The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 897: Han Tianyuan shot

The dark cloud is pressing on the top of the head, and it keeps everyone in their hearts extremely depressed. Although the thunder did not land on this day, it shocked everyone, because no one knew when the thunder would suddenly come down on this day.

Now, Han Tianyuan punched the dark cloud away, immediately causing everyone on the scene to cheer, and everyone's eyes were full of excitement and hope.

The poisonous demon Wu Qianqian and the iron face King Kong Zheng Jiuxai both lost together, and the 10th Wan Mingshan and Sanchiyijian Xie Feiyu also lost together, which in itself made everyone in the family alliance extremely flustered. Although they are crowded, they are not afraid of Su Yang at all, but the problem is that they have been defeated like this, which is really embarrassing.

Han Tianyuan's shot suddenly swept away the gloom in everyone's hearts, giving everyone a sudden hope.

Even this dark cloud was shattered by Han Tianyuan with a punch, wouldn't Han Tianyuan's strength be better than Su Yang? In this way, everyone at least doesn't need to watch Su Yang show off here!

"Surnamed Su, Mr. Han made the shot himself, don't you know that you kneel down and beg for mercy?" A Patriarch shouted. These words have insulted Su Yang and raised Han Tianyuan. To put it bluntly, they are intentionally flattering.

Han Tianyuan ignored it, and Su Yang sneered. It was no big deal that Han Tianyuan could break this dark cloud.

Just now Wan Mingshan and Xie Feiyu joined forces. Wan Mingshan did not seem to make a move. In fact, Wan Mingshan was under the greatest pressure. He used the power vortex to prop up the sky. Although Su Yang didn't use the power of the sky thunder, he used the power vortex to absorb all the power of the sky thunder in the dark clouds in order to relieve Xie Feiyu's worries.

Therefore, after this battle, the dark cloud is actually an empty shelf, with nothing inside. Not to mention Han Tianyuan, even if it was Wan Mingshan or Xie Feiyu, he could break the dark cloud directly.

"Mr. Han, did you hear that, your people are praising you, this punch is really powerful!" Su Yang laughed.

Han Tianyuan's expression turned cold. He, Su Yang, Wan Mingshan Xie Feiyu, and even masters like Wu Qianqian and Zheng Jiuxai all knew what was going on with this dark cloud. He broke the dark clouds, not just trying to show the limelight, but these Patriarchs would have made the wrong idea. After saying this, he was embarrassed.

"You and me, why bother about these little things!" Han Tianyuan said coldly: "It is said that you went to Huxin Island and met Qi Zhishan, but Qi Zhishan did not take action?"

"Yes." Su Yang nodded.

Han Tianyuan's expression turned cold: "I went to Huxin Island several times, and every time, Qi Zhishan never left the customs. You went once, and he actually left the customs?"

"Or, he thinks that your strength is not worth his shot!" Su Yang laughed.

Han Tianyuan was furious: "The kid is arrogant, do you think your strength is much stronger than me? Humph, then if Qi Zhishan goes out, I will already be third in the rankings, so why bother in this fifth position!"

"Really?" Su Yang sneered, stared at Han Tianyuan for a while, and slowly shook his head: "You should be thankful that Qi Zhishan has not left the pass, otherwise, there is probably no one like you in this world!"

"You are looking for death!" Han Tianyuan showed a fierce look, completely furious, and suddenly took a step forward and shouted: "Kneel me down!"

When Han Tianyuan landed this step, Su Yang felt an extremely strong force suddenly pressed on his body. Even with Su Yang's strength, his body couldn't help but he felt like a mountain suddenly pressed on him.

Su Yang smiled. This trick he used to deal with the patriarch of a family in Hanxi Province before, and he overwhelmed the patriarch to the ground and died on the spot. Unexpectedly, Han Tianyuan actually used it on him, this Han Tianyuan is really arrogant!

"Get up for me!" Su Yang said with a smile, and then took a step forward.

Han Tianyuan only felt that there was a sudden force in the sky above him, pulling him up, as if to make him fly.

Han Tianyuan was taken aback, and quickly used a thousand catties to barely stand firm. Looking at Su Yang again, his complexion became more solemn.

"The strength of young people is really not weak!" Han Tianyuan shouted coldly, and took a step forward again: "But, after all, you are young, and the gap in strength often takes years to make up."

This time, the force pressing on Su Yang was much stronger than before. However, Su Yang had already prepared, so this time, his body didn't even shake. It's just that everyone can see clearly that Su Yang's feet have stepped on numerous cracks in the stone slab on the ground.

"Fist is afraid of being young, you are a big age, I advise you to go back and rest assured. If you don't lose your reputation at such a big age, wouldn't it be laughable and generous!" Su Yang also followed one step forward.

The power that attracted him to Han Tianyuan was even stronger, and Han Tianyuan had to resist as hard as he could before he could gain a foothold.

"I want to see how long you can hold on!" Han Tianyuan shouted again and continued to take a step.

Su Yang's feet suddenly crushed the ground, and his feet fell three inches into the ground.

Su Yang lifted his foot and walked forward: "Compared with young people in endurance, Mr. Han, I'm afraid you will lose!"

The clothes on Han Tianyuan's body began to tear, and the powerful force made Han Tianyuan feel like he wanted to be erratic.

Han Tianyuan was extremely shocked. He knew the current situation very well. If he floated up, all his previous strength would be overwhelmed. Coupled with Su Yang's power, he is in trouble.

Therefore, Han Tianyuan did not dare to compare. He stepped on the ground, dashed his right hand across a semicircle across his chest, and slowly pushed forward: "Shaking the sky and the earth!"

A palm came out, the palm wind was fierce, turned into a tornado, swept everything around, whizzing towards Su Yang.

Su Yang also stopped competing with Han Tianyuan, he took a deep breath, raised his hand and patted it back with the same palm.

Su Yang's palm didn't have much magnificence. However, it easily blocked the tornado.

Han Tianyuan's face changed again, Su Yang's strength really exceeded his expectations.

"Unexpectedly, you have such strength at a young age. It seems that today's battle has become more interesting!" Han Tianyuan yelled, suddenly jumped out, rushed directly to Su Yang, and used his fists and feet to fight Su Yang. Yang Zhan together.

Su Yang did not dare to neglect, this Han Tianyuan's strength was much stronger than Wu Jianqiu and the like he had seen before in Lu'an City.

It's no wonder that it's the fifth place in the rankings. It's really not easy. Like Qi Zhishan, it's also pressing the realm and not entering the land god.

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