The Supreme Being

Chapter 835 “Evidence”

After leaving the navy company, Meng Qi adjusted his appearance, changing his cyan robe into a white T-shirt and jeans. He took out his card, swiped it on the vending shop next to him, bought a can of Coke, opened it, raised his head, and drank it. One mouthful.

The whole movement was smooth and smooth, and it matched the current image. It seemed to Nangong Chong that there was no sense of violation, and it seemed like it was the way it should be. As for the card, of course it was his, and I don't know when he stole it!

After changing his image and temperament, Meng Qi used simple and easy-to-obtain tools to help Nangong Chong and Wu Youming slightly disguise themselves to prevent them from being recognized by law enforcement or surveillance satellites colluded with Cangqiong Games. At the same time, the magnetic field rotated, shielding them. Signal from the positioning device in the ID card.

"Is there any big news company nearby?" asked Meng Qi, who looked like a young man everywhere on the street.

Nangong Chong, a veteran otaku, looked confused. He only knew which neighborhood he was in. This was because he saw the street sign just now!

"The website that just posted the video, Mitian Company, is headquartered in the capital. It has a very strong backend. It is an opposing faction to the local faction and the big guys in the capital that Cangqiong Game Company has won over." Wu Youming knew what Meng Qi meant and did not recommend it randomly.

If the news company found belongs to the Cangqiong family, then all the news and all the struggles will be like ripples on the lake. The wind will subside and no one will pay attention to it. The Cangtian Sect leader will be surrounded by the police force and mobilize all parties. Such a powerful weapon, if the Empress is entangled again, it is likely that she will regret it at the beginning and use the excuse of rounding up terrorists holding weapons of mass destruction to eliminate the situation. As for the number of police officers participating in the war, the number is limited, and they can use the Empress' weapon one by one. The soul at the master level performs hypnotic brainwashing.

Meng Qi nodded, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and walked leisurely and relaxedly on the street. Nangong Chong was stunned for a moment.

The best hiding is a drop of water hidden in the ocean!

There is only one street across from Mitian News Company and Black and White Public Relations Company, but there are already many police cars and small planes whizzing by on the road and in the sky.

The address where the video was originally uploaded has no secret in front of the powerful departments!

Meng Qi stopped and took a look. He was no different from the other besieging people. The police flew past and left a warning voice: "A wanted criminal has sneaked into this neighborhood. Everyone, go home as soon as possible and don't stay outside."

Many people were frightened and left in a hurry. Meng Qi, Nangong Chong and Wu Youming arrived outside Mitian News Company.

There were several police vehicles there and a blockade was pulled out. Several heavily armed policemen guarded the passage with guns and ammunition. They wore heavy silver-gray helmets and only had one pair of eyes to look at pedestrians through special glass. Small ventilators and tubes were strapped to their arms. Connected to the helmet.

"Let's get real! This is the latest helmet that can abandon electromagnetism and spirit, and can prevent hypnosis and mind control!" Wu Youming glanced at Meng Qi worriedly.

The Empress has tried before. Even with her powerful soul, it takes a lot of trouble to penetrate into this technologically crystallized helmet and control the spirit of the person inside. But now that there are so many police here, it seems that the Cangtian Sect leader cannot use them. The strongest method, you must sneak in carefully, otherwise it will waste time and easily expose you.

Meng Qi had an ancient bell filled with purple energy in his left hand, and he walked towards the group of policemen without caring.

Wu Youming hesitated for a moment, thinking that he only had "a few days to live". He gritted his teeth and followed. Nangong Chong was confused and followed the crowd.

Boom, boom, boom! Boom, boom, boom! Wu Youming heard a strange and clear heartbeat.

Boom, boom, boom! Boom, boom, boom! Immediately afterwards, he heard the beating of the hearts in the chests of the policemen, which was not very real, like the virtual voice of the soul.

Boom, boom, boom! Meng Qi passed the group of policemen. No one nearby stopped him or surprised him.


Inside Mi Tian Company, Zhang Donghai saw several police officers breaking in and confronting branch manager Dong Yuan.

"There are extremely brutal wanted criminals who have sneaked into this building, armed with heavy weapons. Please accept protection." The police issued a warrant.

As a news worker for many years, Dong Yuan has a keen sense of big news: "Which wanted criminal? What heavy weapon is he holding? Can we follow and film?"

"No, you don't have a war press card." The leading police officer refused directly, "I'll ask the rest of the questions later."

"In order to prevent the wanted criminal from using the Internet to create panic and promote his extreme ideas, the Internet and phone calls of the entire building will be blocked. Please don't be nervous."

In an area that has been at peace for many years, who in the Mitian Company branch has a war press card that has not yet expired?

Dong Yuan pursed his lips tightly and looked at the police leader, seeing his slightly twinkling eyes.

There is a problem... Dong Yuan secretly speculated on the truth of the matter.

Just when the police were about to separate and blockade, Dong Yuan suddenly saw a green figure coming in, making a palm knife with his hand, dividing it into several afterimages, and slapped several police officers on the back of their necks, causing them to fall to the ground softly and fainted. , all this takes less than one breath!

A young and handsome but slightly weathered face appeared in front of Dong Yuan, and he felt a little familiar even though he was panicked.

"Cang, Cang, Cangtian Sect Master!" Zhang Donghai blurted out next to him, his expression distorted and his eyes widened.

If he had changed the place or the situation, he would have thought he had met the actor in the previous video, but at this moment, he attacked the policeman, his movements were smooth, and his martial arts seemed to be quite strong - those who have played the Black Mountain Old Monster will understand There is a certain level of judgment in martial arts, and of course, they think they have judgment in games.

It can not be! Really out of the game?

Could it be a terrorist in disguise?

While he was at a loss, others, including Dong Yuan, came to their senses and recognized the Cangtian Sect leader who was fighting the empress. For a moment, they seemed to be still in the game world.

Then, they saw Wu Youming, the man who had been resurrected from the dead.

"Are you the actors in that video?" Dong Yuan asked subconsciously.

Meng Qi smiled, opened his right hand to indicate that there was nothing else, then stretched to his left side and grasped the metal frame at the entrance.

Click, the white fingers exerted force, and the metal frame was directly broken. Electric arcs burst out. The piece of metal that was pulled out quickly turned red and hot, melted into a viscous liquid, and shrank into a ball.

The arc disappeared, white gas emitted from the liquid, and it solidified into metal again, but it was already a ball.

The mouths of Dong Yuan, Zhang Donghai and others never closed when they opened their mouths. This is an alloy that is said to be stronger and tougher than before. How could it be broken so easily?

Well, the strongest soldiers who have reached a very high level of physical transformation and auxiliary machinery may be able to do it, but directly melting metal is definitely not something that human bodies can do. So who can withstand the high temperature?

The real master of Cangtian Sect...the real master of Cangtian Sect! They suddenly felt that the world had become unreal, and the BOSS in the game had actually come to reality?

This unscientific!

Dong Yuan reacted quickly and thought of the video of the conversation between Meng Qi and Wu Youming: "Is that true? Cangtian Company has obtained a mysterious fragment and can enter the world of the Black Mountain Old Demon?"

"So, we are being hunted and come to ask for help." Meng Qi didn't need to say much after the evidence was successfully presented.

"I, I will report to the superiors. The satellite surveillance should not have been deleted yet!" Dong Yuan still had some disbelief and turned around and ran to his office.

Zhang Donghai watched in stunned silence as Meng Qi and others followed the manager into the office, and then looked down at the metal ball, as if in a dream.

Warriors, knights, empresses, magical powers... thoughts flashed through his mind.

In the office, Dong Yuan made a confidential phone call.

Beep beep, the call was connected. Because Meng Qi knocked out the policemen he saw along the road, the signal was not blocked yet.

"Sir, yes, yes, it's me, Dong Yuan. I have something to report to you." Dong Yuan seemed to be nodding and bowing, "I wonder if you have seen the video that was just circulated on the Internet? Okay, I Give a rough description..."

"Sir, this is not Cangqiong Company's latest virtual technology, nor is it a movie. I won't bother you with such trivial matters. It is real."

"No, I am not mentally ill. I just passed the psychological diagnosis yesterday. I am very healthy. Please believe me and give me three minutes. It only takes three minutes. If you still can't believe it, then send me to a mental hospital." Dong Yuan He seemed to be experiencing a crisis of distrust, "I'm really not crazy. What evidence do you have?"

He looked back at Meng Qi, gritted his teeth and said, "The master of Cangtian Sect is in my office!"

With these words, he felt that his logic, common sense, and outlook on life were buried at the same time.

The BOSS in the game is in my office!

God, I feel like I'm crazy!

He directed the video conversation at Meng Qi. Opposite him was a serious man with a well-maintained face, no wrinkles on his face, and naturally black hair. He had a majesty and aura that had been in a position of power for a long time, making people subconsciously bow their heads.

"I don't think it's worthy of belief if a random person comes out and claims to be the leader of the Cangtian Sect, especially if he only looks like the person in the suspected movie clip." The man said calmly.

Meng Qi smiled and saw an abandoned building to be demolished opposite. He motioned to Dong Yuan to direct the video conversation to him, then opened the window, pressed it with his right hand and stepped on it with his left foot. He spread his wings like a roc and glided. We reached the roof of the building opposite, which was still quite far away.

The man on the phone suddenly solidified his eyes and his expression became solemn.

Many pedestrians were coming and going below, discussing wanted criminals and the video of the battle between the Empress and the Cangtian Sect leader. Suddenly, a thunderous voice sounded in their ears and penetrated into their hearts:

"Stay away, idlers!"

They retreated blankly, looked up to the heights, and with the help of portable mobile terminals, they saw the figure in green shirt on the building with more than ten floors.

"Master of Cangtian Sect?"

"COS activity?"

They were so excited that they took out their mobile terminals one after another, pointed at the roof of the building to take pictures, and stayed away from there, fearing that there would be an accident involving falling objects.

The policemen's eyes widened and they quickly reacted, asking their superiors to open their authority and use space-based weapons to attack.

At this moment, Meng Qi knelt down, raised his right hand, and clenched it into a fist. Electric light swirled around his body, pouring out half of the energy he had absorbed.


His right fist hit the roof of the building, arcs of electricity shot out, and cracks spread rapidly and could not be contained.

Click, click, cracks appeared in the whole building, as if it was wrapped by lightning, and it shook violently, making those who were filming the scene almost unsteady.

But they were speechless, like wooden sculptures, dull and confused.


The building collapsed suddenly, the broken metal and plates were chaotically stacked together, and the dust was flying and spreading upwards, as if evil spirits were coming.

There was no explosion, no other device came into play…

Really, really the master of Cangtian Sect...

They were frightened and frightened, and their spirits seemed to have left the real world. The police who had requested the right to use space-based weapons had their eyes frozen and forgot to use them.

My mother is really the master of Cangtian Sect!

In the building opposite, the majestic man on the video phone had his mouth half-opened, his face twitching, and he had lost the energy and composure he had gained from being in a position of power for a long time.

Do not believe? Okay, let me give you some evidence right away!

It is powerful evidence in itself and can be displayed at any time. Are you afraid that the enemy will block the information?

As for the greed and malice coming from elsewhere after the identity is exposed, if you have the ability, just deal with the Six Paths and come to the main world to arrest people!


In the Cangqiong Company, after listening to the words of the senior management, the empress looked sullen and shook her head: "It's useless. You have underestimated the methods of the Grand Master, and I have also underestimated the convenience of network communication and telephone communication in your world."

He actually knows this place better than me, a person who has been here several times for a few days at a time!

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