The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 740: I'll go to Su Yang

Hu Yong's wife held her child and did not speak. She was not afraid of her own hardship, but she felt really uncomfortable to let the child suffer along with her.

Zhang Aiqin was ridiculing for a while, and finally walked away triumphantly, as if she was proud of her wisdom.

Hu Yong's wife closed the door, hugged her son in distress, and curled up on the corner of the sofa.

She never regretted marrying Hu Yong. However, she is really reluctant to let her son lead such a life!

Not long afterward, there was a sudden knock on the door, and a cursing voice: "Zhang Aiyun, Zhang Aiyun, you open the door for me, open it for me!"

Hu Yong's wife called Zhang Aiyun. She quickly opened the door, and a sturdy woman was standing at the door.

"Cousin, what's the matter?" Zhang Aiyun was a little afraid.

This woman is the wife of Hu Yong's cousin. She opened a laundry shop by herself. Zhang Aiyun usually helps in this laundry shop.

The woman has a very bad temper. Although she is a relative, she is usually very mean to Zhang Aiyun. It's commonplace to scold people. Sometimes when you get angry, you even beat people. Zhang Aiyun is very afraid of her.

Today, Zhang Aiyun rushed to the house fiercely, which made Zhang Aiyun even more afraid of what happened.

"Did you wash this dress?" the woman scolded while holding a dress.

"This..." Zhang Aiyun looked at it and shook his head: "It's not me. The third sister was responsible for washing these small pieces yesterday afternoon..."

"You still want to plant on the third sister!" the woman roared: "I have asked the third sister, she said you washed the clothes!"

"I really didn't wash this..." Zhang Aiyun said anxiously.

"Don't talk nonsense with me!" the woman said angrily: "This dress is worth 13 thousand. The guests only wore it once, and they were washed out. Now they are making a lot of noise in the store. I will limit you until tomorrow. Collect thirteen thousand and give it to someone, and apologize. That's it. Otherwise, I'll take your skin off!"

Zhang Aiyun was stunned, and said anxiously: "Cousin, I didn't wash this..."

"You didn't wash it, did I wash it?" The woman said angrily: "Why do you do something wrong and dare not admit it? I tell you, you can't solve this matter, I Burn your house!"

After the woman finished speaking, she left aggressively, leaving only Zhang Aiyun behind to chase and shout, but the woman ignored it.

Zhang Aiyun didn't catch up in the end, and returned home dejectedly, looking at the mess in the house, and finally couldn't bear it. She slumped on the ground and cried silently, covering her face.

The son's matter has not yet been resolved, yet another incident arises. Thirteen thousand, where did she go to collect such a large sum of money?

Hu Yong was drunk until four o'clock in the afternoon. He woke up to see his wife sitting next to him silently, and his son who was sitting not far away playing with an Ultraman toy.

"You... why are you all at home?" Hu Yong looked around, "Where is Su Yang?"

"He's gone." Zhang Aiyun looked down.

Seeing the strangeness of his wife, Hu Yong said quickly: "You...what's wrong with you? Why is Xiaojie at home, he didn't go to school?"

Zhang Aiyun sighed and recounted what had happened before.

After listening to Hu Yong, he couldn't help being furious: "The cousin is simply bullying, just to blackmail us!"

Zhang Aiyun whispered: "I know she is blackmailing us, but what can I do now? I can't prove that I did not wash the clothes. You also know the temper of the cousin. Let's... if we don't pay, she It can really make our family restless!"

"I'll go to her for theory!" Hu Yong said angrily.

"Forget it!" Zhang Aiyun quickly grabbed Hu Yong: "Don't forget, her brother is a snake in this area of ​​ours. Before the old man of the Lin family, it is said that he was still her uncle. He reasoned with her, but was beaten by her brother. I broke a few ribs, and now I can’t straighten my waist. Let’s...let’s not quarrel with them..."

"That can't let her bully like this, it's too bullying!" Hu Yong said anxiously.

Zhang Aiyun wiped a tear: "Old Hu, I know she is too bullying, but you can't have an accident. What do you want to have, what can I do with Xiaojie and me?"

Seeing his son who was not far away, Hu Yong's complexion suddenly softened.

"Or, let's find a way to collect these ten thousand three." Zhang Aiyun whispered: "We still have five thousand yuan at home. I sold the bracelet, and I can sell it for three thousand, plus eight thousand. Let's look for it. Five thousand, that’s enough, do you think of a solution over there?"

Hu Yong pondered for a long time, then suddenly waved his hand and said, "No need to get together, I will go to Su Yang at night."

"Look for him?" Zhang Aiyun said in amazement, "Is he rich? Lao Hu, I think Su Yang is young, even if he is rich,...not too much. Moreover, young people still have to get married. Let's... let's try not to bother others, after all, it's your junior..."

Hu Yong sighed and whispered: "I don't want his money, I just let him solve this matter for me. He and I are comrades-in-arms, he has things, and I will definitely go all out. I have things, but neither May not help!"

"How to deal with this matter..." Zhang Aiyun said anxiously: "Old Hu, don't tell him to make trouble with his cousin, he is still young, don't... don't have an accident..."

"Nothing can happen!" Hu Yong recalled the scene of Su Yang's domineering behavior in Wanhu Qi's house, and his heart was agitated. He is also sincerely happy that his comrades-in-arms can have such an ability.

In fact, Hu Yong didn't want to trouble Su Yang either. It's just the family incident that really made him desperate. He can only hope that Su Yang still thinks about these comrades-in-arms.

"By the way, Su Yang said to invite us to dinner..." Zhang Aiyun whispered: "At night he said let us go together, Xiaojie is back, I will not go, go..."

"Go together!" Hu Yong grabbed Zhang Aiyun's hand: "No matter how much money or talent this kid has, I took him to the army back then. I took him up and down to complete the procedures and arrange the accommodation. I also took him to the restaurant for the first meal. It is considered as a soldier of mine. You are my wife and his sister-in-law, so he must respect you!"

Zhang Aiyun was stunned. When Hu Yong talked about the past of the troops, there was still light on his face. This was the confidence and honor she had never seen before.

At this moment, the phone rang. After answering the phone, Zhang Aiyun turned his head and said in amazement: "Su Yang's phone call said that we would go to Wanhu Manor for dinner in the evening..."

"Then let's prepare, and we will pass in a while." Hu Yong said.

"Let's... can we not go there..." Zhang Aiyun looked embarrassed: "Lily's boyfriend will invite her eldest sister to dinner there again tonight, let's go over, eldest sister... the eldest sister might laugh at us again..."

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