The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 445: Hit you on your knees

Shao Huang looked surprised, and immediately said coldly: "Huh, it's just a small trick. Under the land immortals, all are ants. You should understand this truth! Do you dare to hurt me? Family challenge, do you really think the fairy of my Huang family has a good temper?"

Su Yang slowly said: "Unfortunately, you are not a land fairy!"

"So what!" Huang Shao said coldly: "Although I am not a land god, my grandfather is a land god. I will give you another chance and immediately kneel down and beg for mercy. Maybe I can let you live!"

"Hahaha..." Su Yang raised his head and smiled: "Children, you are almost unable to stand up, and you want me to kneel and beg for mercy? Why? I think your grandfather, who is thousands of miles away, can scare the world? It's just that I don't believe in these evils. Now, I will give you a chance. Kneel yourself, or I will hit you to kneel!"

"Dare you!" Huang Shao roared: "I am from the Huang family..."

Before Huang Shao's voice fell, Su Yang had already raised his hand and patted it down.

With a volley, the others didn't feel anything yet, and Huang Shao's expression suddenly changed. That strong energy quickly rushed to him. Before he came back to his senses, this powerful force had already shot him to the ground.

Huang Shao fell so badly that his internal organs seemed to have been displaced. He reluctantly got up and wanted to be stubborn. At this time, Su Yang also took the second palm, and he didn't mean to be polite with him.

The third palm, the fourth palm, and the fifth palm.

At first, Huang Shao felt that Su Yang was just frightening himself, but when the blood in his body began to churn and his internal organs were shaken, but Su Yang did not stop at all, he began to panic. He finally understood that Su Yang would really kill him alive!

In fact, with Su Yang's strength, wanting to make him kneel is just a palm. However, Su Yang did not do this, just hit him like this, making him kneel in fear.

After vomiting a few mouthfuls of blood, Shao Huang knew that he couldn't hold a few palms, and he finally couldn't hold it. When Su Yang was about to hit the seventh palm, he directly fell to his knees with a puff.

"Don't fight, don't...Don't fight, don't fight..." Huang Shao's voice was trembling, and the internal injury he suffered was not light.

"It's boring!" Su Yang shook his head and said: "I thought you could hold on for a while, it seems I still overestimate you!"

The eyes of Shao Lu next to him were almost staring, and Shao Huang was a very powerful existence among these dudes. As long as he doesn't encounter those evildoers in the capital, Shao Huang is invincible, and the older generations also admire him.

Who can imagine that Huang Shao was beaten to the ground by a high school student who was younger than him this time. He even begged that neither Huang Shao nor Huang Family should do such a thing!

However, Huang Shao just knelt down like this, making him totally unacceptable.

"You dare to injure Huang Shao like this, the Huang family will never let you go!" Wang Hui shouted loudly. He didn't understand Huang Shao, so naturally he couldn't see how strong Su Yang was, and he wanted to use the Huang family to scare him. What about Su Yang.

"Really?" Su Yang smiled and looked at Huang Shao: "He said, your Huang family will come to me for revenge? Tsk tsk, you say, should I kill you?"

Huang Shao almost freaked out and glared at Wang Hui fiercely, and said anxiously: "I...I and you are studying on your own. My skills are not as good as others. Among martial artists, this is normal..."

"Haha..." Su Yang smiled lightly: "It's okay, just go and talk to the Huang family. Since I dare to do something, I'm not afraid that the Huang family will come to me!"

Huang Shao lowered his head and dared not speak. Although he was dissatisfied, his life was more important.

"You are too arrogant!" Wang Hui roared loudly, "Do you still want to kill someone? I tell you, my father is Wang Chengbang. Everyone here has a different family background. You dare to hit us, believe me or not. Let you sit in prison!"

"Wang Chengbang, right?" Su Yang smiled lightly: "How much his monthly salary can provide you to consume here. It's not cheap to eat a meal here. Tsk tsk, there must be a story in it, it looks like someone has to find someone Come dig it!"

"Who are you scaring!" Wang Hui sneered: "Do you think this can threaten me? Hmph, my dad can run you to death with just one finger. What are you..."

Before Wang Hui's words fell, Xiaoding's nervous voice suddenly came from outside the door: "What's wrong here? Master Su, Master Su, you... are you okay?"

Seeing Xiao Ding coming, Wang Hui was the first to get excited, and immediately shouted: "Xiao Ding, you finally came here. Look at what's going on, our brothers were beaten in your villa. Now, how can you explain this to me..."

Xiaoding rushed over, ignoring Wang Hui at all, and walked directly in front of Su Yang. He knelt on the ground with a thud, and said with a trembling, "Master Su, the management is unfavorable and it affects your meal. I am willing to take all the responsibilities. Please also Master Su's punishment!"

Everyone at the scene was stunned, what is the situation? Xiao Ding, ignoring Wang Hui, kneeled in front of Su Yang?

Lin Zi who was standing behind was also stunned. She suddenly discovered that Su Yang, who was regarded as a bun, was really not easy.

What kind of person is Xiao Dina? He is the celebrity around Yan Luo, and he has a high status beside Yan Luo.

Lin Zi has been in this villa for so many years, and he has seen Xiao Ding many times, and he has seen more big-name people. Some of these big figures are much more prominent than Wang Hui's father.

However, when Xiaoding treated them, he was just a little respectful. It was not like Su Yang at all, it was simply humble!

What kind of identity does that make Xiaoding kneel down? Lin Zi couldn't imagine it!

"Xiao Ding, what are you doing?" Wang Hui was also stunned: "Hey, we were beaten up, you... You ran to him and knelt down? You help me clean up his meal quickly. Otherwise, I won’t let you open this villa..."

Xiao Ding stood up suddenly, rushed to Wang Hui, kicked Wang Hui's face, Wang Hui's voice suddenly stopped, bleeding along his mouth and nose.

" you dare to hit me..." Wang Hui was furious: "I won't let you go! I won't let you go!"

"Whatever!" Xiaoding said coldly: "Go back and tell Wang Chengbang that I beat you. If he refuses to accept it, come to me!"

" are looking for death..." Wang Hui shouted wildly.

"Who is looking for death!" Xiaoding's face was cold: "You don't know what kind of character you are facing. If Wang Chengbang knows who you offend, I guess he will be the first to kill you. I'm really surprised. Why does Wang Chengbang have such a silly son like you!"

Wang Hui was taken aback for a moment, and asked in astonishment, "He...who is he?"

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