The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 429: Arrogant Boss Chen

"Seeing people?" Zhang Laowu was surprised: "See who?"

"Your brother-in-law!" Su Yang said coldly, "Boss Chen Yangshan!"

"Huh?" Zhang Laowu was dumbfounded: "Wait for him? He... Did he bump into you? What's wrong, you tell me, I interrupt his dog legs, and come to apologize to you..."

"No!" Su Yang said coldly: "No need to say anything, just wait for him here with me!"

Zhang Laowu was puzzled, he didn't know what Su Yang meant. However, looking at Su Yang's expression, there seems to be nothing good.

Yangshan is not far from here. During the May Leadership Meeting, Boss Chen happened to be near Beiguan Town, helping Zhang Laowu arrange various forces. So, not long after receiving the call, Mr. Chen also hurriedly dooped with people.

Boss Chen is a man in his thirties. When he got out of the car, he held two exposed women in his arms. Along the way, I was still making fun of these two women, without paying attention to everyone at the scene.

When he walked to Zhang Laowu, Mr. Chen smiled and said, "Brother-in-law, are you here too? How about it, have you taken care of it? Let me tell you, those who were beaten here just now are all my good. Brother, you have to take care of it for me, or I will sue my sister, hahaha..."

Zhang Laowu's expression is extremely gloomy. He can have his status today because of the financial support of his wife's family. Therefore, he has always been very tolerant to the Chen family, and this has also caused the brother-in-law to speak to him with little or no minor.

However, just forget about it, what is the situation today? Standing next to Master Su who gave orders to Pingnan Province, you are not big or small yet, isn't this looking for death?

With a light cough, Zhang Laowu said solemnly: "Chen Song, don't hurry over to visit Master Su!"

"Master Su? What Master Su?" Boss Chen glanced at the people around him, his eyes finally fell on Su Yang, and smiled: "Brother-in-law, Master Su you said is not him? Brother-in-law, I know you are superstitious. But this is too superstitious? It's just a high school student, what is his name? This is obviously a scam of money. Brother-in-law, should I help you sink him into the river?"

Zhang Laowu's face was blue, and he ran over, snapped Boss Chen on the face twice, and said angrily: "Close your dog mouth and dare to be disrespectful to Master Su, do you want to live!"

Boss Chen was a little confused. He looked at Su Yang and then at Zhang Laowu, his face flushed, and angrily said, "Brother-in-law, what do you mean? For a liar who didn't know where he came from, he dared to beat him. Me? Did you forget how my Chen family supported you? Do you dare to hit me? I'll call my sister right now!"

"Hit your mother!" Zhang Laowu kicked Boss Chen to the ground and kicked him up.

Several men around Boss Chen rushed up, picked up Zhang Laowu, and began to persuade Zhang Laowu not to be impulsive.

"Fuck!" Zhang Laowu yelled and looked at his subordinates: "You are all **** dead? Do it!"

Zhang Laowu's subordinates originally thought it was Zhang Laowu and Chen's housework, so they didn't take any action. Seeing this posture, one after another came up and pulled those people away.

"I'm going to your mother, dare to touch me!" Zhang Laowu cursed and ran to the side of the car, took a machete from the trunk, and ran directly under the hands of Mr. Chen.

"Fifth Lord..." These people are scared, they think about this kind of housework, and it will be fine if you pull it. However, Zhang Laowu is now like this, it doesn't seem to be okay.

Zhang Laowu didn't speak at all. He went up and chopped off the man in front of him. He cursed at the same time: "I'll let you pull Laozi! I'll let you persuade Laozi!"

After dozens of dollars, this man was still begging for mercy at first, but he fell silent in a pool of blood, surely dead.

The rest of the people were shocked. They were Chen's subordinates and thought Zhang Laowu would give Chen family face. However, looking like this now, Zhang Laowu didn't intend to give them face at all.

"Brother-in-law, what are you doing!" Boss Chen said anxiously, "That's my brother!"

"I'm going to **** you!" Zhang Laowu even more simply, turning around and slashing Boss Chen, Boss Chen immediately hugged the wound and wailed, no longer daring to speak.

Zhang Laowu then shot, abruptly hacking to death all of Boss Chen's subordinates, and then stopped. He wiped off the sweat from his forehead and pointed to Old Avenue Chen: "Go, kneel and climb in front of Master Su, kowtow for mercy. Master Su wants you to live, I will let you live today. If Master Su is a little bit dissatisfied, Lao Tzu I personally chopped you out!"

Boss Chen finally knew that something was wrong, he hesitated, and after a while he slowly climbed up to Su Yang, and whispered: "Master Su, I'm sorry..."

Although he apologized, his tone was full of unwillingness.

Su Yang ignored him at all and looked at Zhang Laowu coldly: "Call and call all the people who can manage the Chen family!"

"Huh?" Zhang Laowu was surprised: "Master Su, this..."

"Hit!" Su Yang yelled, and Zhang Laowu dared not talk nonsense anymore and hurriedly took out his mobile phone to make a call.

After explaining, Zhang Laowu walked to Su Yang and said in a low voice: "Master Su, don't be angry. I...I will give you a satisfactory answer..."

"They will come in a while, you don't need to speak, and you don't need to say my identity!" Su Yang said coldly: "I want to find them personally for an explanation!"

Zhang Laowu's face changed drastically, he knew the Chen family well. If Zhang Laowu didn't talk about Su Yang's identity, how could these people give up? However, this matter has become a big deal, can the Chen family be able to keep it?

However, Zhang Laowu did not dare to disobey Su Yang, so he could only wink quietly at the people around him, and motioned him to call and inform him.

The man stepped back quietly and just took out his phone. At this moment, Su Yang suddenly kicked Zhang Laowu's hand, and the machete in Zhang Laowu's hand came out, flying to the back of the man, stabbing him to the heart.

Everyone was shocked, Su Yang gave Zhang Laowu a cold look: "If someone calls to report a letter, the knife should be stabbed on you!"

Zhang Laowu was chilling, he didn't dare to say a word, and he didn't dare to wink any more from his opponent.

The Chen family is also not far from here. After all, Beiguan Town is invested by the Chen family. Tonight, the May Leading Conference, most of the Chen family will come to deal with logistical affairs.

After receiving a call from Zhang Laowu, the Chen family hurried over.

The Chen family is a big family with a lot of people, and a total of a dozen cars came.

A man in his 50s and 60s, who was headed by him, just got out of the car and yelled directly: "Fifth, why are we going down now? Yo, why is Song'er kneeling? What happened?"

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