The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 800: Exercise your mind

The old man of the Hu family shivered. According to Su Yang, how many people would die?

Zhao Pingan also looked at Su Yang in shock, he didn't even dare to let Hu Jiawan pay his life. And when Su Yang said, this is too strong, right?

Su Yang patted Zhao Ping'an on the shoulder. The reason why he wanted Zhao Ping'an to solve this problem was to temper Zhao Ping's temperament.

Zhao Pingan is different from Su Yang. After all, Su Yang has been on the battlefield and has seen too many lives and deaths on the battlefield. Therefore, Su Yang has always been decisive in doing things. To the enemy, never show mercy, and will never leave trouble!

And Zhao Pingan, after all, was a casual worker sweeping the floor in the Dewei Martial Arts Hall during the day. I have never killed anyone in my life, and I have never seen Hong even in a fight.

Such a person, even if they suddenly have strong strength and become a respectable person, they are often soft-hearted and difficult to accomplish great things.

Therefore, Su Yang has to temper his xinxing so that he can be on his own!

Otherwise, he will be soft-hearted, and even if he has strong strength, he will not be able to become a big climate.

Su Yang patted Zhao Ping'an on the shoulder and whispered, "What do you think?"

Zhao Ping An was a little panicked, and whispered: "Killing pays for life, death... just one death is enough..."

The old man of the Hu family was full of hope, only killing this dude, the Hu family could bear it.

"Really?" Su Yang whispered: "Do you think people who favor him shouldn't die?"

"This...this..." Zhao Pingan scratched his head: "But my father, after all, was only killed by him..."

"Really?" Su Yang smiled, suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed it. Su Yang suddenly caught someone from the Hu family and flew over, and fell heavily to the ground.

Everyone in the Hu family was shocked by this person's fall. The old man hesitated, but in the end he dared not speak.

"Your father was killed. He handled the rest alone." Su Yang pointed at the person and said coldly: "You don't think this person deserves to die, right?"

Zhao Ping'an was full of anger, but finally nodded.

"Then let me tell you, he has helped 17 people of the Hu family to deal with similar matters. There are 26 people who were persecuted by the Hu family and died of grievances. But in the end, he handled it personally. All of the people were at large, and none of them was punished. The family members of the 26 people tried to trouble the Hu family, and were besieged by him. They ranged from over 80 to 7 or 8 years old. The children were beaten to the ground, and in the end they failed to get justice for their families!"

When Su Yang said this, he paused, looked at Zhao Ping'an, and said softly, "Now, do you think he deserves to die?"

Not to mention Zhao Ping'an, everyone on the scene has already roared, clamoring to kill this person.

The old man of the Hu family was trembling with fright, he finally knew why Su Yang had arrested this person. He was glad that he hadn't spoken just now.

Zhao Pingan's eyes were also full of anger, and he gritted his teeth and nodded: "He damn!"

Su Yang nodded, waved again, and another person flew out from the Hu family.

"This person, in partnership with the person just now, has committed no less sins than that person. The most hateful thing is that a dude of the Hu family once insulted a girl and asked him to deal with this matter. And he is dealing with it. During this incident, he insulted the girl again, and finally killed the girl in order to kill her mouth. Through the relationship, the incident was completely wiped out. And the girl was only sixteen when she died. You said, this man, should he die or not?"

Zhao Pingan's eyes became more angry, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Damn!"

Su Yang didn't stop, arresting several people one after another, and throwing them in front of Zhao Ping An, telling the crimes of these people in turn. These people were all people who had participated in Zhao Ping's father's incident, and these people were all sinful and all deserved to die.

By the last person, Zhao Ping'an's momentum had climbed to the top, and his eyes were full of killing intent.

Everyone in the Hu family looked pale, really afraid that Zhao Ping'an would suddenly lose control, and rushed over to kill the people of their Hu family.

Su Yang walked to Zhao Ping'an and patted him on the shoulder. The anger in Zhao Ping'an's eyes disappeared, and the person regained his senses.

"Zhao Ping An, you remember." Su Yang said coldly: "I asked you to kill all the people who mixed with your father at the beginning, not to let you kill the innocent. But these people, really It's more than dead."

"If you don't kill them, it's not that you are kind and benevolent. On the contrary, you are actually indistinguishable from them. You have to remember that they can handle matters that are related to human life without their conscience. Then these people can no longer be regarded as beings. People."

"This kind of thing is only once, and countless times. They do it the first time without any punishment, and they will do it again and do it forever. If you don't kill them, more people will be wronged by it in the future. And die. So if you don’t kill them, then they are their accomplices!"

After Su Yang finished speaking, he patted Zhao Ping'an on the shoulder again, returned to the edge of the ring, and whispered: "The next thing, you handle it yourself, I won't say more."

Zhao Ping'an's eyes were extremely clear, Su Yang's words dissipated all the anger in his heart, and he had completely restored his calm.

He sighed slightly and turned his head to look at the old Hu family: "Now, in front of everyone, investigate this matter clearly. I don't care whether it is from your Hu family or not from your Hu family. All. Bring it here, as long as you mix up this matter, no one can let go. Do you understand what I mean?"

The old man from the Hu family looked pale and whispered: "Mr. Zhao..."

Zhao Pingan interrupted him directly: "If you can't do it, I will kill you and find a second person to do it!"

The old man trembled with fright. Zhao Ping An was still uneasy just now. At this moment, he was so decisive that he no longer dared to have any illusions about Zhao Ping An.

"Quickly, go and investigate this matter for me right away!" The old man said loudly, "Everyone who mixes with this matter, regardless of the surname Hu, will bring them to me, not one!"

The high-ranking officials of the Hu family ran over immediately, arrested these people, and began to torture them severely.

"I'll give you one hour. If someone fails to bring it..." Zhao Ping'an said coldly: "If you are one less person, I will kill your Hu family high-level person to pay for your life. You have to ask yourself clearly!"

The senior officials of the Hu family were trembling with fright. With this order, who would dare to delay any more, each one ran faster than anyone else.

Su Yang sat in the back with a slight smile on his face. Zhao Ping An's progress made him very satisfied.

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