is not happy that we are here. When we came today, we discussed with Wang Jian for a long time, but they just refused to let us go on stage. What can we do? , I have to terminate the contract!"

Zhou Changyuan glared fiercely, kicked the producer abruptly, and said loudly: "You bastard, you are fired, get out of here!"

The producer is so confused, is this expelled?

Zhou Changyuan ignored him at all, turned to Su Yang, and said with a smile: "Lawyer Su, this man, our TV station will no longer use it in the future. Our TV station sincerely hopes that Miss Ying Er can continue to return to our stage!"

"Really?" Su Yang smiled again: "But, as Supervisor Wang said before, there are some executives in the company who don't want Miss Ying Er to sing here. He was also ordered by someone to terminate the contract with our Miss Ying Er. Yeah!"

"What?" Zhou Changyuan immediately turned to stop the producer, and said angrily: "Who the **** did not let Miss Yinger sing here? You tell me, tell me everything. Damn, they can. Keep working here, my last name will be with them!"

"I... I..." The producer hesitated to speak.

"Don't you say it?" Zhou Changyuan said angrily: "Okay, then don't say it. I'll investigate it myself, but, I tell you, this matter is let me find out. Your kid will be the same. If I were I won’t let you go to jail for a few years, my **** last name is yours!

The producer was trembling with fright. If his incident really becomes a big deal, Zhou Changyuan can really allow him to go to jail for a few years. The main reason is that Zhou Changyuan will be investigating the issues that he will not pursue.

Now, Zhou Changyuan was obviously angry. If he didn't say anything, Zhou Changyuan would really be held accountable, then he would really be finished.

"I...I said..." The producer trembled: "There are Director Xie from the Production Department, Director Feng from the Advertising Department, Director Jin from the External Relations Department, and... and..."

Having said that, the producer gave Zhou Changyuan a cautious look and whispered: "There is also Zhou... Zhou Xiaobing..."

"What!?" Zhou Changyuan jumped into a rage: "This **** is also involved?"

Zhou Xiaobing, the son of Zhou Changyuan, also works in the TV station.

The producer nodded slowly.

Zhou Changyuan was furious and clapped his hands: "Go, call all these people over to me. There is also Zhou Xiaobing, the **** bastard, if I don't clean him up today, I won't be called Zhou Changyuan!"

Those subordinates ran out in panic, and not long after, all the three people named by the producer were brought over. They are three middle-aged men with wretched faces. They have played with many starlets under their own power.

This time after Ying Er's incident came out, they thought it was an opportunity, so they ran to the producer to discuss that they had to embarrass Ying Er, and then let Ying Er go out to accompany the wine to take advantage of the hidden rules.

They saw Yinger singing on stage just now, they didn't know what was going on, they thought Yinger agreed to the unspoken rules. So, they were still excited.

However, after the situation changed, their complexion also changed. Yinger's previous things have been cleaned up, then what they did is probably also troublesome.

Sure enough, just as they had guessed, it didn't take long before Zhou Changyuan sent someone to bring them all down.

The last one came was Zhou Xiaobing. When he was at the door, he was still yelling: "What are you doing in such a hurry, you guys, your brains are sick? That's my dad, he will lose his temper at me?"

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