The Supreme Being

Chapter 813: Good Destiny (asking for recommendation votes on Monday)

It has entered late autumn, and the green grass is turning yellow, and the large dry sea is spectacular. Going further north, the wild grass gradually thins out, and there are more coverings of snow, and there are more thick evergreen trees, which are connected into pieces of virgin forest. It is more than a thousand miles in all directions, vast and stretching, with lush branches and leaves, forming a sea of ​​forests and snowfields.

At the edge of a primeval forest, the white snow on the ground has been trampled to make it feel muddy, and it seems that there are often people coming and going.

This is not an uninhabited land. There are many tribes hiding in deep mountains and forests, caves in the ice fields, and even some martial arts monks. They are often good at ice-cold techniques and have no interest in going south. They only like to explore the far north and are almost isolated from the martial arts in the Central Plains. , if there are very powerful people who fly to the ice fields, ice oceans and the extreme north to look for heavenly materials, earthly treasures and other things to refine weapons and elixirs, they may not even know their existence.

At this time, a dozen imposing men and women stood on the muddy white snow. They seemed to have their feet on the ground, but if you look closely, you will find that there are two or three layers of paper between the soles of their feet and the snow and ice debris, no more, no less. , just floating.

The leader is a mature woman wearing a lotus-colored dress, with a face like a hibiscus emerging from clear water, thick hair, and a tall figure. She is the "Ice Fairy" Ye Yuqi. Surrounded by the elegant and beautiful "Thousand-Armed Bodhisattva" Mingfa, eyebrows He Xiu, the "cold-faced soul seeker" who looks like a sword, is both a master.

Suddenly, they felt something in their hearts and looked to the south at the same time. They saw a man in black clothes walking slowly in the snow. He wore a hero's scarf and carried a long knife on his back. His figure was as tall and tall as a mountain, giving him an imposing figure. The feeling of condensation and slowly accumulating ascent.

He moved forward step by step, gentle and heavy at the same time, but in almost two or three breaths, he was in front of everyone, "slow" but not slow, full of contradictions, which caused a few weaker masters to feel dizzy.

"Crazy Sword" Su Meng has been soaring in the rankings some time ago. He is indeed quite capable and has a reputation as a worthy warrior... Several grandmasters who met Meng Qi for the first time spontaneously had this thought in their hearts.

"Everyone is here." "Ice Fairy" Ye Yuqi glanced at Meng Qi, frowning slightly, and found that his aura was slightly different from before. He was more confident and seemed to dare to face any enemy in the world.

Except for Grand Master Ye Yuqi, there are a total of thirteen grandmasters present, who can be gathered temporarily. The other grandmasters have to find other teams and cannot come over.

After bowing their hands in greeting and exchanging names, Meng Qi took out something and handed it to He Xiu, the "cold-faced soul-seeking envoy" of Donghai Sword Village.

This is a dark blue and almost black token that looks like a dagger but not a dagger. It has lifelike and weird insects engraved on it, and they seem to be still wriggling.

"Sword Gu Talisman!" He Xiu, who always had a cold face, blurted out, with shock hidden in his eyes.

This is the thing that Donghai Sword Village is searching for. The part of the "Unknown Sword Sutra" that was taken away by the "Shadowless Sword Gu" lineage is hidden inside, making it difficult for outsiders to detect it.

Everyone has their own gains from the Sword Classic. Losing this part of the scripture will not pose a big problem to the cultivation of disciples of all lines, especially the He family. The practice has gradually been perfected, and there is no need to learn anything else from the "Sword Classic", but in order to complete the " "No form." For He Qi, the owner of the village, who has a deeper understanding of the original Sword Sutra, reintegrating the major branches of the Sword Sutra and returning to the origin will help him explore the next path.

Moreover, the Sword Gu Talisman has been cultivated for many generations, and it is only a few steps away from being able to transform into a divine weapon and become a powerful weapon in the village.

Its hidden value to Donghai Jianzhuang is definitely far beyond its surface value. From the master of the swordsman down, everyone can get it quickly, but Gao Qianyuan is a long-standing master with special skills, and he holds this weapon that is more powerful than the main weapon of the gods. As long as they don't directly encounter He Qi, the others can escape even if they can't defeat him. To seize this treasure, it's more than "difficult" to describe it.

Meng Qi nodded lightly: "Gao Qianyuan has been executed."

"Die by your sword?" He Xiu asked subconsciously.

He knew Gao Qianyuan's strength and skills. When he heard the news of his death, he couldn't believe it. It would be okay if the speaker was the Ice Fairy, but this was the "Crazy Sword" Su Meng who was still at the master level, and there was no difference between Gao Qianyuan and Gao Qianyuan. .

"He has hidden dangers. He mainly relies on the power of the 'Sword Gu Talisman', and he has no relationship with it similar to that of life and death. He has many flaws. If he finds the opportunity, it will not be difficult to kill him." Meng Qi gave a short answer and said It's quite relaxing.

"Useless?" He Xiu knew that Meng Qi's strongest weapon was the Wujie Sword. At first, he thought he could use it to kill Gao Qianyuan, but from what he meant, he found a flaw and succeeded?

Meng Qi smiled: "Why kill him because of the karma and the risk of dying together?"

It was only then that the other grandmasters figured out what the two were talking about. "Crazy Sword" Su Meng killed the nine-fingered blue-blood Gao Qianyuan and killed another grandmaster!

Their thoughts were up and down, and they were a little unable to speak. Although at the level of a master, no one would have any confidence in their own strength, but they would still be shocked when they encountered a pervert who could not measure their combat power in a normal realm.

Grandmaster realm, skills, experience, dharma body moves and top-quality weapons are all indispensable, and there are also external realms, which are the pillars of various sects. Battles on the same level often last for a long time before one and a half moves can be distinguished. Victory or defeat, it is very difficult to kill or capture the opponent alive.

There were so many grandmasters present, and there were less than five dozen other masters who had experienced one-on-one fighting. The process was either very dangerous or tortuous, and it only lasted once or twice.

As for "Crazy Sword" Su Meng, since he was promoted to Grandmaster, he has not mentioned anything about provoking internal strife to gain profit. He only captured the "Extremely Evil Demon" alive and killed the "Crying Old Man" with one sword, which has attracted the attention of many Grandmasters. Now he has added a new one. The result was that he easily defeated the nine-fingered blue-blooded Gao Qianyuan.

Watching "Crazy Sword" now, it almost feels like facing a great master!

They didn't know the value of the "Sword Gu Talisman", otherwise the surprise would not stop there.

He Xiu looked at the "Sword Gu Talisman" handed to him by Meng Qi. He took it without hesitation or humility and solemnly said: "This sect will definitely be rich in rewards."

Meng Qi is already full of treasures and has no worries about good deeds. He is about to get the magic weapon. What he cares about is forming a good relationship. In the future, when facing powerful forces that cannot be easily attacked, he will be able to have more immortals to help him. As for whether He Qi will risk the odds. If he helps someone in a big danger, it depends purely on his own choice. He will not force it, but only try his best to build a good relationship, so he smiled slightly: "What's the reward for a convenient thing? If someone is in trouble in the future, Jianzhuang will not save him. ?”

He Xiu said categorically: "Your business is Jianzhuang's business."

As the master, he was gifted the "Sword Gu Talisman", so he was qualified to answer this question on behalf of the sect.

The onlookers saw the value of the "Sword Gu Talisman" from He Xiu's attitude. They also saw that Meng Qi wanted to build a good friendship and help those who have gained the Tao, but they couldn't help but secretly praise him. Who wouldn’t be greedy for such a precious treasure, and no one else knew about it at the time, so it seemed more humane to take it all for himself. “Crazy Sword” Su Meng was able to make this choice, he was truly upright, generous, and lived up to his reputation as a knight.

Ye Yuqi quietly nodded and said: "Some ice tribes found traces of Hasulla and other Golden Horde warriors nearby. At least five masters. They sneaked into the dense forest and don't know where they want to escape."

She told the story concisely and concisely.

There is no cover at high altitude, and many top experts and masters have magical powers such as wisdom eye and clairvoyance, so when escaping, except for the stage of distance, they will choose to stay close to the ground, or use fire escape, earth escape, water escape, or wood escape. In short, They use terrain, trees, rocks, etc. to cover their whereabouts so as not to be seen by the other party. Hasullah and others are examples.

"Let's work in groups of two or three and search the area separately to find more clues." A master of the Cui family in Gezhou suggested, "Hasullah and others are on the run and it is inconvenient to kill and silence them. That will leave more people behind." With more traces, we may be able to get more information from the people of the tribe.”

Ye Yuqi looked around and said: "Prepare communication and help tools to prevent Hasullah and others from counterattack."

It is common to strike back when you are fleeing, so you should not be careless.

Not to mention the items for contact and help, Meng Qi and others were unprepared and received gifts from other masters, which were not priceless items anyway.

When they were divided into groups, Meng Qi thought for a while and said directly: "I am used to working alone, so I should be responsible for one person."

My own skills are too secretive. After obtaining the General Outline of the Yuanshi Golden Chapter and the Five of the Nine Seals, their functions have become as good as those of the Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills. If they are not used, their strength will be greatly reduced, and it will not help to integrate and integrate them. , so it is difficult to use it when encountering a dangerous situation. In this case, it is better to be alone. The enemy can silence the enemy, but teammates cannot.

Besides, as long as you are careful with your Eighty-nine Mysterious Skills, you will not easily fall into a trap unless there is a dharma body on the opposite side to cover up your secrets. When you encounter a dharma body enemy, it makes no difference whether you have teammates or not.

Ye Yuqi knew that he had many secrets, so before anyone else could speak, he immediately said: "Okay."

Soon, the grouping was completed and everyone ran to different virgin forests.


In a dark place where the sun is blocked by towering trees, the leader of the Golden Horde Warriors Hassula Yuan sits on a boulder like a mountain. His injuries have healed. He clenches his right hand into a fist and looks around: "It is said that the Dharmakaya is here. Looking for the whereabouts of the Great Khan, he didn’t come to hunt us down.”

"This is an opportunity to teach the group of Central Plains dogs behind them a lesson, letting them know that the heroes of the prairie are not just trash to be chased by them!"

Several grandmaster warriors who remained calm during the escape nodded in agreement, but looked to the side.

It was a coffin surrounded by blood-yellow mist!

Has'ullah looked over and said in a deep voice: "The emperor acted righteously, and we are grateful."

A majestic and hoarse voice sounded from the coffin: "I need the living body of the master to help our sect reach the second level of the ladder. We will benefit from our cooperation."

Asking for recommendation votes on Monday~

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