Lingmeng looked at the school uniform that he hurriedly put on his body, as well as his own school bag, then looked at the school uniform and school bag under the snow, and then looked at the school uniform that Xiao Bird was obviously different from them.

It was clear that he and Yukino were from the same school.

I can’t just let her go, I don’t know where my body goes to school!” ’

“Wait for me.”

Thinking of this, Lingmeng hurriedly picked up her schoolbag and chased after Xue Nai.

“Makoto, you haven’t eaten breakfast yet!”

Nanri Kazuko on the side looked at Makoto who was windy and firey and reminded that Lingmeng glanced at the rich breakfast of the Nan family…

Woo~~~ What a hearty breakfast, compared to a leaf of tea to brew yourself a hundred times, this kind of hearty breakfast, or only when some monsters beat and snatched something from their hands can eat such a delicious breakfast.

Remember the last time I ate so well was to beat up the vampire lady from the Red Devil Pavilion? And with which dashing maid chief! Eventually, their kitchen was ransacked.

‘Oh, it doesn’t matter what you go to school, the key is breakfast, you can only go to school after breakfast, such a hearty breakfast, let me calculate, an egg 40 yen, a piece of bread 100 yen, a high-end snack this amount, and the Red Devil Hall should be about 1000 yen… Can’t waste it! ”

In Lingmeng’s eyes, these breakfasts had been converted into gold coins, and letting her waste these foods was like letting her throw away the money in the cash box, even if Yakumo Zi dared to reach out into her cash box, she dared to chop off her hand, let alone let her throw away the money herself.

No, absolutely not.


By this time, Yukino had already put on her shoes and opened the door.

“Woo! You forced me! ”

Under the somewhat dumbfounded eyes of Little Bird and Hiwako, I saw Lingmeng three times five divided by two stuffed the breakfast on the table into his mouth and stretched the side of his mouth wide, the whole incident took less than three seconds, and then he swallowed everything alive like a python, swallowed everything in his stomach, a set of action horror, the key is that he has not been choked.

After doing all this, Lingmeng hurriedly caught up with Yukino.

“Gollum… Wait for me! ”

Before leaving, Lingmeng did not forget to take three cups of milk, one was that Xue Nai did not drink because she was angry, one was a bird, and another was her own.

Looking at Makoto’s hurried movements, the little bird didn’t notice where he took the milk at all, and asked in a somewhat incredulous tone.

“Mom, is that person Makoto just now? Is it Makoto-kun? ”

“This, maybe Chengjun’s personality has changed again”

His eyes flashed with a confused look, and Hiwako was not sure. Makoto Jingu is not without a previous conviction, at the beginning, Makoto Jingu was addicted to mystery and weirdness, withdrawn, weird, and gloomy, which worried her.

Some time ago, Makoto Jingu became much more cheerful, and also made good friends such as Yukinoshita Yukinoshita and Fumino Furuhashi, and even Yukinoshita Yukino lived at home

The two also slept in a room for a week.

This change made her a little strange, but more happy.

And now…

Hiwako felt that she couldn’t understand this child a little, how could she feel that Makoto’s tone and movements were a little feminine.

Or does the child have multiple personality syndrome?

What a reassuring child.


On the road in the early morning, under the snow, he was walking towards Somugao.

Behind him, there was a vague voice of ‘Makoto’.

“Encourage … Wait for me! ”

Yukino turned his head and saw Makoto Jingu carrying three cups of milk and drinking it while trotting over.


Xue Nai looked at this scene speechlessly, and there was a look of stunned look on her delicate and cold face.

This kind of thing Kamiya Makoto will never do, although Jingu Makoto is not very obvious, but Jingu Makoto is still very concerned about his image, this is still known by Yukino in daily relationships.

“Whew! It’s so cool! You won’t choke when you eat a lot, digest quickly, and you won’t be choked when you run and drink milk! ”

“Let’s go to school together!”

Intimately patting Xue Nai’s shoulder, Lingmeng said very skillfully.

Yukino squinted her eyes at Lingmeng’s hand on her shoulder, although it was only shoulder contact, but for Yukino there were not many people so close to her except her father, and she refused any intimate contact within a meter of loneliness.

This didn’t get better until they became friends with Fumino Furuhashi, but it was only a female friend.


Yukino looked into Makoto’s eyes, and with a hint of inaudible shame in her cold tone, she said briefly and sharply.

“Oh, sorry forgot…”

At this time, Lingmeng also found that his current body was not a girl’s, but a boy, and he couldn’t learn the same as black and white mice, and directly talked to girls without scruples.

However, with Lingmeng’s face, she did not feel embarrassed, naturally put down the arm carrying Xue Nai’s shoulder, and her face was even more casual, and she was completely uncomfortable in the face of Xue Naina’s cold attitude.

“I said sister, don’t worry about this little thing, it’s not early, and you will be late if you delay school!”

“Sister ??!!!”

In an instant, Yukino’s gaze sharpened, and Makoto’s gaze became strange.

Younger sister? What the hell is this called!!! How could Makoto Jingu call her that!

Isn’t it a sister? Didn’t you live together!

Sensing that Xue Nai’s gaze was wrong, Lingmeng secretly shouted badly, it seemed that her judgment was wrong, and she thought that the girl who lived with this body was his sister.

But now it seems that their relationship is super complicated… It’s really uncomfortable, she just wants to drink tea leisurely now, isn’t it good to use her brain to leave this kind of thing to Yakumo Zi which guy?

If something happens, she only needs to beat the monster, and it’s okay to beat the gods from time to time……_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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