Everyone in the house was sighing, and now they are really in a dilemma.

Either suspend research or share research results with others. Either of these two situations is a price they cannot afford.

When everyone was silent, another person suddenly ran in outside the door.

Director Wang frowned: "Xiao Ke, what are you doing in a hurry?"

Xiao Ke breathed a sigh of relief and said anxiously: "It's not good. Several groups in the United States have also sent representatives to share our research results. Otherwise, they will take away their research equipment. There are several other countries. , Their representatives also made the same request outside!"

"What!?" Everyone in the house changed their faces, and an island nation made things like this. Coming to a few other countries, this is not only taking advantage of the fire, but also getting into trouble!

"It's horrible!" Director Wang said angrily: "So many countries have come to share the results, so what patents are there? Give them all!"

The next middle-aged doctor said in a deep voice: "These people have this kind of virtue. When I was doing scientific research, I had a lot of dealings with them. It was relying on the advanced technology on my side to forcibly take away our research results. , This is not once or twice!"

"This is simply grabbing!"

"No way, who can let people have these technologies!"

Everyone was depressed, and they had encountered such things before. However, the previous projects are not very important, and everyone just swallows this breath.

And this time, these projects are the focus of research in the domestic medical community. At this time, they came to take advantage of the fire, which is too irritating.

"Leasing their equipment, we also spent a lot of money. Take these equipment in the island country, we rented it, and it cost more than 30 million." The one sitting at the bottom couldn't help saying: "Just borrowed for a period of time. That's it, it's more than 30 million. Isn't they afraid that they won't make money?"

The first person sitting in the top sighed: "If the research on these projects is successful, it will be a major event that will change the progress of mankind. The value is not more than 300 million. Even if it is more than 300 billion, more than 30,000. It is impossible to describe the value of these projects!"

"Such a high value, these **** are going to share it? It's too much!"

"No way, who can let people own this technology?"

Everyone was full of anger, but no one could do anything about it.

Finally, the middle-aged man sitting at the top sighed and said, "In fact, we came here this time mainly to negotiate this matter. Originally, I came here with orders. Here, let me ask you for your opinion by the way. In these projects, should we share the technology with them to continue research, or should we suspend research and wait for us to develop the technology ourselves?"

Everyone in the house fell silent, and Old Yue said solemnly, "These projects are of great importance, and they must not fall into the hands of these people!"

"If you don't share it with them, then the research on the project will have to be suspended. In more than ten years, I don't know what the situation is!" the other person said in a deep voice.

These doctors started talking, and everyone had different opinions. Some people want to keep them completely, but some want to make these projects come out faster.

When everyone was arguing, Old Hua, who was sitting in the main seat, gave a light cough. Everyone in the room suddenly closed their mouths and looked over.

Hua Lao is definitely the most decisive figure in the medical field in China. He is over a hundred years old this year, he has experienced too many things and healed several leaders. Even Elder Yue, in front of him are all juniors.

Don't look at Hua Lao's appearance, as if half of it was in the mud. However, when he sits here, he coughs lightly. That is why everyone has to listen carefully!

Mr. Hua sat up slowly and said softly: "I am one hundred and three years old this year, and I know I will not live for a few years. My whole life is not a waste of time. I have traveled many places, met many people, and experienced There have been many things. As a doctor, what I have seen most in my life is life and death."

"In fact, for many people, many diseases are not incurable, but there is no money to treat. Foreign technology blockades us, and foreign pharmaceutical companies are asking sky-high prices. As a result, many people cannot take life-saving medicine at all, and finally have to wait. Death. And this separation of life and death is the most painful!"

"I have seen a little boy who was only eight years old and had leukemia. The family emptied everything to treat him. When he died, he was only ten years old in two months. And he last treated him before he died. The last thing Dad said was, Dad, do you want to stop taking me to see it?"

"Hearing these words, the one-meter-eight man was shrinking by the bed, crying like a child. Therefore, I often wonder whether it is the pain of life and death, or the pain of life and death, or the pain of knowing that there is a salvation but powerless? "

Everyone fell silent immediately. Many of the people in the room were doctors. Of course, they could understand what Old Man Hua said.

Mr. Hua let out a sigh of relief, and continued: "These projects, if successful, will not only break the technological monopolies of foreign countries. The most important thing is that they can also treat many people. And if we have mastered these technologies, we will It can fundamentally reduce costs, so that those who are sick will no longer be powerless!"

"Think about it carefully, once these projects are successful, how many people can be saved each year. If these projects are researched a few years later, how many people will die because of this incident?"

"I know that foreign countries have blocked our technology, and I also know the importance of patents for these projects. But, are the tens of millions of lives important, or the value of patents?"

Everyone was silent again. After a long time, one of them whispered: "Old Hua, do you mean to share patents with these foreigners? However, when they treated us, it was not like this. Their medicines were sold to us. At such a high price, they never think that life is important!"

Mr. Hua glanced at this person and said softly: "They don't take the lives of our people seriously, but we can't and don't take the lives of our people seriously, right?"

This person suddenly woke up and bowed his head guiltily.

"In that case, it is so decided!" The middle-aged man sitting next to Hua Lao said: "Just share these technologies with them. The most important thing is to research these technologies as soon as possible."

Everyone nodded, but Lin Dingkun, who was sitting at the bottom, hesitated slightly, and whispered in a low voice, "These items are the technology provided by Master Su Yangsu. He...he has not yet agreed to share the technology..."

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