The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 916: Competing for Snow Lotus

Ye Jiansheng was about to put the snow lotus in his pocket, and Huo Yuanzhen next to him suddenly seemed to be stuck, coughing twice: "Cough cough..."

When coughing, Huo Yuanzhen stared at Su Yang with sharp eyes.

Su Yang's eyes widened. This snow lotus is what Huo Yuanzhen wants. Ye Jiansheng took it, Huo Yuanzhen couldn't kill him?

Besides, Huo Yuanzhen said very clearly at the time that this snow lotus must be given to Huo Qianfang, not to Ye Wantong.

Now, it happened that Sword Saint Ye took it away, which must be for Ye Wantong.

If you really want to do this, how can Huo Yuanzhen let Su Yang go?

But, this thing got into Ye Jiansheng's hands, can Su Yang want to come back?

Don't look at Ye Jiansheng's undyed white clothes, like a sword fairy in the sky. In fact, Su Yang knows Ye Jiansheng very well, and this guy is shameless and embarrassing.

"That..." Su Yang was sweating profusely, and said quickly: "This snow lotus, I...I have other uses..."

"I care what you use, it's mine anyway." Ye Jiansheng said.

"Oh, Ye Jiansheng, what are you doing, are you planning to grab it?" Huo Yuanzhen said.

"What is Mingqiu? This is Haoduuo!" Ye Jiansheng didn't know anything about it.

"..." Huo Yuanzhen was speechless at once.

Lian Wanxiong couldn't help but smiled and waved his hand: "Brother Ye, why bother with young people so much? Don't you just hate this kid for agreeing to Miss Huo and give this snow lotus to Huo Qianfang. In fact, you can't blame Su for the situation at the time. Brother, if he doesn't agree, Miss Huo can let him go?"

Hearing this, Su Yang finally understood what was going on. Feelings, Ye Jiansheng knew about this, and deliberately embarrassed him!

Huo Yuanzhen glared: "What do you mean? Oh, you mean I'm pretty unreasonable? Don't forget, but I saved this kid that day, shouldn't he repay me?"

Even Wanxiong didn't expect the war to spread to himself, and he quickly smiled awkwardly: "Of course, I...I didn't mean that. I mean, this kid should definitely repay you. But, this is not all Ye Jiansheng. I'm always robbing you, I can't understand him!"

"That's right!" Huo Yuanzhen nodded in satisfaction.

"Who do you think is always old!" Ye Jiansheng was dissatisfied: "You two, which age is younger than me, I think you two are always old!"

"Who do you think is always old!" Huo Yuanzhen was furious, the woman's age, but the most inaccessible Ni Lin.

"Brother Ye, be careful when you speak, I don't care, people girls, how bad it is for you to say that! Besides, Miss Huo looks like a twenty-eight-year-old, how can you describe him in the old words? "Lian Wanxiong seemed to be persuading, but in fact it meant to add fuel and vinegar.

Ye Jiansheng was speechless at once: "Well, I won't fight with you, I want this snow lotus, what is it!"

"No!" Huo Yuanzhen said immediately: "This is what I saw first, it should be mine."

"Look at it first, why didn't you take it away. If you didn't take it, then it's not yours yet. Since it's not yours, then I take it, it's mine!"

"Hey, what you said is really shameless. According to you, my Huo family’s things, if I didn’t take it with me, weren’t my Huo’s family? There are so many rocks on this mountain, you moved it, Is it all yours?"

"You are a mess!"

"You are just messing around!"

The two faced each other tit-for-tat, and Su Yang was happy, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Lian Wanxiong smiled, patted Su Yang on the shoulder, and left with him. The two began to quarrel, wondering when it would end.

After walking for a while, Lian Wanxiong whispered, "Do you know what Ye Jiansheng and Huo Yuanzhen are fighting over?"

Su Yang shook his head.

"They are not fighting against that snow lotus..." Lian Wanxiong looked at Su Yang: "You are the one fighting!"

"Huh?" Su Yang was a little confused, arguing what he would do?

"Ye Wantong, Huo Qianfang..." Lian Wanxiong sighed softly, "You can't make a choice yourself, but these two girls are already deeply involved. One is Ye Jiansheng's daughter, the other is Huo Qianfang's grandnephew. The two of them are more worried than you!"

"I know Ye Jiansheng very well. He can give in for everything else. He can't give in except for matters involving his daughter!"

"As for Huo Yuanzhen..." At this point, Lian Wanxiong was a little silent, his face was gloomy for a moment, and he whispered: "She shouldn't want her pain to happen to the younger generation of the Huo family."

"What pain?" Su Yang asked in surprise.

"Then you don't have to ask." Lian Wanxiong waved his hand, but his expression was obviously a little awkward.

Su Yang could see that Huo Yuanzhen's pain must be inseparable from Lian Wanxiong.

"Mr. Lian, in fact, I have always thought about it. I don't really understand..." Su Yang whispered: "Why are you willing to help me like this? Do you know that the result of this is... Big family, those land gods have forged enmity!"

Lian Wanxiong smiled slightly: "You will know about this in the future. Anyway, if you remember my words and do what you want to do, just let go of your hands and feet. We can't help you with mortal matters. But gods We can help you settle things for you!"

Su Yang couldn't help but stunned. Lian Wanxiong's words clearly meant to encourage him to continue making things worse. What does this mean? Does Lian Wanxiong still think that what he did in the six southern provinces is too small?

"But, you have forged so many enemies..." Su Yang whispered.

"What about the enemy!" Lian Wanxiong smiled lightly: "Lian X is an enemy of the world in this life, so what can he do!"

Su Yang was stunned. Why did Lian Wanxiong's words sound so strange?

"As for Ye Jiansheng, you don't have to worry about him." Lian Wanxiong said: "This kid, but the one who wants to be the sword conquer, he wants to make things bigger than you!"

"What a sword confines the sky..." Su Yangqi said.

Lian Wanxiong waved his hand without further explanation.

"What about Senior Huo?" Su Yang whispered.

"You don't have to worry about her affairs." Lian Wanxiong smiled: "In this world, not many people dare to hurt her."

"Huh?" Su Yang was dumbfounded.

"You should have heard Ye Jiansheng's words before, Huo Yuanzhen has an older brother." Lian Wanxiong looked up at Tian Tian and said softly: "That's the one who can order the law enforcement!"

"Order the enforcer?" Su Yang was stunned, is there anyone like this? Who the **** is that? The big man in the heaven?

Lian Wanxiong chuckled: "Otherwise, why do you think the three law enforcement officers today would be so partial to you?"

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