The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 957: Practice boxing with me

Su Yang didn't take Lin Dawei to the infirmary, but he treated Lin Dawei with a little medical skills.

However, when he asked about what happened to Lin Dawei, he was told that he was slapped with a sack and he didn't even know what happened.

Su Yang frowned. He had already guessed that there was a problem with this matter, and now he has confirmed it even more.

However, when Su Yang rushed to the large classroom, the people inside had already dispersed, leaving Zhao Jun alone on the ground.

Su Yang asked what happened to Zhao Jun, but Zhao Jun didn't say a word from beginning to end. Su Yang had no choice but to take a look at the soul search method and immediately figured out the whole situation.

Su Yang frowned more tightly, and he naturally saw the problem with this matter at a glance. The whole thing was laid out behind the scenes by those Li Chuan.

I have to say that this Li Chuan is really a very insidious person with a lot of conspiracies. People like Zhao Jun's dark horse are really incomparable to him. If it is really a fight, Zhao Jun will not be Li Chuan's opponent together.

Su Yang sighed, he patted Zhao Jun on the shoulder, and whispered: "Forget it, such a woman, there is no need to be angry for her. She left you, but your luck."

Zhao Jun didn't speak, he sighed in sorrow, stood up slowly, patted the dust on his body, and walked out sullenly.

Su Yang looked at Zhao Jun's back, and he knew that this incident had dealt a great blow to Zhao Jun. If it is not resolved, Zhao Jun will be completely decadent.

For Su Yang, this incident was just a very ordinary thing. However, at this time, Su Yang did not want to solve it himself.

Su Yang came to this school to investigate the problems of this school. As for the struggle between these students, he didn't really want to participate.

Moreover, Su Yang still wants to keep a low profile now. If there is really any problem with this school, Su Yang doesn't want to make a move too early and disturb the people inside, so that it will be easy to get rid of it.

Therefore, after thinking about it, it is better for Zhao Jun to solve this matter himself.

As for Su Yang, since he regarded Zhao Jun as a friend, he must definitely help him a little bit.

After two steps, Su Yang stopped Zhao Jun and said with a smile: "Old Zhao, I know your heart is aggrieved. Or, learn boxing with me. Those people in the North Three Provinces don’t believe you, so you can do it yourself. Let them know that if you don’t rely on them, you can get it out!"

Zhao Jun sighed and said in a low voice: "Su Yang, thank you. I...I am in a very irritable mood now, you let me be quiet, I...I really don't want to learn from your military sports..."

"Really?" Su Yang smiled. He picked up a stone from the ground and suddenly hit it with a punch. The stone was directly broken by him.

Zhao Jun's eyes widened when he saw this scene. He looked at Su Yang with an incredible expression, and said with a trembling: " did this happen, did you do this?"

"I told you that I practiced boxing." Su Yang smiled lightly: "If you want to learn from me, you can do it!"

Zhao Jun was stunned at first, then his eyes gradually flashed with hope. He knew very well that if he could do this, he would really be able to play a world in this school as Su Yang said.

"You... can you really teach me?" Zhao Jun asked hopefully.

"The relationship between the two of us, who am I not going to teach you?" Su Yang smiled.

Zhao Jun was overjoyed, rubbing his hands in excitement, and soon said in astonishment: "Hey, Su Yang, can fight so well, then... why are you bullied by those like Li Chuan?"

"Being able to fight and willing to fight are two different things." Su Yang smiled: "Those people are little kids, I don't bother to pay attention to them. Besides, you didn't always help me solve them before, and I didn't have time to shoot. Ah. But, I have to teach you now, otherwise, how can you help me solve these things in the future!"

Zhao Jun took a deep breath and nodded vigorously: "Then when can I start learning?"

"It's okay anytime." Su Yang paused: "But, first change your clothes. It's covered with blood. Are you afraid of fainting while practicing?"

Zhao Jun regained his spirit, immediately ran back to change his clothes, and ran over to find Su Yang, unwilling to delay for a moment to learn boxing with Su Yang.

Su Yang didn't delay, and immediately started teaching Zhao Jun to practice boxing. Zhao Jun’s current situation is too slow to practice internal martial arts, so Su Yang directly chose a set of external martial arts to teach him.

This boxing technique is particularly effective against ordinary people. Moreover, it is extremely fast to practice, and it is especially easy to get started. In addition, Su Yang gave Zhao Jun three elixirs to wash his marrow and Yijing, and used silver needles to stimulate his potential when Zhao Jun was asleep, Zhao Jun's progress was quite rapid.

In three days, Zhao Jun's injuries healed, and this set of martial arts was also accomplished.

And in these three days, Zhao Jun finally figured out one thing. On this day, after he finished his boxing exercises, he suddenly said in surprise: "Su Yang, you said, this time, is it the **** of Li Chuan who designed to frame me?"

"I told you before, this time things are particularly weird, let you pay attention, you didn't pay attention!" Su Yang shrugged and said: "You just want to understand now?"

Zhao Jun scratched his head: "But the problem is that Xiaoqi did call me that call, it was indeed her voice..."

"Xiaoqi has a very good relationship with the person named Lin Qian thank you letter. Moreover, it has only been a few days since we broke up with you, and you didn't realize that they have found another man, and stay together all day long?" Su Yang He curled his lips and said: "You are a person, haven't you been in love before? You don't want to think about where this is. Do you really think that women who come here can be good?"

Zhao Jun frowned. He knew that Xiaoqi had found a boyfriend again, but he used to think that he had broken up with Xiaoqi, which was normal. Now think about it carefully, this spare tire came too soon, right? Could it be that you have found such a spare tire before breaking up with yourself?

If this is the case, then the problem is really serious. Maybe it was Xiaoqi who joined forces with Li Chuan and the design framed herself!

Thinking of this, Zhao Jun's complexion suddenly became cold. He clenched his fist and said solemnly: "Su Yang, you said, how many can I fight by myself now?"

"Why are you asking me? You'll know if you go to a game yourself!" Su Yang smiled.

Zhao Jun was a little confused: "I've only practiced for three days now. I'm going to fight now, isn't it suitable?"

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