The Supreme Being

Chapter 1190 Four Swords Standing Together

The shadows faded away, the bright moon was revealed, and the clear light fell. The Fengtian Terrace was covered with a layer of silver gauze, and the splendid landscape of mountains and rivers separated by four colors gradually disappeared, as if embedded in the scope of the altar, and the core of the Great Zhou territory - the capital. Changle is connected as one.

Gao Lan's human emperor's sword hangs down, light gold floats, reflecting the seal, and his body stands erect. Under the pressure of Maitreya Buddha and Peng Demon King, two ancient great powers, there is no bend or tremble at all. It seems that his spine can carry the entire human race and the world. The light of all civilizations has its feet on the Nine Netherworlds and its head on the fairyland!

After hearing the announcement of Maitreya and Peng Demon King, Shaoxuan and Xi'e, who were deeply worried, felt a lot more confident when they saw this scene, as if Gao Lan was the legendary power and they were not.

Examining her thoughts and eliminating the influence, Xi'e finally frowned and said: "Your Majesty, the war is about to start. With the strong return of the remaining great saints of the demon clan, Maitreya has planned for hundreds of thousands of years. Even with the help of Emperor Yuan, we can resist It won't be a few days, and it will take at least a month to complete the Sealing Tiantai. Not to mention that Luo Jiao is so ambitious that he single-handedly provoked the battle that the legendary power planned to awaken in advance. He will definitely not let this opportunity go. What should we do? ?”

In the later period of the demonic chaos on the earth, the Human Emperor was already strong. Maitreya, with the support of Amitabha Buddha, wanted to establish a Buddhist kingdom on earth. Many things happened in the process, but in the end it failed miserably. He could only reorganize the layout and wait for the doomsday. Therefore, Xi'e said that he It has the depth of planning for hundreds of thousands of years.

Seeing that Gao Lan remained cold and indifferent, Xi'e paused and continued: "When your Majesty wanted to establish the Fengtian Tower, he must have weighed the situation and understood that not only must the Fengtian Tower be defended, but also the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty must be defended. The current situation should be expected. "With the city management and planning you have shown in the past, you should not be unprepared and have no back-ups."

She has always admired Gao Lan's kingly attitude.

Gao Lan put away the seal and the Human Emperor Sword, clasped his hands behind his back, and walked forward a few steps. Just as he was about to speak, suddenly, outside the confines of the Fengtian Terrace, necklaces flew and golden lotuses appeared, outlining a figure with a heavy mysterious robe and a simple Taoist crown. , the handsome facial features have a strange charm that is somewhat innate and divine. It was Meng Qi who came directly with his omnipresent power.

Seeing the arrival of this new powerful man, both Shaoxuan and Xi'e felt a little pressure in their hearts. It seemed that the other party had some qualities that far exceeded the legend.

Meng Qi stepped into the area of ​​Fengtiantai and said with a smile: "If anything goes wrong, it must be a monster. Before building Fengtiantai, the emperor did not make many allies and exchange benefits. He was alone and alone, waiting for the demon clan and the Buddhist kingdom. The destruction of forces such as He Luo Jiao, even with the support of Splendid Mountains and Rivers, is very passive, which is extremely unwise. There must be a reason for it. "

It was precisely because he believed that Gao Lan was not a reckless person that he, despite being worried about Luo Jiao's temptation, used Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu to set up a trap and use the material to reveal himself at the critical moment.

After Xiao Sang's sorting and analysis, the problem became increasingly obvious.

Gao Lan stood still, with his hands behind his back, his gaze became deeper, and he said slowly:

"Third brother, the world is like a chess game. If you can reach the level of you and me, even if you were not in the past, you must be in the eyes of the big shots now. There are some things that I cannot reveal too much for the time being. I can only briefly say that it was sealed and suppressed in the first place. When I was in Changle, everything on my body was taken away. How could the Holy Emperor’s Demonic Order related to the breakthrough and the things that concealed the punishment from heaven be returned to my hands?”

Meng Qi has always had doubts about Gao Lan's secret attainment of the Dharmakaya. Since he was suppressed by the seal, who would leave him the Holy Emperor's magic decree and the things that cover up the punishment from heaven? Could it be that he hid it too secretly? Wasn't he found out, or was he able to influence the guards with his domineering spirit, and get it again after going through many twists and turns?

The possibility of both is very slim. When Gao Lan killed Changle with blood, the strong men of the sect intervened. Even though they focused on suppression at first and did not have time to search, they later rushed back to Taoist priests and Mr. Lu Da to use the divine consciousness of Dharmakaya. , can you still let him hide something? As for the guard, he was either appointed by the sect or had a blood feud with him. There was no room for carelessness. How could he be influenced by such a crazy person?

Now that Meng Qi heard that Gao Lan admitted the matter directly, Meng Qi finally confirmed his doubts. As for the specific situation, he could only wait and guess with Xiao Sang.

"As expected." Shaoxuan and Xi'e breathed a sigh of relief.

Gao Lan looked at Meng Qi, with a smile on his thin lips: "Third brother, what you just said, do you want to suggest forming allies to fight against the demon clan, the Buddhist kingdom and the Luo religion?"

"Of course." Meng Qi nodded with a smile.

Brother Doubi is so witty. Even if he just pointed out the abnormality, he still knows the elegant meaning of the song.

"In the last years of ancient times, when the Human Emperor fought against the demon clan, the Buddhist kingdom and the Luo religion, he gained many allies with his tolerance for the common people, including the immortals of Yuxu, Biyou and other Daoist sects, as well as some Buddhist factions, including those who remained after the fall of Heaven. Many of the powerful gods are still alive today," Gao Lan said without any hesitation.

Senior Brother Guangcheng is the teacher of the Human Emperor, and the Nine Heavens Xuannv once assisted the Human Emperor... Meng Qi nodded slightly, knowing that what Brother Doubi said was true: "In this case, why didn't the Emperor contact his allies first, but directly build the Fengtian Tower? ”

Gao Lan raised his head and laughed, a little bit crazy: "If we inform them in advance and communicate with them well, the construction of the Fengtiantai will inevitably be postponed, because all the forces are still returning, and no one wants the situation to change. Intensify in advance.”

"Now, the Sealing Tiantai is coming to an end, and the situation has become precarious. The Monster Clan, the Buddhist Kingdom, and the Luo Jiao have formed an alliance. It's a done deal. As long as they still want to take the lead and don't want the alliance of the three major forces to dominate, they can only pinch it. It will be much easier if you put down your posture, have a better attitude, and seek help."

"The premise of cooperation is interests, not being obedient and contented."

Having said this, his expression became solemn:

"I am the current human emperor, the Emperor of Zhou Dynasty. Even if I cooperate, I still want to take the leading position. How can I be manipulated by others?"

With a calm tone and a proud body, he was still the sworn brother Meng Qi knew. Whether he was a heroic lunatic or a cold emperor, or the current Gao Lan who combined the two personalities, there was an air of high-spirited and unyielding pride in his chest.

"But, will it be too late?" Shaoxuan did not hide his worries.

If they were destroyed, would those forces simply give up on Great Zhou?

Gao Lan looked at Meng Qi with calm eyes:

"Third brother, his expression is as usual, he must teach me something."

Meng Qi chuckled: "Brother, the emperor has a sharp eye."

After saying that, he stopped smiling and said seriously: "I still need to borrow the altar."

Pray to Yuanshi Tianzun to activate the cause of all effects, and borrow the Four Swords of Killing Immortals as the leader!

Gao Lan nodded slightly and stepped aside. Shaoxuan and Xi'e said in unison:

"Please teach me, Mr. Su."

Meng Qi straightened his clothes and slowly stepped onto the steps, a solemn and sacred atmosphere emerged spontaneously.

Climbing to the Fengtian Terrace, he bowed to the Yuxu Palace at the infinite height, and then paid homage to the Five Emperors of the Five Directions. Meng Qi stood in the center, and a glazed lamp appeared in his eyes. He flew out and turned into an illusory talisman. , showing the bright star line.

With the edict flowing, Meng Qi pointed his hand and shouted loudly:

"In the name of Master Yuxu, please ask Senior Brother Guangcheng of Jiuxian Mountain to lend me the Sword of Killing Immortals!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a bright star line burned, and a star comparable to the bright moon suddenly brightened in the sky, illuminating the towering mountain peaks with a green glow!


In the source of Tianhai, a huge figure with two horns stood up with the momentum of pushing a mountain of gold and a jade pillar, and said with a heroic smile:

"It's time to conquer Dazhou!"

He took one step forward and was already in the desert. Behind him were the dragons that circled the sky and the rocs that covered the bright moon and stars. His breath rushed into the starry sky, causing many stars to move in the depths of the universe.

Really swallow the whole world!

At this moment, the cyan light penetrated the cover and fell down. Then the sharp energy filled the air, and a cyan sword light suddenly fell down like it was supporting the Heavenly Mountain, and inserted into the vast sea.

This "sacred mountain" is a simple and straight blue giant sword with two characters on it:

"Zhu Xian!"

An unparalleled aura that destroyed all directions came out, and the giant figure with two horns involuntarily took a step back.

One voice after another merged into an exclamation:

"The Immortal Killing Sword?"

At the edge of the East China Sea, Maitreya, the Buddha from the east, rolled up auspicious clouds, brought glazed golden light, and scattered white lotus petals. He stood on the left and right of the Dharma Flower Forest and the Great Miracle. Surrounded by many Bodhisattvas and Arhats, he descended in an extremely high-profile manner.

Will do something to save the world!

"Namo Amitabha." Maitreya recited the Buddha's name in a low voice. He was about to cross to the east of the Yangtze River and let the Buddhist believers lurking in various places rise up. Suddenly, he felt a fierce sword energy coming over him, and a red light tore through the void. It plunges straight into the East China Sea without being submerged, and its light reaches the sky.

This is a sword as red as blood. It is ancient and terrifying. It also has two characters spelled out:

"Trapped Immortal!"

Maitreya Dharma Master paused, and in the ubiquitous sense, at the junction of the Southern Wilderness and the Great Zhou Dynasty, white sword light descended from the stars in the sky, turning into a sword to kill immortals. On the extreme northern ice sheet, black straight lines penetrated the sky and the earth. , the sword body is dark and named "Jue Xian"!


The four swords stood up, southeast, northwest, the sword energy intertwined, turned into a strong wind and clouds, covering Changle, the Shendu, Jiangdong, the seventeen states of the Great Tuesday and hundreds of millions of creatures, and the gushing sword intent went straight into all the places. Heaven, scattering all over the world.

"The Four Swords of Execution..." Maitreya's usual smile froze.

In the world of Fengshen, in an abandoned cave, Nezha sat quietly, his eyes slightly red.

At this time, the sword intention came. He looked up, held the handle of the gun with his right hand, and whispered to himself:

"Has it started yet?"

Deep in the East China Sea, Jin'ao Island suddenly appeared, and a towering white ape suddenly stood up.

"Four Immortal Swords?" Yuan Hong's eyes reflected four immortal swords.

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