The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 590: Poor little boy

It is getting late, and Tsinghua Street in Zifeng City is already brightly lit.

After a round of patrols by the security team, a clever little boy walked out from behind the street trash can.

He carried a small box on his back, which contained tools for polishing shoes. Holding a small bench in his hand, it is for the guests to sit on.

His lips are chapped, and he has been here all day without even drinking a sip of water.

The little boy looked at the shop on the corner and sighed melancholy.

When he was here before, he could still drink two sips of tap water at the entrance of the small shop on the corner. Even lunch can find some good meat and dishes from the leftovers in that little shop.

But now, the shop on the corner has also changed people. The new boss put the tap water in the house, and all the leftovers were poured directly into the swill bucket, and the swill bucket was firmly hidden in the kitchen. He even had no place to drink water. Not to mention leftovers.

I heard that the previous owner of that small shop closed down because he couldn't operate it, so he changed to a new owner.

In fact, the little boy also heard from other sources that it was because the boss did not know how to bribe the administrators, so he was often bullied by the administrators. I really couldn't do it anymore and I closed the door at a loss.

In this world, why are good people always not rewarded? And those bad guys, but they can eat fat in their brains?

"Hey, can you shine shoes?"

A playful voice directly brought the little boy back to reality. Several young people stood in front of him, looking at him grinning.

"Yes, I can polish shoes, I can polish!" The little boy nodded quickly.

"Okay, polish my shoes!" A young man with yellow hair stretched out his feet proudly, and said loudly: "Wipe well, my shoes are precious, don't rub them! "

"Don't worry, big brother, I have wiped it for so many years, and this problem has never occurred!" The little boy smiled and put down the small bench: "Big brother, sit down."

"Yeah!" Huang Mao sat down triumphantly and stretched out one foot in front of the little boy.

He was wearing a pair of white sneakers, but now it looks black and smelly.

The little boy quickly took out the shoe-shining equipment, went up to untie the shoelaces, and prepared to take the shoelaces off and wash them first. Who knows, as soon as he pulled, the shoelace was torn off, and the shoe had a big hole directly.

"I'm going to **** you!" Huang Mao jumped up violently, kicked the little boy to the ground, and cursed: "I **** said it, let you wipe it well, how do you work? You know How much do Lao Tzu's shoes cost? Lao Tzu bought these new shoes. Does AJ know? A pair of shoes is more than 5,000!"

The little boy was shocked. He had never encountered such a situation before, and he trembled: "Big brother, I...I didn't mean it, and I didn't use any force. I just grabbed the shoelace and it broke. ...I can't blame me..."

Huang Mao squatted on the ground, slapped the little boy's face with a slap, and cursed: "Don't you blame me? You broke my shoes. Can you blame me?"

"I...I really don't know..." The little boy flushed, tears rolling in his eyes, but he gritted his teeth to keep the tears from falling.

"I don't know if you are paralyzed!" Huang Mao slapped it up again, and cursed: "You can hear me clearly. These shoes were five thousand eighteen when I bought them. It has been worn for a while, and the depreciation is 1,000 Yuan, that’s four thousand and eight. I see you are pitiful, and I will give you eight hundred for free. If you give me four thousand, this matter will be over. Otherwise, I will kill you!"

"Four thousand?" The little boy opened his mouth wide, where would he go to get four thousand.

"Why? Don't you want to give money?" Huang Mao grabbed the little boy by the neck, and slapped again: "Fuck, don't give money, if I can let you leave alive today, I will give you your last name!"

"Big brother, I...I really have no money..." The little boy said in a crying voice: "Besides, then... I didn't break the shoes."

"It wasn't you who broke it, that means I broke it? You mean I cheated you?" Huang Mao was even more angry, and slapped the boy again, making the boy dizzy.

"No, I... I didn't mean that..." The little boy trembled: "I didn't mean you cheated me. This... These shoes are so expensive and the quality must be good. I... I am a child, where With such a great effort, the shoes were directly torn. This...Is it because the big brother, you accidentally damaged the shoes by someone else, so...that's the way..."

"You **** stop talking nonsense!" Huang Mao said angrily: "This shoe is broken in your hands, you have to pay Lao Tzu. Four thousand, give it or not!"

The little boy's face was pale: "Big brother, I... Where can I get four thousand? I'm just a kid, I... I only spend two yuan for a pair of shoes..."

"I care about you. If you don't pay, I will destroy you!" Huang Mao grabbed the little boy, pressed his head to the ground, stomped his head with his feet, and waved: " He opened the box and took out all the money!"

The next few young people immediately opened the little boy's toolbox and searched it a bit, only to find dozens of dollars in gross tickets.

"Damn, this little money, it's a beggar!" A young man came up and kicked the little boy, and said angrily: "You have been polishing your shoes here for so long, and you can't even bear to eat. You told me that you have no money. Where is the money hidden, take it out immediately, or I will chop your hand first!"

The little boy trembled with fright. He looked around. There were many people onlookers, but no one stood up to speak. Even many people are still smiling and talking, all watching the excitement.

"I...I said..." The little boy's voice trembled: "I...I don't hide my money here, I...I don't have much money with me..."

"You **** said no, you don't have to suffer!" Huang Mao raised his foot and said, "Go, take me to get the money!"

The little boy stood up tremblingly, pointed to the alley next to him, and said tremblingly: "The money is over there, I...I will take you over to get..."

"Oh, I can hide!" Huang Mao sneered, "Lead the way!"

The little boy walked in front, followed by a few people with yellow hairs swaggeringly behind.

Walking into the alley and passing by the trash can, the little boy suddenly speeded up and rushed to the trash can.

"What!" Huang Mao shouted angrily, but didn't care, because this is a dead alley, where can the little boy go?

The little boy didn't speak, he quickly evacuated the trash in the corner, and a sewer opening appeared below.

The little boy jumped straight down. At this time, Huang Mao felt that something was wrong and quickly chased him, but the little boy had already entered the sewer. And inside the sewer, a foul smell came out, making people feel sick.

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