The Supreme Being

Chapter 220: Genealogy of Outstanding People in Zhou County

"There is another new master on the list!" The martial arts disciples opened their childish eyes, curious and excited, chattering like a flock of sparrows.

Although the world is big, not every issue of the list contains new people, and they are also new people who have not been well-known before!

"The Gentleman's Sword? His nickname means he is a righteous knight."

"Of course, it was just the first time he met Hua Lun. He used his sword to help, walked in the mountains at night, and was not afraid of Luo Jiao. He is worthy of the name of a gentleman."

"How wonderful it would be if the world were filled with gentlemen like Meng Shaoxia!"

Meng Qi, dressed as a white-robed Confucian scholar, felt like dying while listening, and found that he still couldn't accept the nickname "Junzijian". Compared with it, the Mang King Kong and the Thunder Sword Mad Monk seemed less blood-inducing.

At the same time, he was full of doubts in his heart. The six doors should not be able to recognize him. Why did they put out the annotations of "to be tested" and "may be a pseudonym"? What was their purpose?

Forget it, I don’t plan to use Jun Zijian anyway!

He glanced at the back of the list and saw that the ranking had not changed much due to the death of Lady Sanhua, so he gathered his mood and prepared to leave.

At this moment, the martial arts master ordered his disciples to take out a thick stack of paper and stick it on the screen wall opposite the door.

"Hey, the list of outstanding people in Zhou County?" Meng Qi paused in his steps. With his eyes open, he could see clearly even if the characters were small and the distance was not close.

As he continued reading, he found that it was a list of famous local masters listed in the six gates of the county. It was not ranked. It only introduced the names, origins, martial arts realm, and the most outstanding achievements. However, the names of different characters were attached at the end. The comments are all from famous people in Zhou County.

"It deserves to be the first city in the southwest. Even the six-door branch is so independent and special, creating a tree of local characters..." Meng Qi clicked his tongue in admiration. He passed through Xiliang, three mountains and four rivers, and Xuanwu, only in Zhou Jun has seen it.

It is a small place with three mountains and four rivers, and nothing is normal. Xiliang strangles the main business route between the Western Regions and Shanxi Province. Various people come and go frequently, making it difficult to check them all. In addition, the folk customs are fierce and horsemen and bandits are mixed. Wrong reviews will often lead to vendettas. Therefore, it is not possible. Xuanwu is within the sphere of influence of the Zhenwu Sect, so how could they be willing to have something similar to the list of people.

He glanced at it and browsed briefly, but did not look at it in detail because there were too many.

Suddenly, he let out a light sigh and saw "himself" again:

"Name: Tang Jing."

"Age: twenty-six."

"Identity: The legitimate son of the Tang family in Yicheng, ranking second."

"Nicknames: Thunderbolt Sword, Ghost Faced Sword, Tang Erlang."

"Martial Arts: Six Apertures, Sword Techniques and Sword Techniques. He has gained the essence of fierceness. In addition to his own 'Splitting River Sword Technique', he is also good at many sword techniques."

"Reason for being included in the book: Killing Tang Shu, a master of nine orifices, with one sword; being besieged by the Iron Hand Demon and the Huanxi Demon, he was still able to turn defeat into victory and kill the Iron Hand Demon."

"Comment: Jin Jinxian, the owner of the Chiyang Martial Arts School, said: The sword skills should not be underestimated. It is enough to fight the masters of seven or eight apertures, but the nine apertures need to be discussed. Tang Shu is the elder of the Tang family. At that time, he was held accountable by the prospective head of the family. He was bound by his family and resisted. His heart was not strong, and he might even have resisted subconsciously. The siege was too chaotic, and no bones were left. Tang Ren, the only witness, had not seen how Tang Jing killed the iron-handed demon, so he could not do it accurately. Perhaps the iron-handed demon died due to the influence of the treasure weapon."

"Huang Yuanba, the deacon elder of the Huang family in Yedu, said: Know your shame and then be brave. A prodigal son will never exchange for gold. When Tang Jing was in his twenties, he only had two orifices and had no experience in swordsmanship. However, after being humiliated, he traveled for three years and went through many hardships. He has already opened the six orifices, entered the house with sword skills, and killed the murderer. He is not afraid of the nine orifices. He is truly a model for future generations. "

"Wang Zai of Zhoujun Wang's 'Shou Zheng Sword' said: Tang Jing's sword is fierce and overbearing. It is like thunder falling from the sky. It absorbs all the vitality of the surrounding air flow. It is invincible and can cut everything. It has the strength of the sword's way. It has enlightened me for the rest of my life." As a swordsman, he can be ranked in the top five. If his performance was not outstanding, he would be ranked at the bottom of the list. It is a pity that some people have the real ability, but no one has the reputation. "

This kid Wang Zai is quite fair and objective... Meng Qi was praised a bit and had a good impression of Wang Zai, and the nickname he got was much better than Mang King Kong, Thunder Sword Mad Monk and Gentleman Sword!

But why is he still a strong and domineering type, instead of the cold, dusty, and handsome type with fluttering white clothes... Meng Qi resented a little. Will he have to exchange for the "Flying Fairy from Heaven" to restore his style in the future?

Meng Qi chewed his teeth, shook his head and left. Suddenly there was a burst of cheers behind him:

"The owner of the museum is on the list!"

Forehead? Meng Qi had nothing to do and looked back out of curiosity. Following their gazes and fingers, he saw the end of the list:

"Name: He Ye."

"Age: sixty-two."

"Identity: Master of Qingfeng Martial Arts School, disciple of Chaosheng Sect."

"Nickname: Tingchao Sword."

"Martial Arts: Six Apertures, good at using the Seven, Seven and Forty-Nine Tingchao Sword Techniques, and the Eighteenth Tide Falling Sword Technique."

"Reason for entry into the genealogy: A virtuous elder. The martial arts gym he opened only accepts basic practitioners. He teaches without distinction. Every year, martial arts disciples are favored by sects and aristocratic families. This year, there are three disciples who are quite famous in the martial arts competition. Hope to become famous.”

The comments that followed basically praised He Ye for his kindness and kindness. He always had something to say, and occasionally added a sentence or two to teach his disciples.

Meng Qi was currently in a state of idleness. He watched it with gusto, but he didn't understand what the martial arts competition was. However, he didn't pay much attention to it. He put it behind him and headed straight for the city.


"What, you want to be in charge of Yedu?" Meng Qi looked at Qi Zhengyan in shock.

Qi Zhengyan said calmly: "Well, I'm going to ask me to go to Yedu and be in charge of the food, rice, oil, salt and other shops."

"Is this an overt promotion and a secret demotion?" Meng Qi frowned. It seemed that he had been promoted and entered a prosperous place in the city, but it sounded far worse than the current state of the princes.

Qi Zhengyan nodded and said: "Yedu is a prefecture-level city. One of the general elders of our sect is permanently stationed there. There are many outside deacons, and there are more than twenty principals."

"How could the Huanhua Sword Sect do this?" Meng Qi was a little confused.

Qi Zhengyan said slowly: "I have indeed made great contributions, but the handling afterwards seems too selfish. Even if I can't make mistakes, I can't be in charge of a place."

No sect dares to entrust the power of a place to a disciple who is very selfish, but selfishness comes back to selfishness. As long as he does not violate the sect rules and actually harm the interests of the sect, he will be rewarded for his merits, but he must be placed under supervision. under the condition.

Meng Qi nodded and said, "It's me who has caused trouble for you, Senior Brother Qi."

He has changed his identity and is a scholar who went to Yedu to study.

"It doesn't matter, it's my own choice. At present, everything is focused on the mission of death." Qi Zhengyan said without showing any annoyance or blame, "It's okay now, I can discuss with you more often."

"Well, you just have to be careful of being followed." Meng Qi put aside a little guilt and warned.

It's strange that things in the world are strange. I and Senior Brother Qi are actually reunited in Yedu.


For the next six months, Meng Qi lived alone in the small courtyard, concentrating on his cultivation. He discussed with the visiting Qi Zhengyan from time to time, and consolidated everything he had learned before. Not only did the sixth level of the Golden Bell Cover become closer to perfection, and he began to refine the acupuncture points related to the mouth, but also the eighth and ninth levels. Xuan Gong has also officially reached the eye aperture stage, and his eyesight is stronger, almost double what it was before.

The foundation of swordsmanship that he lacked in Dugu Nine Swords has been laid, he has accumulated a lot of purple thunder power, and he has also mastered various changes in "Crazy Thunder Shocking the Sky". He only needs to understand the true meaning of thunder to truly become an outdoor move.

Meng Qi is not worried about this. If it were someone else, it might take them ten or several decades to achieve a small level of swordsmanship and gain the true meaning of thunder, just like Tang Ren. However, he has the incomplete inheritance of "Shenxiao Nine Destructions", and after thinking about it day and night, , has a deep understanding of the true meaning of thunder. Even though it is slightly different from the sword meaning required by "Crazy Thunder Shaking the Sky", it is still very different. They are both belonging to the God of Thunder, and can barely match each other. When the death mission is urgent, they can't care about it. So many.

The only bottleneck is that Meng Qi's "Compendium of the Heavenly Sword" has made little progress. In addition to the essence of the four swordsmanship that he originally mastered, he has only newly understood the kind of momentum contained in the "Cloud-turning Sword". He regards himself as the sky and can turn the clouds and rain. !

In this regard, Meng Qi was very clear about the problem. He did not have enough knowledge in sword techniques and it was difficult to draw parallels. Only by observing different sword techniques could he fully grasp the outline of the Heavenly Sword.

No wonder Xijian Pavilion requires its disciples to observe the sword techniques of hundreds of schools to strengthen their swordsmanship... Meng Qi increasingly felt that the great sect was well-deserved, and planned to dig out the "Cold Wind Sword Technique" that he had not practiced much before and practice hard to master its implications. The essence of sword practice.

"Well, the 'Compendium of Heavenly Swords' goes up to the Nine Heavenly Swords. Although you can't redeem it now, you can still buy a copy of 'Tianwen' and ponder it..." Meng Qi locked the courtyard door and went to the bookstore.

This world is very strange. There are many poems that Meng Qi read in his previous life, and they are all signed by the original authors.

However, because the era when they were handed down is so far away from now, no one can tell who the original author is and what his background is.

Of course, there are also many poems whose origin and circulation are clear.

It was the end of the New Year and the weather was cold and freezing, but there were many pedestrians on the road buying new year's goods.

Meng Qi wore a wide robe with big sleeves, his hands on his back and caged in the sleeves. As he walked towards the bookstore, his eyes wandered and looked around the alley.

"Wait a minute, should we go to Zhaocai Lane to eat Jian's mutton soup, or go to Duozi Street to buy that oil fruit store?" Meng Qi thought about lunch.

There are many delicacies in Yedu, all of which suit Meng Qi's appetite. After practicing martial arts, he often works tirelessly, walking through the streets and alleys, looking for every "hidden pearl". As long as he accidentally finds it, he feels very happy.

It's a pity that Qi Zhengyan didn't want to put too much effort into food, so Meng Qi could only go alone. Every time at this time, he would think that if Ruan Yushu was here, he would be followed behind him.

After buying "Tianwen", Meng Qi decided to eat youguo. As soon as he arrived at the stall, he heard repeated greetings.

"Hello, Mr. Su."

"Hehe, I met you again."

Next to the stall were several disciples from the Qingfeng Martial Arts School. They were opposite Meng Qi. They often met him at the door and at the food stall. As time went by, I saw that he was a scholar, and occasionally asked him the meaning of a word in the secret book. So I call him sir.

Meng Qi smiled and nodded: "It's almost the New Year, why don't you come to the martial arts gym?"

A little girl with big eyes said with a sad face: "Master said that you can't leave your hands when punching and you can't leave your mouth when singing. Besides, there is a martial arts competition after the New Year. We also want to stand out and be favored by a big sect or aristocratic family."

"Tianhe, you have only been learning martial arts for a year, so there is no need to rush." ​​Meng Qi understood the mentality of civilian children who wanted to reduce the burden on their families and support themselves as soon as possible.

Qu Tianhe smiled and said, "Mr. Su, I'm just talking, anyone in the martial arts gym can beat me."

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Meng Qi, whose pseudonym was Su Meng, carried the fruit back to his yard. When passing by the Qingfeng Martial Arts School, he suddenly heard suppressed cries.

He looked up and saw He Mu, a martial arts disciple he was familiar with. He immediately curled his lips and said, "A man, why are you crying?"

He Mu was fourteen years old and had been studying martial arts for four years. He had gained a small amount of energy and was dedicated and enthusiastic about swordsmanship. He often asked Meng Qi for advice because a certain sword manual he bought contained characters he didn't recognize.

He Mu wiped his eyes, his eyes were red, and he said stubbornly: "I didn't cry!"

"Hey, did you lose the competition?" Meng Qi looked at the scars from the wooden sword on the back of his hand.

He Mu suddenly hid his right hand behind his back: "I, I was just careless. Alas, you don't understand this."

"Who said that? I'm a martial arts master!" Meng Qi smiled half-seriously.

He Mu also seemed to want to find someone to talk to. When he heard what he said, he didn't take it seriously. He said in distress and frustration: "The martial arts competition is coming soon, but I lost to the fifth senior brother seven times today... We are obviously similar in strength, why do I always I will lose! I, I think Master He is very disappointed in me.”

Meng Qi patted the back of his left hand with the "Tianwen" book in his right hand, and said with great interest: "How did you lose? Let's take a look."

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