The Supreme Being

Chapter 525: Appraisal Harvest (Third update, please vote for me)

Dou Mu Yuanjun processed the jade slip a little, isolated the true meaning of the remaining Dharmakaya moves, and then handed it to Meng Qi.

This time, Meng Qi no longer needed to stick it between his eyebrows, and his spirit naturally released and probed in.


Meng Qi only felt that his Yuanshen was elevated, in a mysterious state of nothingness, and the time before and after and the space were integrated into one, neither there nor not there.

The "Yuanshen" opened his eyes, invisible and intangible, visible and intangible, chaos was born, yin and yang were differentiated, and they were interpreted one by one!

They changed wonderfully and extremely quickly. Meng Qi could only grasp some of the mysteries slightly. If he wanted to truly understand it, he had to get the "Yuanshi Jinzhang" Dharmakaya chapter!

However, Meng Qi also had the "Yin and Yang Seal", which elaborated on the process of yin and yang differentiation, mutual basis, and mutual conversion, and explained the various laws between heaven and earth, which made Meng Qi intoxicated.

I saw the "Yuanshen" stretched out his hands, mixed with the laws of heaven and earth, and formed an indescribable seal, chaotic and dark.

The seal changes, and both hands are struck out front and back, and yin and yang are born, transforming into each other in an extremely mysterious way, making it impossible to judge which hand is yang and which hand is yin, and it is hard to defend against.

When this seal is struck, the chaos in front of it splits, separating the clear and the turbid, and explaining all kinds of yin and yang principles!

After an unknown period of time, Meng Qi opened his eyes. One eyeball was bright white and the pupil was dark, while the other eyeball was dark and the pupil was pure white, like two upside-down "yin and yang fish".

He closed his eyes and opened them again to restore them to their original state.

The Yin and Yang Seal is worthy of being one of the "Nine Seals of Yuanshi", which encompasses the ultimate truth of the universe and hides the root of the great way. I can only understand the superficial aspects.

This is because I have created the moves of "Yin and Yang Three Combinations, What is the Origin and What is the Transformation", the sword and sword combination of "Reversing Yin and Yang", and the "Inner Heaven and Earth Moves" that can be improved and grown by creating the world. I have explored and thought about the way of yin and yang for a long time, so I can understand the relevant "fur" in the "Yin and Yang Seal".

The various legal principles and ways of cultivation described in the "Yuanshi Jinzhang" exterior scene require a calm mind to study slowly. It made Meng Qi thoroughly understand that after the internal and external scenes converge and the internal scenes are revealed, martial arts and qi training have reached the same goal. He can use the external scenes to perform various magic effects, such as calling the wind and rain, and attracting lightning.

As for the "Sanbao Ruyi Fist", Meng Qi has already mastered the exterior scene. Now that his understanding has deepened, he urgently needs the qi of any three of the five virtues to practice.

I wonder if there is an option to exchange the qi of the five virtues in the Six Paths... Meng Qi's thoughts diverge.

Dou Mu Yuanjun seemed to sense what he was thinking, and said in a calm voice: "The five virtues are merit, morality, blessings, saintly virtue and hidden virtue. They are all due to the corresponding rewards from the heaven and earth for one's own actions. If you use the qi obtained by others to practice your own skills, there may be flaws." In other words, it is better to collect it yourself... Meng Qi nodded lightly and asked casually: "Heaven and earth are ruthless, how can there be rewards?" The heaven and earth are not living beings, how can they give rewards on their own? Dou Mu Yuanjun had an extra jade slip in his hand: "All things in the world are interdependent and mutually influential, and the laws of the great way and the laws of heaven and earth are also like this. For example, if you aim at the center of a dead volcano with all your strength, it will erupt again, and this eruption is the reward for your palm." Uh, it seems that if I punch the wall, the wall will also punch me back? Meng Qi thought of the knowledge he learned in his previous life. Seeing that Meng Qi understood, Doumu continued, "Whatever influence you exert on the principles of the Great Dao and the laws of the operation of the world, there will naturally be a corresponding reward. It's just that ordinary people are weak and their actions can only have a limited impact, so this kind of 'reward' is extremely weak and difficult to detect." "I see." Meng Qi understood completely. Doumu Yuanjun glanced at him and said, "The closer your actions are to a certain principle of the Great Dao or the laws of the operation of the world, the greater the 'reward' you get, which can replenish yourself. When you are completely close to it, your 'self' will be equivalent to this principle of the Great Dao or the laws of operation, and you can completely integrate into the world, control part of the power of the world, and achieve another kind of Dharma body. The merit Dharma body and the blessing Dao body of Taoism are all of this type. Well, you come from Buddhism, so you should know the 'reward body', right? This is the method of cultivating the 'reward body'." As expected of the head of a major sect and a senior reincarnation person, he is really knowledgeable... Meng Qi shook his head to indicate that he was a half-baked monk. Dou Mu's expression was unknown under the mask: "Monks make wishes in front of Buddha and practice their wishes, which is to get closer to some great principles and get 'rewards', but this matter cannot be too ambitious. First, if it is not close enough, making great wishes is just talking nonsense and will not get any rewards at all. Second, if the wish is too great, the reward will exceed the self-bearing ability, which is also a disaster and there is no hope of moving forward." "Before ancient times, Amitabha Buddha made forty-eight great wishes and received great rewards. Through this, he broke through and achieved the perfect reward body pure land, which is also the Western Pure Land of Bliss." "As long as you worship Buddha sincerely, you will return to the paradise after death. Isn't this becoming a part of heaven and earth?" Meng Qi was a little stunned when he heard it, and remembered the novels he had read before. Isn't this making great wishes to achieve enlightenment? Suddenly, Meng Qi remembered a person and an event: "Yuanjun, tonight... I met Hongneng, the contemporary heir of Lanke Temple in the vast sea. He was fulfilling his wish and building a temple to protect travelers from the wind and sand in the vast sea. Could it be that he was cultivating his 'reward body'?" Doumu Yuanjun nodded gently: "Yes, Lanke Temple is one of the few Buddhist sects in our world that cultivates 'reward bodies'. Although I have not been there, I can be sure that it has Bodhisattvas or Buddhas sitting in it. No, it should be said that Lanke Temple is His reward body pure land and has become a part of heaven and earth."

"The laws of the operation of heaven and earth and the principles of the Great Dao exist everywhere around us. They are the basis for our internal and external manifestations and cultivation, but can you directly sense them?"

Meng Qi pondered: "I can feel their existence through their external appearance, but I can't sense them directly."

"Therefore, Lanke Temple, which has become a part of the law of heaven and earth, can be everywhere. The world is so close, and those who have no destiny are so close to the end of the world. If they cannot become Dharmakaya, we can only hope that they will take the initiative to open the door of convenience." There is Mr. Lu Da in Thrushcross Villa, so Lanke The secret of the temple is no secret to Doumu Yuanjun.

Meng Qi exhaled softly, feeling that things in the world are wonderful, and there are fascinating mysteries and explorations everywhere and everywhere.

After waiting for Zhiwei, he can go to Hongneng together. Although he does not practice "Sambhogakaya", the stones from other mountains can attack jade, and he may even be able to enter Lanke Temple for a visit... He suddenly had similar thoughts and did not pay attention to the fight. Mu Yuanjun handed a jade slip to himself.

"This is it?" Meng Qi asked doubtfully.

Dou Mu spoke calmly: "The surface operation routes of all Xianji's techniques."

"When you practice the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques, you should take the path of the immortal Taoist body that tolerates changes. Watching, learning and imitating more will help you improve, and you can simulate and disguise a certain member at critical moments, which will be of great use."

Feeling the vast array of techniques in the jade slip, Meng Qi took a deep breath and felt a little more sincere about joining the "Immortal Trail". Without these techniques, he would have to work hard to collect them to satisfy different needs. The acupoints correspond to the needs of different exercises in different universes, thereby accommodating changes and making the body immortal.

No wonder there are almost no reincarnations who choose the Eight or Nine Mysterious Techniques. Although the defense during the awakening stage is strong and good at deception, disguise and imitation, there are no moves. And the practice in the outer scene requires the support of huge resources of techniques. If you don't enter the fairyland, you don't know. It takes tens, hundreds, or even thousands of times more extra effort, so that the progress of cultivation is slow, and you die from reincarnation or exhaustion of lifespan.

Meng Qi saluted solemnly and thanked the "immortal."

Doumu Yuanjun looked at him deeply: "After a while, there may be a formal member's task assigned to you."

"What mission?" Meng Qi asked cautiously.

Doumu Yuanjun pointed at Biyou Palace: "Biyou Heaven actually has more than nine exits. There is also one deep in Biyou Palace, leading to another world. There, Biyou Palace is a mysterious and powerful symbol."

"There is something wrong with the forces we support in that world, but I don't know if it can be solved by ourselves. In short, if we need to send someone, we will inform you."

Meng Qi nodded and agreed, then bid farewell to Lord Doumu Yuan and flew to Xianjifang. He had too many things waiting for the appraisal of the Six Paths, and a lot of things that he wanted to exchange for good deeds.

In front of the central jade pillar of Xianji Square, Meng Qi saw "Bixia Yuanjun" Qu Jiuniang. She clicked her tongue: "'Tianzun' is really extraordinary, is there anything to gain?"

She was referring to Meng Qi's murder of Ze Luo Ju. Everyone in the vast sea knew that Ze Luo Ju was "rich"!

Meng Qi wore the mask of "Yuanshi Tianzun", chuckled, and took out Zeluoju's evil sword, pieces of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and dozens or hundreds of worry-free flowers.

"This, so much..." Bixia Yuanjun's tone was full of shock, surprise and envy. His eyes were fixed on the floating objects in front of Meng Qi, unable to move away, "Have you known that I would have assassinated you?" Luo Ju went..."

Her strength before the breakthrough could not suppress Zeluoju, and if Meng Qi had not taken action at the time and place that was most beyond Zeluoju's expectations, with his caution and vigilance, he might not have been able to succeed.

While Bixia Yuanjun was looking at these things, Meng Qi quietly put in the Xuanshuidang Demon Flag and the hand bones obtained from Lao Zhong, and asked for identification.

"Xuan Shui swings the demon flag, and the magic weapon (damaged) is a thing of the Black Emperor's Zhenwu. It is made of the Taichu Xuan Shui that was born with him. It can command the water mist to protect the body and destroy evil. Because of the serious damage, it can only exert the magical power of the outdoor scene. It can last for three years. If you want to activate it, you can use 50% of its full power twice."

"It is currently worth 12,000 good works. If you want to restore it to its original state, it will take 70,000 good works."

"Note that if the user has not crossed the first level of the ladder, it cannot be activated."

"The hand bone of 'Yellow Spring', a divine weapon-level item, is the hand bone of 'Yellow Spring', the natural evil god of Jiuyou. However, it lost its power due to strange reasons and is difficult to display its supernatural powers. Its current value is unknown."

"If you want to uncover the strange reason, you need to pay eight thousand good deeds."

These are really the hand bones of "Yellow Spring"... Meng Qi frowned.

Third update, please recommend monthly tickets~

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