The Supreme Being

Chapter 736: Sharpen your sword and keep it from chopping wood (please vote for me)

Due to the damage in the first battle on the river, there were not many rebel ships left, so the elites were selected. The upper third-level masters were the main attackers, the top masters were assisting or guarding the ships, and the lower third-level soldiers led the selected experienced masters to set up formations. Form a ban and help protect the ship - Birds on the Nujiang River. However, there are many terrifying monsters hidden at the bottom of the river. If the ship is destroyed, the strong men who attack the altar will lose their way out and fall into a desperate situation!

There are so many strong men on the ship, their energy is sharpened and their blood is strong, soaring uncontrollably into the sky, forming a vast and majestic war cloud.

After crossing for a long time, the altar comes into view. Its lower part is sunk in the river, as if it is connected to the bottom, but there is no sign of monster intrusion. The part exposed above the water is nine stories high, made of black and yellow color, and carved with many strange words and images of gods. The patterns are flowing with light and sacred light of wish, and they spread along the "network" like blood vessels and meridians to the highest point, the core!

There sat the prince Shen Yunqing cross-legged, holding the emperor's sword in his hand, with his eyes half open and half closed, and his aura terrifying, like the destined emperor to rule all the people. In front of him was the ninth floor altar, which was only half a person tall. Made of various precious metals, it is entirely golden and inlaid with yellow watches with blood written on them.

Several Blood Sea Religion exterior scenes are being arranged intensively in the center of the altar on the ninth floor, as if they can succeed in another hour or three!

"At most half a cup of tea can be used on the altar." Qi Zhengyan, who was standing next to Du Huaishang and Meng Qi, said with a bit of solemnity in his tone, "You will kill less people later. Every person you kill is equivalent to giving sacrifices." I will sacrifice my strength to help it be completed as soon as possible and connect the nine heavens and the nine earths.”

At this time, the rebels were very experienced in driving the ship. With the interference of the aura of gods and demons, they stopped just outside the opponent's attack range.

Du Huaishang's expression was solemn and he said in a deep voice:

"Can't delay any longer, beat the drums to attack, follow the original plan!"

Boom, boom, boom! Boom, boom, boom!

The sound of drums shook the sky, overwhelming the roar of the Nu River. Several figures from Zhen Haijun, Jiushan Army, Fu Dijun and Hai'er Army each rushed out, divided into left and right, and stepped on the driftwood to attack the left and right sides of the altar. Guard Wu Tonghou, General Kou Jin, General Dou Qing who conquered the south, and Liu Tuizhi, Minister of War.

There are teams of soldiers scattered throughout the altar. Under the leadership of strong men in the exterior scenes, they stand at different cardinals and contribute blood and true energy. They are integrated with the forbidden law, and layers of blood-yellow mist rise around the altar. Defense, filled with thick evil aura, isolated most eyes.

Dugushi wore a brocade robe, a black cloak on his back, and held a golden gun eight feet in his hand. In addition, he was extremely tall. Standing in the Forbidden Law, he seemed to be in the center of the world, majestic and imposing.

A long sword that was as condensed as autumn water popped out of Master Nushi's hand. He waved his sleeves and robes, and pieces of driftwood appeared on the vast river. He flew out, touched the wood with his feet, and struck Dugushi with a sword from a distance!

The sword light turned into chaos, and the river split open, revealing the darkness in the depths and the monsters ready to move. Meng Qi, Jiang Zhiwei, Qi Zhengyan and Du Huaishang followed closely, while Ruan Yushu stayed on the warship, enhancing the sound of the piano with a thousand-mile murderous sound. Range, help each other from afar, Zhao Heng, Hu Zhigao and others guard the side to prevent the powerful men of the imperial court from raiding.

Although he can't follow the laws of heaven and earth, Dugu Shi is like a god supporting the sky. He takes a step inside the altar and shakes out the golden gun. Every tremor turns into a gun flower, and every gun flower is related to The forbidden law's yin and yang changes were connected. Suddenly, the sky became dark, and Meng Qi felt "stars all over the sky" falling, dragging out tails of light, completely covering himself and others. The altar was no longer seen, and Dugu Shi was no longer seen!

He alone, with the help of formations, seems to be able to block all of us! Meng Qi suddenly thought that the "Martial Emperor" was so powerful and his marksmanship was worthy of being unparalleled!

Coupled with the assistance of strangers, the defense of the formation itself, and the towers and ships with various restrictions outside the altar forming a cornering force, Meng Qi doubted that he would not be able to break through it in a day and a night, let alone half a cup of tea.

Dang Dang Dang!

Nianshi Zhenren, Jiang Zhiwei and Qi Zhengyan each used their sword skills to perform Baihong Xinghe, and barely blocked Dugu Shi's shot.

At this moment, Du Huaishang mentioned the "Bearing Heaven Sword" expressionlessly, and the aura and true energy around his body, as well as the power of heaven and earth, were all integrated into the sword.

As soon as the war started, he resolutely chose to activate the magic soldiers!

In front of the altar on the ninth floor, Prince Shen Yunqing, who was going all out, never thought that Du Huaishang would be so reckless and direct. He was already a beat too slow when he tried to swing the Emperor's Sword again.

Did he leave no escape route?

Aren't you on guard against your own Emperor's Sword?

"We are destined to be blessed by heaven, and our mouths are filled with the constitution of heaven!"

Sacred sounds resounded in the void, and a golden sword light that looked like burning slashed towards the altar. The meteors all over the sky went out, the broad river surface split into two, and underwater monsters hid here and there, all causing harm!


The sword light slashed away Dugu Shi, and the aftermath overturned a ship. Before it could stop, it struck the Blood Yellow Forbidden Technique.

The sound of stabbing was heard, and the forbidden law was broken. Teams of soldiers at the Cardinal's office and strong men on the outside suddenly turned into blood mist and seeped into the altar.

Of course, the forbidden method of the altar that was hastily arranged in two days cannot be compared with the painstakingly managed camp. It can be broken with one sword!

Du Huaishang's face suddenly turned pale, but while the altar was in chaos, he took out the elixir and drank it, and his breath quickly recovered. Although he temporarily lost the power to mobilize the magic weapons and attack with all his strength, at least he had the ability to protect himself. Behind him appeared the form of a great sun, a golden crow, evaporating river water, and melting enemies with his fists.

——After trying it, Meng Qi found that the excess Dongji Longevity Pill was sealed, and like the main materials of the magic weapon, it could not be used by Du Huaishang.

The forbidden law was broken, and Dugu Shi's overwhelming momentum immediately dropped. Still like this, he was still as majestic as a god, his gaze was still the same as before, his sharp edge and fighting spirit were high. He raised his spear and turned into meteors, stabbing Xiang Qi is right.

Yes, the enemy he first selected was Qi Zhengyan, not the real Nianshi. For some reason, in his heart as clear as a mirror, he always felt that this man with a paralyzed face was the most dangerous!

The meteors are brilliant, and every one of them is real. They are no different from meteorites raining down from the sky. They are full of explosive power and penetrating power. If they fight head-on, there will be no bones left!

Before the attack came, air waves surged first, and pieces of driftwood were blown away and submerged by the waves, leaving Qi Zhengyan without any space to move around.

Qi Zhengyan's skin was slightly flushed with blood, and his eyes were like the deepest and most secluded place between heaven and earth. He stepped on his feet and emitted a strange burst of energy in mid-air. He turned around gracefully on the river where birds could not cross, and his long sword had the color of a layer of ice crystals. , slashing with nine swords in a row, the sword light of each sword struck just right on the side of the meteors transformed by the spears and flowers, making them freeze and slow down, leading them away and into the Nu River.

Bang bang bang!

Huge waves were smashed out, and the stubborn master came with his sword, sealing the continuous gun shadows of Dugu Shi.

Qi Zhengyan withdrew his long sword and slashed out slowly, turning into a monstrous wave, roaring towards Dugu Shi, driving nine raging waves on the river that contained the power of a meteor impact to impact together.

Although it was an ordinary move from Indigo Sea, he made full use of the remaining power of Dugu Shi's previous attack, and used the power of the opponent to retaliate against him from a macro perspective. His clever choice and profound intention made Dugu Shi fascinated. stern.

Wow! At the Langgai altar, Qi Zhengyan and Nianshi Zhenren joined forces to completely hold back the first-level powerhouse Dugu Shi.

When the two top fighters stopped Du Huaishang, Jiang Zhiwei was first, followed by Meng Qi, who rushed across the altar where the forbidden law was eliminated.

In the aftermath, the altar was not damaged at all, even though Jiang Zhiwei used all his strength to strike with a sword.

"It's useless, the core is not damaged, and the altar is not destroyed!" Shen Yunqing, who was standing high up, laughed. He did not activate the emperor's sword because he felt that only important targets deserved a strike from the divine weapon.

Due to the limitations of the strength of the altar itself, Jiang Zhiwei's attack could not reach far, so she had to keep pace and try to climb to the ninth floor.

Suddenly, a dark green sword light flashed by, it was strange and sudden, making it difficult for people to guard against it. If Jiang Zhiwei hadn't had the ability to sense the cicada before the autumn wind moved, she would have been struck.

The long sword turned into an arc and blocked the sword with an incredible twist. The two collided with each other and came with huge force. Jiang Zhiwei took several steps back.

The surrounding wind suddenly picked up, swirling around many skeleton-like green auras, turning this place into a holy place for resentful spirits and demonic spirits. Jiang Zhiwei not only breathed out his vitality, but even breathed a little hard.

Amidst the flying green light, Wen Jing came flying towards him with a strange green sword.

With a clanging sound, Jiang Zhiwei took three steps back, barely blocking the blow. At the same time, Meng Qi, who wanted to help, suddenly felt a weathered rope wrapping around him, slowing his movements.

An auxiliary of the Taoist lineage? Meng Qi's heart was moved, but he didn't feel any panic.

At this time, the sound of the piano was like a bell, coming from afar, shaking the three realms, the wind ropes solidified, and the scenery was slow to be heard.

Seizing the opportunity, Jiang Zhiwei turned from defense to offense, and Zeng Jinghong came to Zhaoying!

The light of the sword was pure, as beautiful as the blue sky beyond the sky. Time and thinking seemed to be slow. Wen Jing seemed to be able to only watch as the sword pierced his forehead.


The skeleton demon soul seemed to be connected to the depths of the earth. The dark green emerged, breaking the silence. Wen Jing suddenly came back to his senses. With a long knife, he condensed many souls into one point and blocked Jiang Zhiwei's attack.

Hum, let’s see how long the piano sound can be effective? Wen Jing's sword spread out, sucking in and slashing at times, including Jiang Zhiwei and Meng Qi.

Just after taking it in, he suddenly had a wrong thought and his heart tightened.

On the warship, Ruan Yushu played the piano with both hands and helped each other "a thousand miles away", with Zhao Heng, Hou Yue and others guarding him.

But in the corner they ignored, the void floated, and a translucent sword tip pierced Ruan Yushu's Dantian.


A pure white sword light lit up, hitting the tip of the sword. The force was so great and the sharpness of the long sword caused a gap in the tip of the sword, allowing the almost transparent assassin to exit from the void.

Meng Qi appeared in form, holding a jade-cutting knife in his hand. He took a step forward and struck again!

If this thief is not eliminated, the rear will be unstable. Therefore, from the beginning, only the clones follow to attack the altar. The original body turns into a small insect and hides in the folds of Ruan Yushu's clothes.

Sharpen your knife and never miss the woodcutter!

The sword's light was brilliant, cutting through the darkness and opening up the world. The speed was so fast that the assassin could barely resist.


He was slashed away again, and Meng Qi pounced on him, slashing with each blow, all of which were ground-breaking. Compared to the Dharmakaya moves, these were self-created sword moves for outdoor scenes. They were not only more powerful, but also less energy-intensive.

Dang Dang Dang!

After four stabs, Meng Qi threw out the driftwood and headed straight for the altar without looking back.

The assassin appeared, standing beside the ship. It turned out to be Xu Wei's "shadow". Bang bang, his hands and feet fell down and hit the deck. Then a deep scar appeared from the center of his eyebrows to his lower abdomen, splitting into The weapon in his hand broke into several pieces and fell to the ground with a clanking sound.

Only then did blood spurt out, staining the deck red.

"Xu Qian was beheaded by the reincarnators from the opposing camp, and each of them had three thousand good deeds deducted."

Wen Jing, who discovered that "Shi" was not strong enough, had just had bad thoughts when he heard the voice of the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation. Then he saw a figure crossing the river, the sword in his hand shining with purple lightning and blue thunder.

"Thief, take a certain knife..." Suddenly, Meng Qi shouted loudly, slashed out with the long knife, and flew with the knife.

"Daidaidaidaidaidaidao!" The voice was like a sharp thorn, penetrating the void, and waves of water exploded one after another.

As soon as the protracted voice reached Wen Jing's ears, he saw the sky filled with purple lightning. Each ray of purple lightning was a blade of light, wrapped in a thunderous giant falling from the sky!

"Take a certain knife!"

The sound echoed, and the purple thunder fell, scattering the demon soul!

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