The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 377: Pingnan Rebellion

The news that Ye Wantong was taken abducted had reached the Ye family. At first, the news from the Ye family was that Su Yang had taken Ye Wantong, and the Ye family was in an uproar.

Because they never thought that Su Yang would take Ye Wantong away. After all, the Ye family is really kind to Su Yang. How could Su Yang do such a thing?

However, judging from various news, Ye Wantong did indeed go to the underground parking lot with Su Yang, and then disappeared. Moreover, the letter Mo Qianli imitated Su Yang's handwriting was also sent to the Ye family, which made the Ye family feel that Su Yang had a crush on Ye Wantong without fruit, and took Ye Wantong away in anger.

Although Ye Zhenying supported Su Yang, many people in the Ye family were dissatisfied with Su Yang. After all, a person with a foreign surname is about to step on the head of the top ten families, and of course they are not convinced.

Therefore, after the news spread, these people immediately stood up and shouted to deal with Su Yang. They even suggested that they should immediately mobilize personnel to enter Nanluo City, destroy the Hou family, capture Su Yang's relatives, and force Su Yang to release Ye Wantong.

Ye Zhenying naturally rejected this proposal. He felt that there were a lot of doubts in this matter, and naturally he would not do such a thing until he was sure.

However, although the Ye Family was restrained, the news was also spread outside. When other people received this news, they were ready to move. Some of them were hostile to the Hou family or were hostile to Su Yang, originally afraid to take action.

However, after the news came out, he immediately became bold, relying on the Ye family to become hostile to Su Yang, and immediately began to send people to deal with the people of the Hou family and Su Yang.

Among them, the Wang family and Zhou family were the most prominent. The Wang family had been hostile to the Hou family before. Last time in Nanluo City, due to the pressure of the Ye family officials, the Hou family had to be recognized as one of the top ten families. In fact, the Wang family has always been dissatisfied with this matter.

Seizing the opportunity now, of course the Wang family would not miss it. He immediately arranged manpower and used the Ye family as an excuse to enter Nanluo City aggressively to look for trouble.

The Zhou family had swallowed so much money last time, and they had already held a grudge against Su Yang, but they did not dare to attack. Seizing the opportunity this time, with the Wang family taking the lead, they naturally took action immediately.

Although the Zhou family was worried about foreign affairs during this period, it was one of the top ten families after all, and the lean camel was bigger than the horse. Moreover, the Wang family took the lead, and the Zhou family followed suit, which caused a big blow to the Hou family.

The Qin family of Nanjia wanted to come forward to help the Hou family, but was stopped by the Ye family in Zhongzhou City. After all, the current news seems that Ye Wantong was captured by Su Yang. Although the Ye Family did not take action, it does not mean that they will tolerate this incident. Naturally, they will not let the Nan Family Qin Family help the Hou Family!

Soon, the news changed again. Ghost Blade Mo Qianli came forward to admit that Ye Wantong had been taken away by him, and also threatened that Su Yang had been killed by him, threatening Ye Jiansheng to come forward and fight him. Otherwise, he will kill even Ye Wantong!

The news came out, and the whole Pingnan province was in an uproar again: Su Yang did not do this thing?

The Wangs and Zhous were still making trouble in Nanluo City, and they were shocked when they suddenly received the news. However, shocked and shocked, they did not stop, but continued to fight against the Hou family in Nanluo City.

For the Wang family and Zhou family, the most critical thing is to destroy the Hou family in order to dispel the hatred. As for who actually captured Ye Wantong, it doesn't matter. The most important news they heard was that Su Yang was dead.

Since Su Yang is gone, isn't the Hou family a toothless tiger? What fears do they have? The two even reached a secret agreement to destroy the Hou family and swallow the territory of Nanluo City.

The Nan family and the Qin family were also in shock, and at this time, the qualifiers for the May Leading Club also began. Because Pyongnam and Pyongbuk Provinces are together in the May Leadership Association, even the top ten families have to send people personally, which involves the division of the underground forces in the two provinces!

The Qin family of Nanjia had to send people to participate in the May Leading Party, and the Wang family also temporarily suspended operations and arranged for staff to go to the May Leading Party. Only Zhou's family has no ability to participate in the May Leadership Association. They are still stirring the wind and the rain in Nanluo City. It seems that they are preparing to make trouble in Nanluo City until the end.

After Su Yang and Ye Wantong got down the mountain, they got the news just after they got the phone.

Su Yang frowned first, and Ye Wantong also hurriedly called grandfather Ye Zhenying's cell phone to ask about his father.

Because of Ye Wantong's affairs, Ye Zhenying was too anxious to sleep well during this period. In the early morning, they were still awake. He couldn't help being very excited when he received a call from his granddaughter.

When asked about Ye Jiansheng, Ye Zhenying's voice was a little low. After receiving the challenge from Ghost Blade Mo Qianli last time, Ye Jiansheng left the family directly. Now it has been more than ten hours and there is no reply at all. The Ye family called him, but no one answered him at all, which made the Ye family very worried.

Ye Wantong's heart also hung up, and she immediately asked her father where he went to fight the ghost knife Mo Qianli. However, the Ye Family didn't know the specific location. After Ye Jiansheng left, the Ye Family couldn't track his location.

Ye Wantong's tears burst out immediately. She was in the cave before, knowing that those people had two land gods who wanted to join forces to kill her father. Now that the father went out and there was no trace, she was naturally very anxious.

After all, Ye Jiansheng did not know the news of her escape. If the opponent used this to threaten her father, Ye Jiansheng's battle would probably be very difficult. Even, maybe it will really save his life there!

Ye Wantong was about to go home immediately, trying to find a way to find Ye Jiansheng, but Su Yang stopped him directly.

Su Yang hung up the phone and said solemnly, "You can't go back to Ye's house now!"

"Why?" Ye Wantong frowned: "If I don't go back, what should my father do? He was cheated away by Mo Qianli, and now...I don't know what the situation is now. I have to let him know that I'm back before he can. Don't worry about me!"

"The Ye Family is now defending the emptiness. Do you know the consequences if you return to the Ye Family?" Su Yang said coldly: "If the Ghost Blade Mo Qianli finds you escaped, then if he goes to the Ye Family to catch you again, what would you do?"

"This..." Ye Wantong was instantly stunned, which is true. If Ghost Blade Mo Qianli were to kill Ye Family again, they might not be able to resist it.

"Then what should I do now?" Ye Wantong said anxiously: "My father has been led away by them, I must let him know about my return..."

"Don't worry, Ye Jiansheng will be fine for the time being!" Su Yang said solemnly.

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