The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 943: Backside down

Fang Zhong became irritated and said loudly, "What's wrong with my curse? I'm cursing you, you rubbish, you social scum, who are you trying to deceive with such a despicable method? The surname Su can be the college entrance examination champion, I Don’t believe me, I definitely don’t believe it!"

"You don't believe your uncle, you just finished another test, haven't you seen it?" Zhao Qiupeng said angrily.

"This is the childcare you are looking for. You deliberately lied to me. I will never believe it!" Fang Zhong said loudly, "The surname is Su, I know you have money and can find a childcare to act with you. These test papers , Have you done it before? You still want to lie, do you really think we are all fools? You rubbish, you rubbish, you social assholes..."

Zhao Qupeng finally couldn't help it, and went up to slap Fang Zhong's face: "Let the **** you shut up, I didn't hear it!"

There was a commotion at the scene. At this time, Dong Hui hurried over and drank the crowd.

"What are you doing?" Dong Hui said angrily, "What are you making trouble, and what kind of style? Our school has Su Yang, the top student in the college entrance examination, which is our pride. Is it shameful that you say this here?"

"President Dong, why are you mixing up these things too!" a student said anxiously, "It's okay that those people are nurseries hired by Su Yang. You also help him speak?"

"Shut up, you!" Dong Hui said angrily. "Those are the leaders of the Beijing Examination Office and are in charge of the national examinations. The latter two are the leaders of the provincial government. You said they are nurseries. ?"

These students suddenly became confused. They were all leaders. This is definitely not a childcare.

So, doesn't this mean that Su Yang really has such a bad academic record?

But how is this possible? Su Yang, you don't even get into the classroom on weekdays, so how come you have such good grades?

Just when everyone was surprised, Su Yang walked to the man just now and whispered: "It looks like you lose, what should you do?"

The man was pale. He gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "What happened just now was my fault. I... I'm here to say sorry to you..."

"You say that, I don't accept it!" Su Yang smiled lightly: "Didn't we say that we should kneel down and kowtow to apologize?"

The man looked terribly cold, gritted his teeth, and said in a deep voice: "I have already apologized, don't take your time..."

"I'm sorry, I've always done things like this!" Su Yang said coldly: "Since you dare to provoke me, you should think of the current result. Either kneel, or I will kneel for you! "

The man was angry and said coldly: "If I would not kneel!"

"Hahaha..." Su Yang raised his head and smiled: "Then I will interrupt your two legs and you will never stand up!"

"Try it, my Huang family..." The man shouted angrily, but as soon as he said a few words, Su Yang suddenly shot, grabbed his neck, and pressed him to the ground. He lifted his foot and kicked both his legs off with one kick, and the man completely prostrated on the ground.

"Ah!" the man screamed immediately, this kind of pain is absolutely fatal.

Su Yang was calm and waved his hand: "Now, you don't need to kneel!"

The students in the room turned pale with fright. They just heard that Su Yang had beaten many people, but no one had seen them before, and they didn't know that Su Yang would be so harsh. Seeing the man crying for his father and his mother, everyone was afraid for a while. Thinking about what they had said before mocking Su Yang, they all felt like crying.

"You dare to hit me like this, I... my Huang family, I will never let you go..." the man screamed in pain.

"Then I'll wait." Su Yang calmly said: "Don't worry, I will report to the school in the capital, and then I can bring your Huang family to come to me for revenge."

The man is dumbfounded, Su Yang is too confident, right? He even dared to tell him that he was going to the capital to go to school. Is this afraid that he would not take revenge?

Su Yang ignored the man, but turned to Fang Zhong and said softly, "Fang classmate, it seems that you have lost this bet!"

Fang Zhong's expression was ashen as he gritted his teeth and said: "I don't believe it, I don't believe it, these are all childcare, all childcare. You rubbish, trying to lie to me is impossible, impossible!"

"Tsk tusk, you are really obsessed with it!" Su Yang shook his head and sighed and whispered softly: "Fang Zhong, you said these people are all childcare because you don't believe I can get such a grade. It seems that I am an idle, unlearned dude, so you dare to bet me arrogantly in this respect. But how do you know that I have not studied seriously? You are not at all to me. If you understand, you have to bet with me? If you lose, you say I lied. I look for a childcare, and I can't even lose. What qualifications do you have, and yelling, why don't you bully the young and poor?"

"I didn't lose!" Fang Zhong roared: "How can you get such a score, it's impossible!"

"Impossible?" Su Yang sneered: "Hmph, I take this score, it is entirely reasonable. You only see your own efforts, but you never know how hard I am. Let me tell you this, our school From the library, you can take out a book and turn to a certain page. As long as you tell me the page number, I can recite it to you from beginning to end. Can you do it?"

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was shocked. Everyone looked at Su Yang in disbelief. This was simply impossible. How many books can Su Yang do in the school library?

"You...who do you want to lie to?" Fang Zhong said anxiously: "This is impossible!"

"Impossible?" Su Yang said coldly: "How about you go back and get some books and try?"

"Use it to get it back, I have it on my body!" A boy stood up, took out a book, and said loudly, "Okay, I will test you."

The boy glanced at the cover of the book to Su Yang and said, "Since you can memorize all the books in the library, you should remember this book too."

Everyone saw it clearly. There was a library logo on the book. There was no doubt that it was a school library book.

Su Yang smiled faintly: "You don't need to show me so much, just tell me the title and number of the book."

"I don't believe it, you can memorize it!" The boy reported the title and ISBN, then turned a page directly and said loudly: "Page Nine..."

Before the boy finished speaking, Su Yang directly began to recite. As soon as he spoke, the boy was stunned. Because, Su Yang's reciting content is not the slightest difference from the content on the ninth page.

After the ninth page was memorized, Su Yang kept reciting the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth pages. Until the boy was shocked and Su Yang stopped, he had memorized more than twenty pages.

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