The Supreme Being

Chapter 749 The art of dividing into three

The jade-cutting knife fell gently, seemingly powerless and slow, but it was like a haze in the soul. Unless one recognizes it and gets out of it, it would otherwise stay with him, unable to get rid of it, unable to resist, and perhaps he would feel that he has forgotten it. But at a certain time or occasion, you will be moved by the scene and return to the past.

The assassin looked up indifferently and looked up blankly. He saw Meng Qi's huge body, like a hill, blocking the sunlight that came over him. His face was trapped in the shadows. Only his eyes were extremely bright, flashing with electric light, hiding deep chaos and penetrating. With a little pity, a little mercy, a little drink, he looks like a fairy.

With a knife and a palm, I dominate and torture my soul!

At this moment, Meng Qi felt the assassin's brief delay, so he shouted loudly, like a bolt from the blue:

"Got you!"

As soon as the words that shocked Shi Xiaoxiu and others' thoughts stopped, Meng Qi suddenly felt that something was wrong. In the subtle induction of heart-to-heart, the assassin's soul had no ripples. It was like an ice lake, not like a living person, but like a dead person. It was momentarily slow. Comes from an inexplicable place!

In the flash of lightning, Meng Qi had no time to think about this weirdness. Since there was a delay and he could not switch to blur for the time being, this was his chance!

Holding back the pain of a broken head, and the fact that he could no longer concentrate on all aspects, the double attack of the two swords weakened, Meng Qi stood down, and the fire in his palm stabbed out slowly and rapidly, the tip of the sword lit up with brilliant sunlight, and burst out one after another. Sword light, every sword light is dividing, there is no distinction between strong and weak, it reaches everywhere, it stops everywhere, it transcends the realm of the sun, like the light of wisdom illuminating the world, there is no blind spot, that is No more shadows!

The Tao spreads throughout the world, and the Buddha speaks of immeasurable light!

In the absence of a general outline and the inability to directly use the Seven Heaven-Jieting Swordsmanship, Meng Qi integrated it with the "Light of Wisdom" of the Great Sun Tathagata sword technique, the Hundred Swords Without a Trace, and the Ten Thousand Swords Returning to Origin, etc., to create a true true form of his own. of "infinite light".

The light shone down because the shadow cast by Meng Qi himself on the clouds dissipated in an instant, leaving no trace left behind. There was no darkness in the sky or below!

The darkness surrounding the figure in front of him faded, revealing an assassin wrapped in night clothes.

Behind Meng Qi, a shadow stood out and was torn and melted by the immeasurable light. Although it lasted longer than a normal shadow, it was still unable to compete and quickly fell into pieces.

This is the assassin's back-up move. If the sneak attack was not successful just now, the virtual reality will be transformed immediately, the shadow and the body will be exchanged, giving the most fatal blow!

The jade-cutting sword fell, and Meng Qi's mind stretched infinitely, but he still couldn't feel the ripples or ups and downs in the assassin's soul that was like an ice lake for thousands of years.

There is a circle of weird and twisted black shadow left on his body, which seems to be his dharma form, which helps him to switch between the true form and the shadow in an unpredictable manner and has the terrifying hiding ability.

The "Void Demonic Shadow Phase" struggled to resist the illumination of endless rays of light. The assassin's body moved and recovered from the sluggishness. The true energy in his body suddenly exploded, without worrying about damage to the interior scene and the destruction of the internal organs.


The assassin ejected backwards, but in the infinite light and brilliant light, there was no shadow anywhere, making it difficult for him to switch and disappear.

It was too late, but it was too soon. Meng Qi picked up the jade knife and activated it. The light dimmed and the surrounding void shrank and became chaotic.

Just when the assassin was turning the Dharma, trying to become invisible, the jade sword broke through the netherworld, cut a short distance with indescribable speed and splendor, and landed on him!

This was no different from the previous fight. The assassin was well prepared and had time to disappear after slashing out. In a hurry, his figure was half-transparent and was struck by the light of the sword.

puff! Under the power of the creation of the world and the ultimate treasure weapon, the sword flashed and tore the assassin's night clothes apart, passed through, and Meng Qi's figure appeared behind the assassin!

A drop of blood flowed from the center of his brow, and the blood stain that ran vertically through his body quickly appeared, and silently, it split into two halves.

However, he did not die. The two halves of his body sprayed blood and flew out to the side, about to disappear and escape!

Meng Qi's sword didn't feel like it was breaking the soul, and he knew something was wrong in his heart. At this moment, the wound from the sky was triggered, and it fell suddenly. All kinds of thunder condensed on the tip of the sword, turning into a thunder ball the size of a pinhole, and it struck somewhere in the void. at.


The ocean of thunder enveloped the two halves of the figure. Purple lightning and green thunder appeared and died, died and were born again. They were dazzling and rumbling, and they were swallowed up in an instant.

Meng Qi deliberately controlled the power of the "Demon Beheading" to stop them in front of Shi Xiaoxiu and others, and Ling Yue had to use his stick to resist, without affecting innocent people.

The thunder slowly dissipated, and there was only a transparent dagger floating in the air. There was no trace of the blue-level assassin. Meng Qi used the long sword to spread his mind and sense the distance without daring to be negligent or slack at all.

"Is he dead?" Ling Yue blurted out. He seemed to be worried about his safety and confirmed this, but in fact he was full of shock. He couldn't believe that in two or three moves, he could kill himself with one blow. A blue-level assassin who could truly threaten the Grandmaster. Killed by "Crazy Sword" Su Meng!

Shi Xiaoxiu, Shi Xiaodang and the elders in the Shijiabao location did not have such big mood swings. They were stuck in a dreaming feeling.

The strength and intimidation shown by "Crazy Sword" Su Meng just now are the same as, or even better than, the two grandmasters I have seen before. The blue-level assassin is a real grandmaster!

At this time, Meng Qi replied in a deep voice: "No."

Whether it was the Jade Cutting Sword or the Heaven's Injury, when it hit the blue-level assassin, he could not feel the existence of his soul, and could only feel his soul as silent as an ice lake.

When you first tortured your soul, that feeling of sluggishness seemed to come from afar?

Recalling the details of the battle just now, Meng Qi vaguely grasped the secret of the blue-level assassin. Through the previous two battles, he can find that his magic form is special. The power of "field" is not to suppress the enemy, but to separate his body from the shadow. It becomes a relatively independent entity and switches seamlessly. It is in the change of reality and reality, and the concealment effect is terrible. The master cannot find it until the move is made. The combination of the two is a match made in heaven for assassination. It is worthy of the title of Blue Level. .

Now it seems that his Dharma has the ability to hide in other people's shadows, and even has the ability to separate the soul from the body and shadow!

Yuan Shen is a self-contained entity, hiding in the distance, manipulating the body and shadow to make their actions look like two people. Therefore, his own spiritual torture did not shake his heart, but only slightly affected Yuan Shen following the mysterious connection between the two. God, there was sluggishness. If I had chosen the first two moves of Ananda's Pojie Sword Technique at that time, it is impossible to say that even the sluggishness might not have been caused.

Fortunately, Ananda's Po Jie Sword Technique, Sword Asking the Heart, had a great impact on him. If there were similar techniques, it would not be his first choice.

Now that the blue-level assassin's body and shadow have been completely destroyed, leaving only his soul, his strength will definitely be greatly reduced, and the threat to himself will be greatly reduced.

However, Meng Qi did not relax at all. The assassin was good at using the weak to kill the strong, and struck at the most unexpected moment, so he did not put away the law of heaven and earth, but moved his hand to catch the dagger and whispered: " Walk."

It's only a hundred miles away from Thrushcross Villa, so we can get there soon.

"Not dead? He failed three times..." Shi Xiaoxiu said, still a little confused.

According to the rules of Burenlou, failing three times equals the end of the mission.

Meng Qi shook his head and said: "Believing in the enemy's rules is equivalent to believing that you can definitely achieve the Dharmakaya."

Rules are only restrictions. Could it be that the blue-level assassin became so angry that he would take action again despite being punished?

Never place your hopes on other people's rules!

Shi Xiaoxiu and others did not dare to say anything more. Three rays of light pierced the sky and hurried forward.

After a while, several people entered the Thrushcross Villa. Meng Qi took a deep breath, but he did not relax too much.

Even if he believed in Mr. Lu Da’s strength more than he believed in himself, he still couldn’t resist the possibility that Mr. Lu Da would suddenly go out!

He was no longer able to maintain the laws of heaven and earth, but the journey afterwards was uneventful and he successfully arrived at Thrushcross Villa. Luo Yaokun, the "Qingtian Sword" who was currently in charge of the affairs of the village, came to receive him and asked what happened.

Shi Xiaoxiu spoke briefly and concisely, focusing only on the key points and not talking about the escape of himself and others.

Luo Yaokun's face changed slightly, and he immediately said: "I will inform all the major sects and aristocratic families first. No, we can cast a wide net. The grassland's power in the surrounding area alone is definitely not enough. This matter is of great importance. Let me report it to the master first."

He could have made the decision on his own, but suddenly thought of this and hurried to the back mountain.

Shi Xiaoxiu and others immediately relaxed, feeling that the peaceful and stable environment was better than anything else in the world. The scary and dangerous situation just now was extremely painful.

Ling Yue took a deep look at Meng Qi, sighed and said: "It was said before that the young are better than the blue, and the waves behind the river push the waves ahead. The old beggar was actually a little unsincere, but now he is completely convinced. In just a few years, you can board the It’s on the Earth Ranking, hey, the masters at the back of the Earth Ranking may not even be able to kill the blue-level assassin!”

After the Shi brothers and sisters bowed to express their gratitude, their hearts were filled with sighs and shocks no less than Ling Yue's. It was said that Su Wuming was rising to the top of the world every year, and "Crazy Sword" Su Meng had already reached the level of the Earth Rankings after only a few years!

And he is the same age as his brother and sister, which is simply...

Meng Qi was playing with the "Shadow Sword" he got from the assassin, and was about to speak when Mr. Lu Da's voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "Come to the thatched cottage to talk."

When they arrived at the thatched cottage, Luo Yaokun was standing next to him. Mr. Lu Da was still sitting cross-legged, but there was a vague shadow in front of him, which was penetrated by the sword energy and tightly bound.

The familiar aura and familiar feeling stirred in Meng Qi's heart: "Blue-level assassin?"

His soul?

Mr. Lu Da smiled slightly: "You are making such a big noise, how could I not notice it?"

Meng Qi suddenly realized that he had forgotten that Mr. Lu Da was already an Earthly Immortal, so there was no need to be deliberate, and the range of his induction was infinitely greater than the normal Dharmakaya!

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