The Supreme Being

Chapter 1162 Kill me and see me

What does it have to do with you? What does it have to do with me? Yes, your own "others" are either imprints of simulations or projections without intelligence. They are unique and you don't need to consider the issue of being lost due to the emotional impact of many "others" memories.

In this case, what does the other "I", the exact same "I", have to do with myself? He is him and I am me!

Receiving this violent shout, Meng Qi seemed to have lifted a layer of fog, called the fog of knowledge and vision. His eyes suddenly became bright, and his thoughts came and went without any hindrance. He vaguely felt the true nature of his nature, and his body and mind were lively and wonderful.

However, this only clears away the fog and reveals the path. As for how to "get closer" and how to "get closer", it is still full of difficulties, obstacles and various misguided paths.

He thought for a moment, smiled, stood up slowly, and cupped his hands:

"Thank you, senior, for your guidance."

"The third question is, if all the experiences that our predecessors have experienced in the past are all dreams, the lady is a dream, Thrushcross Grange is a dream, and the sword in the hand is a dream, how should we face it?"

"Common illusions certainly cannot affect the predecessors, but what if you are in the dream world of Amitabha? What you see, smell, touch, and feel are all feedback from dreams. They may seem real but are illusory in nature. Zhuang Shengxiao Is the dreaming butterfly dreaming of Zhuang Sheng, or is the butterfly dreaming of becoming Zhuang Sheng?

Meng Qi rephrased the question of "brain in a vat". After speaking, he turned around and walked down the mountain road slowly, without waiting for Mr. Lu Da's answer.

The breeze blows by the roadside, the fragrance of flowers and plants enters the nose, and the figure wearing a wooden hairpin gradually moves away.

Mr. Lu Da put his long sword beside him, his eyes flickered and his lips moved, but he still could not tell his answer. He just watched Meng Qi leave the back mountain step by step.


After leaving Thrushcross Grange, Meng Qi looked around at a loss. He didn't know where to go. He had many thoughts and subconsciously headed southwest. When he came to his senses, he was in front of a mountain peak that looked like a towering sword.

The mountain gate of Xijian Pavilion is located!

Meng Qi stood in front of the mountain in a daze, suddenly burst into laughter, and he still couldn't let go of that incident.

That sentence left a very deep impression on me:

"The only thing I love in my life is the seven-foot sword, which kills me when I see what I am and what I am not."

He didn't hide his aura, Jiang Zhiwei had already appeared at the foot of the mountain, with the mountain flowers blooming behind him, as beautiful as a picture.

The beautiful woman was dressed in a goose-yellow dress, with her black hair gently pulled back and a few strands hanging down. She was so bright and eye-catching that she seemed to have never changed. She smiled and said, "Why did you come here without saying anything?"

"Wherever you are inspired, follow your heart." Meng Qi was dressed in a green robe, with a wooden hairpin on his head, looking cool and gentle, smiling and showing off his wits.

Jiang Zhiwei chuckled: "You always go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. Tell me, what's the matter?"

There is a smile in your eyes, as if I don't understand you yet.

"Yes." Meng Qi pondered for a moment and then said, "You once chanted, 'Behead me when you see me, I am not myself.' Which 'I' was you beheading, and which 'I' was you seeing?"

Jiang Zhiwei suddenly smiled and said: "So you are thinking about 'I am who I am'."

Then, her expression became more serious and she said seriously: "'I' refers to the external 'I', including the physical body, experience, martial arts, emotions, etc., and 'I' refers to the true nature."

"Since that point of true nature leaves the Dao, it will be contaminated by acquired influences. The eyes will be confused by the five colors, the ears will be confused by the five sounds, the nose will be stained by the five tastes, and the mind will be blinded by experiences and emotions, making it difficult to see the original face."

"To cut off is not to cut them off, not to abandon them, but to explore their limitations and understand their illusions, so as to reveal the true self."

Meng Qi realized something and frowned slightly in thought.

Seeing this, Jiang Zhiwei thought for a while and expressed her thoughts in more simple words: "Although I have been on the verge of death, 'Zhan Wu See Me' is just the beginning. This should be a difficult problem in martial arts that will continue throughout the outdoor scenes. , to put it simply, the things seen by the eyes are limited by the eyes themselves. Without the wisdom of the Buddha, who can break through all illusions and see everything, there will always be something missing, and what you see is not all true. Completely believe in 'eye seeing'. It is easy to make mistakes and fall into the category of "I lose myself", being confused by the outside and not seeing the true nature of things. "

"Similarly, until the end, the ears have limitations, the nose has limitations, and the experience we gain from experiencing various things has the same limitations as martial arts. If we rely entirely on experience, we will be trapped by experience, and our understanding of things will be biased. If you rely entirely on martial arts, you will be bound by martial arts and become more and more extreme. "

"Recognize them clearly, explore them, and cut off the illusions they bring, only then can you open the cage and see the 'true self'."

Meng Qi nodded and said: "It's easy to say it, but it must be extremely difficult to do it. Since birth, everything we do has been more or less affected by 'my', and relying on it has long been a habit." And instinct, I don’t think there is any problem at all, so naturally I can’t figure this out.”

He understood what Jiang Zhiwei meant, and also knew that what he needed to do was to "kill me and see me". Once he saw his true self, he would immediately be able to prove the legend!

The flowers are blooming brilliantly on the mountain, and two figures stand opposite each other at the foot of the mountain, one is yellow and the other is plain green, exchanging their experiences of killing me and seeing me. The atmosphere is harmonious, poetic and picturesque, almost like a couple of gods and immortals.

Meng Qi raised his head and looked at Jiang Zhiwei, at the familiar yet unfamiliar mountain road, and suddenly smiled: "When Mr. Lu Da mentioned 'a difference of thought' before, I was thinking, if I hadn't listened to my elder brother's instigation at that time, I would have come to Xijian Pavilion. I advise you to express your feelings in a subtle way, will the outcome be different? "

Things have changed, and he has long been able to face this problem calmly.

Jiang Zhi pursed her lips slightly, smoothed her hair, smiled, and said seriously: "Even without Gao Lan's instigation, you will definitely come after hesitation, but you may not be able to make it in time, and no matter when you come, my The answer will not change."

Her eyes were as bright as the stars in the night sky, and she said slowly and firmly:

"This is you, this is me."

Meng Qi let out a long sigh and smiled: "As expected, this is you, this is me."

Looking up, he saw the beautiful scenery on the mountain, with all kinds of flowers swaying. He seemed to see Jiang Zhiwei's figure walking away, smiling with her hands behind her back, walking forward and climbing the mountain road.

Jiang Zhiwei smiled and followed beside him, walking hand in hand.

The two of them didn't speak, everything was in silence. They walked slowly to the top of the mountain, as if the Xijian Pavilion was a no-man's land.

Seeing the white clouds in his eyes like a sea, holding the sunlight, it was so majestic and majestic, Meng Qi laughed and escaped from the distance.

Jiang Zhiwei looked at the sea of ​​clouds quietly. After a while, she also chuckled, her clothes fluttered, and she walked back home.

The sea of ​​clouds has not changed for eternity.


With his feet on the clouds and his body buffeted by the strong wind, Meng Qi walked and thought, letting go of other thoughts and walking as he pleased.

Unknowingly, he found himself in the Southern Wilderness. He saw a prosperous place and the growth of a martial arts holy land. However, there seemed to be an ancient and powerful aura hidden deep in the Southern Wilderness.

"When the devil returns to the world, will the saint follow him?" Meng Qi suddenly remembered this sentence he heard a long time ago.

Are the demon saints reincarnated and returning?

While his thoughts were rising and falling, Qi Zhengyan appeared in front of him. He was wearing an ordinary robe and had an ordinary face. Except for the two stars between his eyebrows and the strange devil claw on his left hand, there was really nothing special about him. , A gentleman strives to constantly strive for self-improvement.

"Have you got any doubts?" Qi Zhengyan said bluntly.

Meng Qi nodded slightly, repeated what Mr. Lu Da and Jiang Zhiwei said, and finally said: "How to 'kill me to see me'?"

Senior Brother Qi has the experience of being a demon lord and should be able to answer one or two questions.

Qi Zhengyan thought for a while and said: "Since you want to 'cut me and see me', then try to really 'cut it'. What is your biggest reliance at the moment? 'Cut it off' and experience it. "

"What is my greatest reliance?" Meng Qi frowned and asked himself.

Yuanshi Tianzun? No, how could I completely rely on Him if I was wary of Him?

Overlord’s sword? Before he awakened to the legendary level, he was not without a life...

As his thoughts were spinning, he heard Qi Zhengyan say calmly:

"Your greatest reliance is your martial arts. Without martial arts, there would be no Emperor Yuan. Without martial arts, there would be nothing you are doing now."

Meng Qi took a deep breath, his thoughts fluctuated, and he wanted to refute, but he had nothing to say.

Yes, after arriving in this world where strong men are everywhere and strength is respected, my biggest support and dependence is martial arts. You can't rely on Yuanshi, nor can you rely on morality. Only your own strength is real!

When facing the devil and Buddha, the situation was so desperate. Instead of praying to God or praying to Buddha, he practiced martial arts step by step, sharpened the sword in his heart, and finally broke through the shackles.

Qi Zhengyan stared at Meng Qi and said in a deep voice:

"So, can you cut off this biggest support and dependence?"

"And even if you give up, you may not be able to succeed. By then, you will be an ordinary person without strength, and it will be very difficult to recover."

"At that time, were you still Emperor Yuan? Were you still Su Meng? Can you still maintain your current temperament and style? Will you be gone without martial arts?"

"Don't you dare give it up?"

I can't get enough water in one day, I'm a little short, and I write a little slowly. Please forgive me. Hehe, I wish you a happy Valentine's Day. I'll check my physical recovery in two updates tomorrow. If it's still relatively bad, just treat it as missing a chapter and make up for it later.

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