The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 949: School tradition

Everyone briefly introduced each other, and Su Yang was taken by Zhao Jun to sit down and drink.

After drinking some wine, Su Yang also had a general understanding of these four people.

Zhao Jun has a cheerful personality and the boldness of a northerner. This is the case when drinking, and he blows directly to the bottle.

Lin Dawei is the youngest, courageous, and drinker the worst, but he can see that he is very kind-hearted and has always advised everyone not to drink too much.

As for Wang Cheng, he belongs to the type of absolute nerd. To say a few words, he must hold his glasses, his face flushed after a few glasses of wine, completely different from Zhao Jun's boldness.

And that Huo Zhendong felt like being superior from beginning to end. He didn't speak much, his expression was indifferent, as if he didn't put everyone in his eyes.

Looking at these people in the house, Su Yang couldn't help but remember the situation when he had just arrived in the army. That was the first time he lived in a dormitory. At that time, there were six people in the dormitory. He was the youngest. On the first night of the trip, because he couldn't fold the quilt, he was cleaned up by the monitor. Su Yang almost wiped his tears.

Later, the squad leader fined him to go back to practice folding the quilt during a break, and he was not allowed to rest if he did not fold it. Su Yang didn't even eat lunch, and kept practicing in the dormitory with tears. The monitor also followed him in the dormitory, watching him practice, the monitor did not eat.

Finally Su Yang finally learned, the monitor ran to the kitchen personally and made him a bowl of noodles.

That time, Su Yang felt the warmth of the troops for the first time, and also understood the warmheartedness behind the iron face of the squad leader.

Now that he returned to the dormitory, Su Yang was also deeply moved when he looked at these immature faces.

I have to say that Zhao Jun's character is really very similar to his original squad leader.

After drinking a few bottles of wine, Su Yang also opened the chatterbox and wondered: "Zhao Jun, when I came in just now, what did you say, I am here, our dormitory will not be bullied by others, what does this mean?"

"You are here. There are only five people in our dormitory, which is not much worse than the number. Of course, you don't have to be afraid of others." Zhao Jun said.

"Why should you be afraid of others?" Su Yang asked in astonishment.

"You can't?" Zhao Jun glanced at Su Yang and said in surprise: "Before you came here, didn't you understand the tradition of this school?"

"What tradition?" Su Yang asked.

"Huh?" Su Yang was stunned: "Why is this? Everyone is here to go to school. They are all classmates. It is unnecessary to fight for a toilet, right?"

Zhao Jun just wanted to talk, but at this moment, there was a sudden yell from outside the door: "I'm going to **** with your mother, Lao Tzu said, whoever dares to come here to go to the bathroom in the future, Lao Tzu will seal the eyeballs for you. Did you forget what I said?"

"Hey, it's just a toilet. Is this necessary? Everyone lives face to face. When you don't use it, we use it. Is it necessary to be so angry?"

"Fuck, where I go to the toilet, I don't want others to go in, why? You **** dare to talk back to Laozi. Didn't I beat you enough last time?"

"You **** don't be too much, do you think we are afraid of you? Do you dare to move me again and try!"

Immediately afterwards, there was a crackling noise outside, and it seemed that there was a fight.

Zhao Jun hurriedly ran to the door, and Su Yang followed, only to see seven or eight people fighting together on the stairway not far outside. Or it can be said that five people are beating three people.

The three people were beaten with no power to fight back, and they were quickly kicked around by the five people. These three people held their heads and couldn't resist.

The five people fought for a while, as if they were relieved, then stopped. The leading man with a big body and a big waist pointed at these three people, sipped, and cursed: "You can listen to me clearly, don't talk about this toilet in the future, even this doorway, you have to avoid Lao Tzu. .Otherwise, I will interrupt your dog legs, if you don’t believe me, try!"

The three dared not speak, so they went back to their dormitory in despair.

The five people looked like roosters that had won a battle, and happily returned to their dormitory.

Su Yang stared at all of this dumbfounded. In order to grab a toilet, he fought like this. As for?

"See it!" Zhao Jun said, "This is the school's rules, whoever has the big fist, who speaks!"

"Why don't you report the school?" Su Yang frowned, "This is totally bullying!"

"Hmph, report to school..." Huo Zhendong sneered and glanced at Su Yang: "Are you in the ivory tower for a long time and don't understand anything, so you dare to come to Qinghe College to go to school?"

"What's the matter?" Su Yang asked in surprise.

Huo Zhendong said coldly: "What's the matter? For people like you, just roll back and repeat the reading soon!"

Su Yang frowned. At this time, Zhao Jun quickly finished the game: "Lao Huo, when Su Yang applied for the exam, he definitely didn't know the situation of this school and reported it at will, so he didn't know anything. This is normal. Su Yang, Don't be familiar with Lao Huo, he just talks like this. Come here, let me tell you about the situation in this school!"

Su Yang glanced at Huo Zhendong and ignored this person. After all, it’s a roommate, it’s not good to have a conflict on the first day.

"Just now you said to report to the school. I advise you not to think about this." Zhao Jun said: "If you report to the school, you will be the first to be expelled."

"Huh?" Su Yang was stunned: "Why?"

"I don't know. This is the school's rules. It has always been like this." Zhao Jun shrugged and said, "Anyway, if you choose to report to the school, no matter what you are labeled as, you will definitely be expelled."

Su Yang frowned, what kind of rule is this, isn't this cheating?

"The students are so messed up, and the school doesn't care about it, and don't let people go to the school to complain?" Su Yang asked in surprise, "What school is this?"

"That's what I want to tell you now." Zhao Jun smiled: "Really, people outside don’t really know much about this school. This school seems to be a shabby school. , But in fact, this school is no worse than the best universities in Beijing!"

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