Ye Jiansheng stood proudly in the air, and the long sword hung above the lake island, as if it would fall down at any time.

Although there are five land gods on Huxin Island, no one can have the confidence to pick up the sword of Ye Jiansheng.

Ye Jiansheng stood with his hand holding his hand, and said loudly: "Su Yang, do what you want to do, just do it. I promise that the land gods will not attack you, but I can't control other people. If you are under the Qi family land gods Kill, then I won't save you!"

Su Yang smiled and said loudly: "Don't worry, it's not that easy to kill me!"

After that, Su Yang threw out like a big kite and hurried to a small courtyard in the center.

When he got here, Su Yang had already felt Qi Zhian's breath, and he was in the small courtyard in the center.

The five land immortals all around looked at each other, and under Ye Jiansheng's deterrence, they really didn't dare to do anything.

What's more, there is a Lian Wanxiong next to him who is also supporting Su Yang. In this way, even though there are five land immortals in the Qi family, they still don't exist.

Seeing Su Yang, Qi Jianan was about to rush into the yard, and immediately shouted: "Everyone, get on together and stop him!"

At this time, everyone in the Qi family had no choice but to follow Qi Jian'an's words, Qi Qi rushed over and blocked the courtyard.

Everyone in the Qi family rushed over. Dozens of people gathered outside this small courtyard. Among them, there are seven or eight people in the realm of nobles, who can be described as extremely powerful in strength.

These people are definitely not Su Yang's opponent. However, if so many people gather together, if they fight in a group, it must be okay to deal with Su Yang, right?

It's just that this matter spread out, letting people know that the Qi family, who had come out of so many land immortals, even used gang fights to deal with Su Yang alone. Then the Qi family must be faceless.

However, at this time they have no other choice. Land gods can't take action, and they are not Su Yang's opponents alone. They don't fight in groups. Could it be that Su Yang killed Qi Zhian?

If Qi Zhian was killed by Su Yang on the Huxin Island, then the Qi family would be truly discredited.

Therefore, at this time, the Qi family can only show up like this.

Moreover, Ye Jiansheng also said. They just don't care about the land gods, as for other things, they won't care.

Then, the people of the Qi family joined forces to deal with Su Yang, and there was no land fairy to take action, and Ye Jiansheng could not take care of it. At that time, even if the Qi family killed Su Yang, Ye Jiansheng would have nothing to say.

Su Yang rushed to the sky above this small courtyard, Qi Jianan rushed up first, and joined forces with the other two Qi Family Venerables to attack.

Su Yang avoided the attack of the three at will, looked at the dozens of people gathered below, frowned and said, "Is the Qi family planning to protect Qi Zhian to the end?"

"My Qi family, how can you kill it casually!" Qi Wuan said angrily: "The surname Su, if you apologize and leave now, we can still spare your life. Otherwise, my Qi family will take action in a while, you There is no chance to regret!"

"In that case, there is no discussion!" Su Yang nodded slowly: "If this is the case, don't blame me for being ruthless. Su only wants to kill Qi Zhian, but if you stop me, then don't blame me. Even kill you!"

"Arrogant, how many people can you kill by yourself!" Qi Wu'an roared angrily: "I think it is you who will die today!"

Su Yang didn't speak, but immediately jumped down from the air, and went straight to the small courtyard.

Qi Jian'an had also been on guard for a long time, and directly attacked Su Yang together with the venerables.

Su Yang's strength is indeed strong, but after all, he is only one person. These people from the Qi family are not his opponents alone, but so many people join forces, making him feel very difficult.

Quickly evading the attacks of these people, Qi Jian'an and the others returned to the original place, still blocking them, preventing him from entering the small courtyard.

Su Yang rushed several times in succession, but he still failed to rush in, which made everyone in the Qi family even more proud.

"Su, do you really think that you are invincible in the world?" A Qi family laughed wildly: "So many people in my Qi family shot together, today it depends on how you die!"

"Dare to make trouble in my Qi's house, it is more than deadly. I can't let him leave alive today!"

"Aren't you going to kill us? We are standing here, you come to kill us!"

"Hahaha, the bragging is too big, let me see how you end up!"

The people laughed constantly, but Su Yang ignored them, just looked at the people below, looking for opportunities to attack.

But obviously, under the shelter of dozens of people, Su Yang wanted to kill this small courtyard, is it too big.

Finally, Su Yang sighed and shook his head: "Well, since you insist on blocking me, you can't blame me!"

"What the **** are you talking about?" Qi Wuan cursed: "It's this time, do you still want to brag? I can't blame you, what can you do?"

Su Yang didn't speak, but just waved his hand, and the long sword slung from the waist of a man in the distance flew directly into Su Yang's hand.

The man looked confused and didn't know what was going on.

Su Yang held the long sword in his hand, took a step forward slowly, and stretched out his hand to flick the long sword gently.

The long sword suddenly popped out, like a flying sword, quickly rushed down.

Qi Jianan's expression changed, and he hurriedly shouted: "Everyone, be careful, don't block it alone, this sword cannot be blocked by a single person, let's shoot together!"

Everyone really didn't dare to take Su Yang's sword alone, after all, Su Yang's strength was too strong. When Qi Jianan was speaking, more than a dozen people shot at the same time, and one after another shot at the long sword.

Qi Jian'an did not hesitate to make a move, and slapped him in the air.

A dozen people shot at the same time and hit the long sword together. No matter how strong Su Yang is, this sword will probably have to be beaten back.

However, when their power hit the long sword, something unexpected happened.

The long sword was not beaten back as everyone expected, but after the first force hit it, it broke directly, as if a bomb exploded.

The long sword was broken into hundreds of pieces, hundreds of iron pieces, and turned into hundreds of small daggers, and fell again, like a rain of swords.

Qi Jianan's expression changed drastically, and he finally understood the power of Su Yang's move. He didn't think much, and immediately roared: "Block!"

Everyone in the Qi family was in a panic. Hearing what Qi Jian'an said, they immediately took action and used their strength to form a barrier in the air to resist the hundreds of small daggers.

Hundreds of small daggers penetrated several barriers, but in the end they completely decayed, and could no longer go down.

Everyone in the Qi family suddenly cheered, Su Yang's move seemed to be wonderful, in fact, in the face of absolute power, it was completely useless!

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