The Supreme Being

Chapter 796 The End of the War

The stupa shook violently, the barrier collapsed, the relics bounced back, and fierce rays of light rushed out. The leader was covered in white fur, shaped like a sheep, with wings on his back, his eyes shone with the light of wisdom, and his aura was the most majestic. Almost reaching the level of a demon god, he was the most powerful demon in the past, Bai Ze Demon King Zhu Wu. However, due to bad luck, he met Yuan Kong, the sixth generation founder of Shaolin who had obtained the "Dharma Body of Kasyapa", and was brutally suppressed until today.

Xuan Xin's eyes in the courtyard were filled with brilliance, with tears glinting in his eyes, and he whispered in surprise: "Ancestor!"

He turned into a stream of light, joined the team of monsters, and gave the monster summoning flag to Zhu Wu.

At this time, within the streaks of escaping light following Demon King Bai Ze were people with the body of a hydra, some with faces without facial features, four wings and six legs, some with the appearance of a tiger and skin like a hedgehog, all of which were descendants of the ancient demon god, the Great Sage. And the source blood is condensed, and the aura is equally powerful.

Once they were freed, they would cry like babies or make thunderous noises, making Shaolin like a hell.

"You bald donkeys, all die!" Several demon lords turned their heads and tried to attack the stupa and the Shaolin Temple to avenge their suppression for many years.

At this time, Kong Hui in the stupa understood the mistake, sighed, recited the Buddha's name in a low voice, and secretly confessed:

"Disciples must uphold the precept of benefiting sentient beings and kill demons to protect the temple."

A statue of "The Immovable Ming King" appeared behind him, and his whole body was glowing with the light of pure glass, as solid as a diamond, and immovable as the earth. He held up the Ananda Pojie Knife, which was stained with red dust, and swung it forward.

The sword's light was empty and dispersed when it encountered an enemy. However, several monsters suddenly ignited without fire, and layers of red lotuses bloomed. Their karma had reached its limit.

They screamed and turned into flying ash as soon as they breathed.

However, Kong Hui had not really mastered the Ananda Breaking the Precepts Sword Technique. When using this magic weapon, there was a pause in the linkage of the moves. The Nine Yuan Demon Lord of the Xiangliu clan seized the opportunity and rushed to the Shaolin Academy, intending to go on a killing spree. Fortunately, the first Kong Jian of Bodhidharma Monastery is guarding here, and the "Maha Kassapa" appears. He flicks his ten fingers in succession, and the wind seems to be endless, blowing out from every direction. Kill all the venom that comes out.

But Han Guang didn't stop at all. He pulled the gray-haired grandmaster out of the secret passage, flew to the Demon King Baize, and said through a message: "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time."

At this moment, bursts of Zen sounds sounded in the stupa:

"After today, for hundreds of thousands of billions of eons, there will be a world, all hells, and the three evil realms. All sentient beings are suffering from sins. I vow to save them from the hells and evil realms, as beasts and hungry ghosts. The retribution for these sins and others will be fulfilled." Buddha, then I will achieve enlightenment."

"Until hell is empty, I vow not to become a Buddha; only when all sentient beings are saved can I realize Bodhi."

A Bodhisattva appeared in mid-air, sitting on a golden lotus platform, holding the black and white cycle of life and death in his hand. With one punch, all the evil spirits were transformed, and the hell-like scene suddenly became pure.

This punch hit the side of the Nine-Yuan Demon Lord, causing life and death to change. Black and white transformed into Dharma Wheel, covering it up in one go. Kong Jian caught up with him. He bent the index and middle fingers of his right hand, and the flesh color faded, showing a blue-red color like glass. It grew bigger and bigger, and directly knocked on the head of one of the Nine Yuan Demon Lords.

With a snap, the demon clan, known for its physical strength, had its head blown off by this finger. The remaining eight heads were all stunned, withered by the punch of the "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva" in mid-air, and their life was completely lost.

Seeing this, Demon King Bai Ze shouted: "Let's go!"

I don’t know what the war situation is going to be like, I don’t know what the situation is, so staying here is not a wise choice!

Seeing that their companions had not received any favors, the other demon masters suddenly became clear-minded and blinded by anger and hatred. They followed Demon King Baize and took advantage of the shaking of the stupa and the leakage in the glazed womb barrier to escape from Shaolin.

Wu Si, the leader of the Bodhi Temple, and other masters were worried about the damage to the Shaolin Temple, and were trying their best to restore and stabilize the womb hidden barrier, so they did not spare their hands to pursue.

As soon as they came out of the barrier, the sky was clear and the air was clear. Demon King Bai Ze and the many suppressed demon clans felt a sense of relief as they escaped from their prisons and returned to nature.

"Haha, a great catastrophe is also a great opportunity!" Bai Ze Demon King said with a smile.

Suddenly, a bright sword light lit up next to it. It changed erratically and was elusive. Then it split into two and slashed at Demon King Baize and Han Guang at the same time.

This sword light appeared without any warning, and Demon King Bai Ze was sleepy for a long time, so he had no time to react and could only move his body slightly.

Silently, his left shoulder and half of his demon body were chopped off directly, and blood as thick as mercury sprayed out.

But Han Guang seemed to have expected it. He slashed with his long sword, and the sword light slowed down. Then he laughed loudly, made a fist with his left hand, and hit the ground.

The ground suddenly "cracked", revealing a world of rolling demonic energy. Han Guang jumped into it.

The "cracks" closed and Han Guang disappeared without a trace, completely ignoring Demon King Baize.

With the sword light rising again, Demon King Bai Ze saw an indifferent man in green clothes with a handsome face, and a feeling of extreme danger arose in his heart.

I haven't been in the world for many years, but there is such a person?

Bai Ze Demon King could no longer care about anything else. His white hair released hundreds of millions of rays of light, wrapping the rest of the demon masters and descendants, and then detonated the small half of the demon body to block the sword light.

At the same time, there was a gourd in his hand, which seemed to be a banner to attract monsters. The brilliance rose and carried them into the void, and they went to nowhere.

After a few breaths, the barrier of the glazed womb was completely restored. Only then did Wusi, the leader of the Bodhi Courtyard, have the intention to look at the melancholy and handsome master who appeared in the stupa: "Xuanbei, how did you achieve Nirvana Zen?"

Xuanbei gave a wry smile: "This disciple felt that the stupa was shaking and knew that the temple was in trouble. He forgot that he was sitting in Nirvana meditation, so he came to help."

Kong Hui, who was standing next to him, suddenly smiled and said, "Forget well, forget well!"

Xuan Bei suddenly paused, suddenly realizing what was going on, and echoed, "It's okay to forget it, it's okay to forget it!"

Golden flames emerged from his body, completely enveloping him.

Xuanbei sat cross-legged, tapped his knees, and chanted again:

"I will not become a Buddha until hell is empty; I will not attain Bodhi until all sentient beings are saved."

Seeing this, Wusi, the head of the Bodhi Temple, was happy at first and then worried, and said to Konghui: "Wujing escaped..."

Outside Shaolin Temple, in a dense forest, a round black-haired strange bird appeared, looking left and right, flapping its short wings, opening its fish-like mouth, and laughing: "Finally escaped from that damn stupa! Thanks to my alertness, I took the opportunity to run away, and the dead turtle and the stinky bird didn't react yet!"

"I, the noble descendant of Kunpeng, the unparalleled wise 'Chuiyizi', will soon return to the demon clan..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a sound of footsteps, and a huge cold turtle rushed over and knocked it to the ground, leaving footprints all over its back.

"Damn!" Chui Yizi got up with difficulty, looked at the place where the cold turtle left, and chattered, "The dead turtle also escaped... You really don't give me any face. When I go to the Demon King Palace and get the inheritance of my ancestors, I will find you to talk properly..."


Not long after the "Unborn Mother" went deep into the Northern Zhou Dynasty, it suddenly dissipated. Gu Xiaosang jumped out and waved his hand: "Go yourselves."

The Fengdian Divine Envoy, the Zhangdeng Divine Envoy and others didn't know why, but they had to obey the orders of the Saint. Some rushed to the entrance and returned to the "vacuum hometown", and some found a place to hide.


The sky and the earth were colorless, pale, and time seemed to freeze. This was the scene near the Cangjian Tower.

The sweeping freezing storm had been eliminated by the Moon Mani Bodhisattva of Lanke Temple, but with her strength, she was too late to protect the area dozens of miles away from the core of the self-explosion. The mountains, water, earth and air were all frozen. One by one, the living beings and the masters were frozen on the spot, covered with ice, like ice sculptures.

It was completely dead here. Even the formation of the Hidden Sword Tower was frozen, and so were the swords in it. Only a paradise of ice and snow remained.

The wind blew, the sun shone, and the ice began to melt, vaporizing people and things together.

Until this time, three figures appeared, namely the contemporary Happy Buddha who was shivering constantly, the Happy Bodhisattva with a blue face sitting on the lotus platform, and the coffin covered with a layer of dark blue, the leader of the Life and Death Impermanence Sect "Emperor of the Netherworld".

They were the strongest and reacted the fastest. They almost escaped from the core, and they used all their strength to stimulate the power of the magic weapon. This is why they were only seriously damaged in the self-explosion. Even the magic weapon was damaged and needed some time to recover.

"Is the Cao family crazy? Self-exploding the remains of the earth immortals, this is the foundation of their family! What benefits did Gao Lan give them?" Happy Bodhisattva narrowly escaped death, and it was difficult to keep a smile on her pretty face.

As a great master of the left way, how rich is the experience of the rivers and lakes. After a brief recollection, he understood the position of the Cao family and the previous pretending to surrender, and was full of doubts and anger.

"How could the Cao family do this without substantial benefits!" Among the three, the contemporary Happy Buddha had the weakest cultivation. He was afraid of being robbed, so he restrained his breath after saying a word, fled in panic, and then left in the deep mountains and old forests a hundred miles away, making it difficult for people to find him.

The Nether Emperor was lying in the coffin. Thinking that another master of the Life and Death Sect had died, only himself and the only one left to guard the house, he was really overwhelmed with all kinds of feelings, pain and hatred, so he didn't say anything. The blood-red mist rose and wrapped the coffin that was about to melt and fled.

Happy Bodhisattva looked at the destroyed Cangjian Tower formation, measured his own remaining forces, turned his head with a little reluctance, fled to the East China Sea, and returned to the Su Nu Fairyland.

In the Cangjian Tower, Li Sinong held the Wusheng Sword, almost exhausted. If it weren't for the mountain protection formation that blocked most of the power, and his family also activated the magic weapon in time, the Cangjian Tower would have been wiped out today.

Looking around, she saw that Ma You was fine, and most of the other disciples were frostbitten, and there was still room for treatment. She finally breathed a sigh of relief, took the elixir, and tried her best to recover.

She didn't know what the current battle situation was, so she planned to take her disciples to the nearby state capital as soon as possible to avoid it.


The Kui Niu Demon King was "besieged" by Su Wuming from all sides, making it extremely embarrassed. It finally found an opportunity, but was blocked by Yun He who had freed his hands. However, after ten breaths, it had already been hit by a sword, and was pierced into the center of its eyebrows by Su Wuming's "Sword Out of Selflessness", crushing its true spirit and Dharma body.

Another demon king fell!

The Blood Sea Rakshasa relied on the characteristics of "its own Dharma body" that was not restrained and difficult to kill, and took the opportunity of Yun He blocking the Kui Niu Demon King to flee south in embarrassment, but Su Wuming was everywhere, and every sword was added to him.

At first, he was able to fight back and forth, fighting and retreating. After ten breaths, he began to get hurt and his Dharma body was cut by the long sword. If it weren't for his special skills, he would have died, but he could only hold on.


The Peacock Demon King Tai Li saw that the situation was not good, and he used all his strength to activate the "Demon Saint Spear". The boundless five-colored flames separated Kong Wen. He flapped his wings and risked being cut by Su Wuming. He used the secret treasure from the Fengshen World and turned into a golden light to escape.

When the golden light flew away, Su Wuming was still everywhere, and the sword light kept cutting into it.

When he fled to the East China Sea, if it weren't for the protection of the Demon Saint Spear, the five-colored divine light could brush away the sword light, and Tai Li would lose his fighting power even if he didn't die.

He fought and retreated, dived into the sea, and suddenly sacrificed an object. The light flowed, wrapped his figure and threw it into the sea eye, and disappeared completely.

In front of an ancient and obscure palace, Tai Li appeared, with wounds all over his body and a weak breath, but after seeing this palace, he knew he was safe.

There is a plaque above the palace with three demon characters written on it:

"Demon King Palace!"

At this time, Demon King Baize also appeared here with the escaped monsters, and was surprised by Taili's tragic situation.

"First go to the World of Conferred Gods through the Demon Emperor's Palace." Taili said in a deep voice.


The light golden sword light passed through the layers of void in Dajin and arrived at the battlefield, but here only Kong Wen, whose body began to become transparent, and Yun He who put away the remains of Kui Niu were left.

"Where is the Demon Holy Spear?" The cold Gao Lan was a little confused at this time.


The Blood Sea Rakshasa fell into a desperate situation and was killed one after another. It was about to reach its limit and could no longer be "reborn" from the blood sea.

When he was filled with sadness and despair, the sword light suddenly disappeared, and Su Wuming was no longer seen.

The Blood Sea Rakshasa was stunned for a moment, then threw out the Blood-Transforming Divine Sword, and his body hid in the blood sea world inside the sword.

It was only then that he breathed a sigh of relief and gritted his teeth and said:

"It should have been mine..."

In the Xijian Pavilion, Su Wuming's figure fell down, losing the vague and uncertain feeling of living in an inexplicable height.

His face remained as usual, and he said to himself without any ups and downs in his heart:

"Twenty breaths."

Then he turned around, walked into the quiet room, stabilized his body, and left the fragments of the Haotian Mirror and a sentence to Jiang Zhiwei:

"You keep it, I won't need it anymore as a teacher."

My cold and cough are almost gone. I’ll try to update more tomorrow~

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