The Supreme Being

Chapter 747: The Hero of the Time

The dark fire rose, and the good person instantly disappeared. Ling Yue grabbed his left hand and released a strange and unspeakable suction force. Unfortunately, he was half a beat too late and could not stop it.

Even Meng Qi couldn't save him, let alone him?

Not to mention Shi Xiaoxiu, Shi Xiaodang and others, they only reacted after taking a breath and made sounds of shock, anger and frustration.

Meng Qi frowned and seemed calm. Various speculations were swirling in his mind. Is it a shamanic secret technique with similar performance but different essence, or a contract spread from the Six Paths? If it's the latter, does this matter involve Shinhwa, or is Butler Zhou himself a peripheral member of Shinhwa?

"It's over, it's over, the clues are all gone..." Shi Xiaoxiu was hit repeatedly and finally couldn't hold on anymore. She swayed and hurriedly held the corner of the desk with her right hand.

Ling Yue took a deep breath, seeming to suppress the grief and anger in his heart.

Meng Qi stroked the handle of the knife with his right hand and said solemnly: "That's not necessarily true. There are certain laws between things. As long as you grasp the key, you can get a glimpse of part of the truth."

The early morning sunlight shines through the window and shines on him.

Shi Xiaoxiu's expression perked up and he hurriedly said: "Su Shaoxia, do you see other problems?"

"In recent years, has there been any abnormality in Butler Zhou or his wife and children? For example, a sudden increase in strength, an adventure, a concubine, or an expansion of power in the castle?" Meng Qi gave detailed examples. .

Shi Xiaodang, who was next to him, was thinking as he said: "Steward Zhou and his wife have always been the same as before. They are well-behaved and prudent in their actions. They don't do anything out of the ordinary. They stick to their own one-acre farmland and occasionally pretend to be intimidating in front of other people in the castle. , piecemeal, his son's martial arts talent is average, but he is quite outstanding in Confucianism. He has been clamoring to go to Changle Academy to study, and he only recently got the approval of Butler Zhou..."

From this point of view, the possibility that Butler Zhou, his wife and children are peripheral members of Shinhwa is very low. There is no profit to be gained, and there are really not many people willing to take risks for it. And if it is coercion, the Six Paths Contract is not cheap. Unless it is a special situation, you must at least prepare a member level to be eligible to use it. Other methods, with Shi Tianqi's hands and eyes, rigorous and meticulous character, as long as Butler Zhou gives a little hint, he can They can all understand and find a solution... Meng Qi roughly made a preliminary judgment and pondered for a while before confirming and asking:

"Steward Zhou has known your father for decades. He started from humble beginnings and built up Shijiabao step by step. How trustworthy is he?"

"Yes." Shi Xiaoxiu's eyes were still red, "We don't know what happened in the castle, but Butler Zhou must know it!"

"His family is well-off and his status in the castle is quite high. Moreover, his martial arts has long been hopeless. His son is still young and he is still devoted to Confucianism. There is really no sign that he has been betrayed for a long time." Meng Qi stood with his back to the window. Dyeing with a layer of gold, "Moreover, if he has betrayed long ago, the matter of the lone wolf must have been leaked. Whether it is the Prairie Golden Account or other forces behind it, since they have cooperated sincerely, how can it be left to the lone wolf to obtain important information? Chance?"

"Why can't another force, like Bu Ren Lou, accept the entrustment?" Ling Yue felt that Meng Qi's judgment was a bit far-fetched.

Meng Qi said sternly: "Let the lone wolf hiding in the Golden Tent go south regardless of everything, and ask the blue-level assassins of Buren Tower to silence him. These all show that the matter is of great importance. How could the Golden Tent be handed over to an untrustworthy person for such a major matter? power?"

Bu Renlou's cold, rational and perverted image comes from thousands of years of style. If the Golden Horde can trust that they will not take the opportunity to plot anything, how can other forces guarantee it?

"Indeed, the Golden Horde and the Immortality Sect have many detailed operations in the Zhou Dynasty. They have colluded with many bastards who have betrayed their ancestors and have enough power." When talking about similar things, Ling Yue gritted his teeth again.

"So, if Lone Wolf's information is not leaked, how can the other party accurately find Shijiabao and force or induce Steward Zhou to betray?" Meng Qi asked the core question.

"My father is a big man in the martial arts world, but secretly he is involved in grassland craftsmanship. Many people know about this matter. Maybe that's why he came to visit?" Shi Xiaoxiu hesitated to guess the reason.

Meng Qi nodded and said: "There must be many strong men with similar identities. How can you be sure that the other person is your father?"

"Cast a wide net!" Ling Yue next to him suddenly woke up.

"Yes, since it is such a big deal to cast a wide net, will other martial arts giants leave no clues? We will immediately notify the nearest Huamei Villa and let them check through the disciples scattered all over the place. This matter of great importance , it’s best to leave it to the top forces to handle it,” Meng Qi said in one breath, “Other clues include the whereabouts of Butler Zhou’s wife and children, who he met two or three days before he sent them to Changle, and who is waiting for Lone Wolf. The backhand exploded."

Since their father was killed, Shi Xiaodang and Shi Xiaoxiu have always felt confused and powerless, but now when they heard Meng Qi talk about it, their confusion suddenly dissipated, and they had a direction and backbone for their efforts!

"Thank you Su Shaoxia for your advice." Shi Xiaoxiu and Shi Xiaodang bowed solemnly.

Meng Qi was about to say a few words of relief when his heart suddenly moved, and the hairs on his body stood up. The premonition of danger surged like a stormy sea, but there seemed to be nothing unusual around him.

Could it be that the blue-level assassins from Buren Tower passed through Shijiabao's forbidden laws silently, hid nearby, heard our analysis, and decided to kill and silence them?

Burenlou has been passed down for thousands of years. When it comes to assassinations, they rank second, and no one dares to claim the first place. As a blue-level assassin, it is not impossible to master the secret method of hiding from ordinary formations!

The most important thing is that Butler Zhou's betrayal may not only betray the news of Lone Wolf!

The blue-level assassin who can kill the Grandmaster is about to take action?

With all kinds of thoughts swirling around him, Meng Qi realized what he had neglected, and his sense of danger became even more intense. However, he always became calmer as he became more dangerous. Regardless of the sweat on his back, he pulled out the long knife with a clang in his right hand holding the handle, and poured all his energy into it. , it seems to be slowly but sharply slashing somewhere to the left, the sword is coming out inexplicably, the direction is inexplicable, everything seems inexplicable.

Use the best treasures as your eyes and the best treasures as your ears!

At this moment, Meng Qi felt that the wound from the sky had replaced his spirit and merged with the mysterious things in the world. Everything in the Shijiabao was clearly reflected in his heart, and every trace of danger was looming.

The long knife traced a mysterious trajectory, and the lightning was restrained and struck the shadow on the left near the corner of the wall.


Before the sword was halfway through, it struck a hard object. Almost as soon as Meng Qi drew out the sword, a sword light erupted, a sword light with pure death intent.

A cold and huge force came through the junction. Meng Qi was shaken all over. His right hand was sore and his jaw almost cracked. The other party was a real master. Without using the laws of heaven and earth, he was still half a step behind in a head-on fight!

At this moment, Meng Qi felt that the person in front of him was slightly blurred. If it were not for the influence of Qi, he would definitely be unable to sense or detect it. However, the jade pillow point on the back of his head suddenly tingled, a chill came over him, and the sense of danger in his heart exploded. !

Believing in the premonition of the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills, Meng Qi ran forward without even thinking about it, taking somersault steps.

The cold and sharp murderous intent was like a tarsal maggot, which seemed to be much faster than Meng Qi's running speed. Although it was half a beat slower than expected, it was about to stab the back of the head.

Meng Qi's heart beat faster, like beating a drum, and the premonition of danger seemed to have turned into a foretelling of death.

At this time, an idea flashed in his mind, and the acupoints all over his body opened at the same time, collapsed into flesh and blood, merged with the heavens, and finally returned to the beginning.

His surroundings suddenly became dark, and there was a murderous sword light behind his head that was about to stab him, but was slightly delayed by the chaos.

Too late, but not too long, Meng Qi's body turned into sword light, slicing through the darkness, bursting out with brilliant light, and cutting through numerous obstacles.

Bang, the wall was knocked down, and Meng Qi escaped a hundred feet at an unimaginable speed, narrowly escaping from the fatal sword light!

Since his body is comparable to a middle-grade treasure weapon, he can definitely use his body instead of a sword to perform "Creation of Heaven and Earth", not seeking power, but only seeking speed!

After slashing a hundred feet, Meng Qi turned around and started running wildly, dragging the Heavenly Injury in his right hand diagonally behind him, as if he was gathering strength.

The person who assassinated me from behind just now has the same aura as the assassin from the front!

Does he know how to clone himself?

The art of serial assassination between the shadow and the real person?

It’s really hard to guard against!

With a few kicks and two or three steps, Meng Qi rushed in front of the assassin. The Heavenly Wound he was dragging suddenly swung out, as if a long electric dragon broke through the restraints and pounced on the assassin with its fangs and claws.

The assassin's long sword flicked, and the terrifying electric dragon dissipated.

At this moment, the wound from the sky suddenly bounced up from the ground and struck down heavily, like a mountain opening, shaking the sky!

This is Meng Qi's hidden skill of several levels of strength stolen from Emperor Wu. It has the ability to conceal the eight or nine mysterious skills. It is really better than the master!

when! The blue-level assassin only had time to block with his horizontal sword, and he was forcefully knocked back a few steps by the wind and waves that blew away nearby houses.

Meng Qi was waiting for Fa Tian Xiang Di to launch a series of attacks. The body of the blue-level assassin suddenly became insubstantial and disappeared silently.

With a click, Meng Qi raised his knife and was on guard, fearing that another surprise attack would come. However, the surroundings were empty except for the traces left by the flash of lightning between the two.

"Blue-level assassin?" Ling Yue flew over, his eyebrows slightly raised, his bamboo stick clenched tightly, as if he was ignoring death.

Meng Qi nodded and sighed: "If you miss one hit, you will be far away."

This is the style of Bu Ren Lou Assassin.

At this time, Meng Qi thought of Shi Tianqi's death. He attacked forward but was hit by a sword in the back of the head, leaving only one assassin.

The special magical power of this blue-level assassin is to seamlessly switch between the shadow and the true form?

The main figure lures the enemy from the front, but the shadow is hidden behind and difficult to detect. Interchange at the critical moment?

No wonder he had the ability to kill the Grandmaster, and he was almost deceived!

"Su Shaoxia, did you fight off the blue-level assassin?" Shi Xiaoxiu and Shi Xiaodang, who were chasing after them, opened their eyes wide and lost their voices in shock.

"After blocking a few blows, he saw that there was no chance, so he retreated." Meng Qi said truthfully.

This is also very powerful! This is a blue-level assassin! A blue-level assassin who can assassinate the Grandmaster! They said in their hearts at the same time.

Meng Qi had no time for other emotions and straightened his face: "Shijiabao's forbidden law cannot stop this assassin. This place is already dangerous. Please follow me to Huamei Villa for temporary shelter, otherwise you will definitely be silenced."

Shi Xiaoxiu's face turned pale, and she pursed her lips and said, "But, there will be attacks on the road, and you will be implicated in Su Shaoxia for nothing. How about you hide away and ask Thrushcross Villa for help, and we stick here and wait for rescue?"

Meng Qi raised his knife horizontally, reflecting the bright sunshine, and said loudly:

"We are going to Thrushcross Grange, which is only an hour or two away. With a long sword in hand, what about the blue-level assassin of Renlou?"

Shi Xiaodang and Shi Xiaoxiu were distracted for a moment. After a few breaths, they clasped their hands and said, "Young Master Su is truly a hero in this world!"

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