The Supreme Being

Chapter 733 The best way to achieve peace and prosperity in the world

The sword light, sword energy and gun shadow and fist seals flew on the river, each going back and forth, causing the Nu River to surge into the sky and roar even louder, giving it a doomsday scene.

When Wen Jinggang heard the news of Liu Yuntao's death, before he could go around and rush to help Miao Cong, the announcement from the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation rang in his ears, and he was so shocked that he almost fell into the river.

He knew Miao Cong's strength very well. If he fell into madness and pushed the heaven-defying skills to the extreme, even he would not dare to face the edge. Now it is not a death mission. How could the reincarnation of the rebel camp be like this? Can you kill him in a short time?

Although they have weird and powerful techniques that can kill the Shadow King without anyone noticing, they shouldn't be so unrestricted. Otherwise, with such a comparison in strength, they would be on a death mission!

Surprised and confused, Wen Jing gave up the idea of ​​cooperating with other team members to go to Xiqiu for assistance, returned to the main formation, and continued to attack the rebel camp.

This mission is really a ghost!


In the camp, Jiang Zhiwei jerked back her sword with its sheath, blocking the fatal blow at the last moment.

But until this moment, she had not sensed the enemy. It seemed that everything was her own illusion.

Zheng! The sword came out of its sheath like a dragon roaring. Jiang Zhiwei relied on the cicada's instinct to react before the autumn wind moved her.


The sound of gold and iron clashing suddenly sounded, and the sword body of the Bai Hong Sun Sword blocked another blow!

Zhao Heng, who was slightly behind her, only saw Jiang Zhiwei looking like he was going crazy, inexplicably actuating the sword. There was nothing unusual around him. With a thought in his heart, he immediately activated the "Xuanhuang Emperor's Robe"!

The golden dragon had just flown out, drooping down streaks of black and yellow energy, and a nearly transparent narrow sword tip suddenly stabbed out of Zhao Heng's back. Without any warning, it was dangerous, and as fast as lightning, it hit his vest.

Benedict! With the added merit, the ripples of black and yellow blocked this extremely explosive and penetrating blow!

Ruan Yushu had already reacted when Jiang Zhiwei's White Rainbow Sun Sword was unsheathed. The Seven Immortals Qin floated in front of him, and he was stroking it with both hands. The sound of orioles, magpies, etc. suddenly sounded around him, stirring up the air current, and interpreting different sounds in every place. The sound is like a hundred birds singing in unison, worshiping the phoenix.

The void responded with slight vibrations, but where the enemy was hidden, the vibrations were abnormal. Jiang Zhiwei turned around suddenly, holding the hilt of the sword with her right hand, and stabbed straight at it. The sword light was pure, absorbing all the nearby light, making everything dim and dark. , making the time and thinking of the person opposite seem to slow down, and all he can see is this stunningly beautiful sword shadow!

But when she drew her sword, the enemy had already retreated in advance, escaped from the range of the sound of the piano, and disappeared into the camp after a slight stagnation.

Not daring to neglect, Jiang Zhiwei raised her sword and stood guard in front of Ruan Yushu, while Zhao Heng protected the side. The sound of Ruan Yushu's piano continued, ding-ding-dong-dong, and the notes connected into a spring, flowing clear in all directions.

Xu Wei's eyes next to him were slightly dull, as if he was a little confused. He didn't find the enemy but saw a group of madmen dancing wildly.


A non-critical part of the camp was destroyed. Many generals and soldiers were turned into corpses and flesh, and their blood seeped into the soil. The imperial army was counterattacked and sank a warship. The masters on board who were in the awakening stage died immediately and sank into the river. , two exterior actors were seriously injured and failed to surface in time, with half of their bodies falling below the seal.

Streams of blood emerged and immediately melted into the river water. The two outdoor scenes never floated again, and seemed to be torn into pieces by monsters on the bottom of the river.

After a good fight, everyone suffered injuries. Seeing that the large formation was difficult to break, and the rest of the area was destroyed and rebuilt, it was unable to succeed. The court had no choice but to pay gold and withdraw its troops. The smoke from the river disappeared, and only the roar of the water could be heard, but the light, shadow, flesh and blood could not be seen.

Only then did Jiang Zhiwei relax a little. The third-level powerhouse finally had his hands free, and the assassin did not dare to take action again.

"The assassin just now is either a master, or he has a killer move and secret method that can raise his attack to the master level in a short period of time." She transmitted the message to Ruan Yushu and Zhao Heng.

When using Dharmakaya's special move, Jiang Zhiwei has an attack power that is close to that of a master. Coupled with the activation of the best sword, it is almost as good as the peak of the outdoor scene using ordinary moves, so it is not certain that the assassin is a master.

Even so, the assassin's status in the rebel army is probably not low!

Ruan Yushu held the qin with one hand, and his right hand still made the gesture of playing the qin: "Assassinating people by hiding in the void is very similar to those of Luo Jiao."

Only the saints of each generation in Luo Jiao practice the Sutra of the Incarnation of the Infinite Old Mother in its entirety. The rest, including the Dharma King, can only practice some of the techniques. What they really major in are the Secret Scroll of the Vacuum Hometown, etc., and they are particularly good at it. Even if the power of the void does not reach the Dharma body, it can still hide or escape through the void. It is quite difficult to deal with and is good at assassination.

"Perhaps it is a bloodline with similar effects, otherwise it is a reincarnation person who has exchanged Luo Jiao exercises." Zhao Heng said with lingering fear. If he had not seen the opportunity properly and did not hesitate, he would have been assassinated just by using the Xuanhuang Emperor's robe that did not activate!

Judging from the reminder that Liu Yuntao and Miao Cong were killed, this wave must be an attack by reincarnations. It cannot be ruled out that the reincarnations with Luo Jiao identity are fake.


Meng Qi's acupoints all over his body opened, and he frantically sucked in the vitality of heaven and earth to replenish his energy and recover from his injuries.

When Miao Cong made the final blow, he was unable to activate the Kunlun Taoist Robe anymore. He could only use its own characteristics and his own strong body to resist, and he suffered serious injuries.

Glancing at Qi Zhengyan who was walking over, Meng Qi bared his teeth and said, "If we still can't figure it out, I can only ask Senior Brother Qi for your help."

Qi Zhengyan killed Liu Yuntao a few breaths faster than him. At this time, he said calmly: "It is normal to make a mistake once, but it only means that you have other plans."

Therefore, I will wait and see from the other side.

Meng Qi laughed dryly, but felt his whole body aching: "This guy's skills are really incredible. This is the first time I have been made like this by someone whose actual level is lower than mine."

"It's true that it defies heaven and has big flaws." Qi Zhengyan said lightly.

An old monster like the Demon Lord has never seen any type of Kung Fu. Qi Zhengyan's biggest gain is to gain his experience and knowledge!

At this time, a warship on the river sank, the imperial army retreated, and there was no reminder of the death of Jiang Zhiwei and others. Meng Qi finally relaxed a little. It wasn't that he didn't want to rush back for help, but the camp formation was activated, and he would go in when he returned. If you don't go, you will be easily besieged by the powerful men of the imperial court.

After loosening his muscles and bones, Meng Qi walked to Miao Cong, put away his treasured copper rod, took off his mustard ring, stabbed his spirit, secretly used the Yuanshi Golden Chapter method, and eliminated the brand before self-destruction was launched. .

The mustard seed ring was empty. There were no secret scrolls or jade slips of the exercises that Meng Qi was most looking forward to. There were only a few small jade bottles, each containing a different kind of life-extending elixir.

"All this guy's good deeds have been spent on redeeming life-extending elixirs..." Meng Qi sighed. These life-extending elixirs are not the ones commonly seen. Each has its own effect, such as instantaneous recovery of consumption, so the good deeds must be It's not cheap, so it can be seen that Miao Cong has taken all the common life-extending elixirs!

"No matter how long the life-extending elixir is, he will never be able to reach the Dharma Body for the rest of his life." Qi Zhengyan commented, telling Meng Qi the real consequences of that technique.

From what he said, not even the Six Paths could make up for it!

Meng Qi packed up the loot, took Miao Cong's body with him, and returned to the camp with Qi Zhengyan.

Letting him die at the end of his life can obscure the murderer and not anger Miao Hu.

"Senior Brother Qi, you should keep Liu Yuntao's mustard ring and treasured weapon by yourself. If you leave the team, you will have no help in the future, and it will definitely consume a lot of money." Since entering the mission, there have been dangers one after another, and every step is startling. Everything was lost and he was completely wiped out. Meng Qi had to use the fatal move of Zhan Yu with serious consequences. His spirit was undoubtedly tense. It was not until this time that the situation seemed to have returned to a slightly disadvantaged balance, and he finally If you are in the mood, find the right words to communicate, and use retreat to advance to arouse topics.

Qi Zhengyan nodded silently, without any refusal. His ideals were lofty, so he could add up to a small amount.

Seeing that Senior Brother Qi didn't answer his question, Meng Qi had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "Actually, equal access to skills does not necessarily conflict with aristocratic sects. Senior Brother Qi, you can try it in a remote place first to see the big picture from a small perspective. For example, if you are of the right age, Those who want to enter martial arts uniformly, Kaiqiao Kungfu are the best ones you provide, and the resources guarantee the foundation. If you want more, you have to strive for self-improvement, work harder, and complete the goal. After that, there will be strict assessment, and only the martial arts and mind will be discussed, not the The so-called quality does not leave any gaps for the wealthy families, and those who pass the assessment can be taught the outdoor skills."

"Although this cannot eliminate the advantages accumulated by our ancestors, it at least ensures that those who work hard have a chance to catch up."

"In this way, it is actually a reformed sect with less conflict with the major forces in the world."

"If you want to promote it, you need to control aristocratic families and sects, and control the courts or major forces in the world, but it is not a life-and-death stance."

Qi Zhengyan listened quietly, nodding from time to time, agreeing with the way Meng Qi described it. Finally, he was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "Junior brother Meng, you have a great talent, which is beyond my reach. You have transformed Mohist theory." The experience has inspired me a lot, and the methods provided now have a more refined feel, which is very appropriate.”

At this point, he changed the topic and said seriously: "I don't know if you are too kind, or if you are deliberately not thinking about it. You always have an almost naive attitude, thinking about the best for everyone, and thinking about a way to have the best of both worlds."

"The method you provided will indeed reduce a lot of conflicts, but it will also really damage the interests of the family and the sect. If everyone has equal skills and strives for self-improvement, there will be a way to improve, and no longer rely on them, their continuation will be The foundation of the inheritance will be shaken, and they will try their best to distort the original meaning of 'martial arts'. If they cannot, they will definitely try to destroy it.

"This is a battle of fundamental interests that will never end. Perhaps individual members of aristocratic families and sect disciples will agree, but overall, it is impossible to resolve it."

Meng Qi was stunned. It was not because he had not thought of this. The "textbook" made it very clear, but he subconsciously avoided cruelty.

Is Shi'an getting the best of both worlds?

Qi Zhengyan glanced sideways at him and said no more. There was a silence between the two of them.

Seeing that he was about to arrive at the camp, Meng Qi's thoughts returned and he said: "How should we fool Miao Hu?"

"No need to bluff." Qi Zhengyan suddenly opened his left hand. There was a blood-colored magical talisman inside, full of Miao Hu's aura.

"This?" Meng Qi frowned in confusion.

Qi Zhengyan said calmly: "Once the natal talisman made of Miao Hu's essence and blood is activated, life will be worse than death."

"You asked him for blood and essence not just to find Miao Cong?" Meng Qi suddenly felt like his scalp was numb.

Qi Zhengyan said in a low voice: "There are other secret ways to find Miao Cong. The purpose of asking for blood is to control him, and to test how much he knows about Miao Cong. If he knows that Miao Cong is not dangerous, he will definitely not give it to him."

He glanced at Meng Qi again:

"Remember in the future, don't give blood essence to any evil demon."

I'm used to being updated at 12:30, so I got up and wandered around for a long time before I remembered that I hadn't posted it yet!

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