The Supreme Being

Chapter 863 The Immortal caresses my head

The dazzling waves erupting from the Seven Kills Monument enveloped Meng Qi, and pictures appeared before his eyes as if they were flowing water. His body and soul seemed to be in a river that would never stop flowing, with countless tributaries in the future, blurred.

All kinds of pictures in the past, his own and others', are so vast that they fill the void. How to choose really makes Meng Qi's headache. And wherever there is a Seven Kills monument, it is because its body is equal to the relics or aura of a legendary power, and there is a serious problem. Interference, unable to reach accurately!

The Seven Kills Monument lasts only for a limited time. If it cannot be selected quickly, the effect will disappear soon. However, Meng Qi was not in a hurry, turning his thoughts and amplifying his consciousness:

"Thirty-seventh year of Tianle...Ning Xincheng..."

The records of the six doors are based on the determination of the time of death and different confessions to restore the time of the murder, so it is not accurate, but it can basically specify the time, which courtyard, and which room.

Immediately, the dizzying countless pictures passed one by one, and similar scenes were connected by consciousness. On the sixth day of September in the thirty-seventh year of Tianle, what happened in the courtyard of the head of the Tiandi Sect was separated by one breath and strung together into a movie film. Such picture.

With just a glance and mental identification, Meng Qi discovered many scenes of the assassination of Lin Kang, the head of the Heaven and Earth Sect, and touched them with his hand.

As soon as he touched one of the waves, Meng Qi felt his body become lighter and the pressure around him disappeared, as if he had jumped from the depths of the sea into the air.

Immediately afterwards, his soul was dizzy, his body was shaking, and he felt that time and space were chaotic and abnormal. If it were not wrapped by the power of the Seven Kills Monument, he would immediately be torn into pieces, forever lost in the gap of time, desolate and dead.

In Ningxin City, the moon was dark and the wind was high, and the autumn mood was scary. Lin Kang, the head of the Heaven and Earth Sect, finished handling the affairs and returned to his room.

He has jet black hair, long breathing, and does not look like he is over forty at all. He is full of vigor and difficult to approach ghosts and gods. He is a rare master of the seven orifices in the local area. However, he is ruthless and ambitious. For the sake of his own status and strength, he does not know how to do anything. So many people, so many enemies.

Lighting the candles, Lin Kang picked lanterns at random, trying to make the room brighter.

On the beam, there was a figure crawling quietly, almost not breathing, watching Lin Kang enter the door, watching him light candles, watching him light up the lamp.

Crackling, the wick of the lamp made a crisp sound, the candlelight burst slightly, and the light swelled, illuminating Lin Kang's face with a hint of brilliance.

Just when his mind was subconsciously attracted by the light, the killer above the rafters took action!

It was as fast as thunder and the sword was silent. As soon as Lin Kang noticed it, he felt a stinging pain in the back of his head, his vision went dark, he fell forward and threw himself on the table.

If you don't make a move, it's enough. A single move will kill you. This is the style of the Burenlou assassin!

Even if there is a gap in strength, as long as you grasp the right time, place, and people, you can still defeat the strong with the weak!

In just one breath, Lin Kang, the head of the Heaven and Earth Sect, was assassinated without any resistance.

The killer was neither tall nor short, neither strong nor thin. He ignored everyone and did not check whether Lin Kang was really dead. He ran to the window without even looking at him. He seemed very confident in his assassination.

The wind blew and the window opened silently. The killer's pupils suddenly shrank and his steps subconsciously slowed down because there was a man in a blue shirt standing by the window!

He had handsome features, a calm temperament, and deep eyes. He stood with his hands behind his back, looking at himself through the open window, as if he had finished admiring the entire assassination process, and he didn't even notice it!

Great master, real great master!

The killer is extremely talented and has a calm mind. If he makes a mistake in his steps, he will rush to the other side.

At this moment, he saw the man in green shirt raising his right hand, with long and powerful fingers, and the surrounding area became dim. He threw it involuntarily, without any resistance at all.

His right hand was white and fell on his forehead. He heard a low, demonic voice in his ears:

"The Immortal caressed my head, tied my hair and granted me immortality."

Suddenly, the scene in front of the killer changed, and he experienced reincarnation from life to life.

My wife worked hard and frugally so that she could go to Beijing to take the exam. He lived up to her expectations and won the gold medal. However, when he returned to his hometown to visit his relatives with excitement and joy, he only saw rotten corpses that had been dead for many days and were crawling with maggots. The corpse, the deep voice of "fate" is heard in the ear...

A famous lady fell in love with a down-and-out scholar and ran away from home. However, she encountered a betrayer and was sold into a brothel. She had a pair of jade arms and was used as a pillow for thousands of people. In the end, she even met her biological brother who was passing by the city and came to have fun. At this time How dare we meet each other, weep a few times, hide our faces and throw ourselves into the lake...

He turns into a donkey and works hard day and night, but when he grows old, he cannot escape the knife and becomes a meal on the plate...

All kinds of experiences, countless sufferings, endless reincarnations, even death can't escape, no matter how strong and calm the killer's mind is, he can't sustain it for long, and finally collapses, with tears and feces flowing.

Meng Qi's right hand caressed, purple light bloomed, and the thumping heartbeat was reflected in the killer's mind, transforming the collapse into a terrifying "inner demon". Then, with a squeeze of his right hand, the "inner demon" formed a cocoon and sank into the killer's mind. In the depths of the sea, it will never appear on its own initiative without being awakened by the Yuan Xin Seal. It will not affect the killer's spiritual realm, nor will it affect his martial arts improvement, and it will also prevent him from discovering it!

Only when the soul, dharma, and body merge into the dharma body, can we get a glimpse of this inner demon seed and get rid of it!

The way of time, affected by the convergence of the world, has small details that change, and the historical trend remains unchanged. For example, if the owner of Buren Tower is gone, there must be another owner of Buren Tower. Unless the entire Buren Tower is directly destroyed, but in that case , another killer organization will appear, and they will still accept the commission. Their strength will not be lower than the peak of the outdoor scene. They are also in charge of magic weapons, which will not help Meng Qi change the dead situation.

The old Black Mountain demon understood this. He had his own reasons for choosing to kill Liang Wuji. He broke through to an unprecedented level and reached a new level of Huang Tiandang. It was not necessary for history, but relied on a strong man with unique wisdom and mind. After achieving this, after killing Liang Wuji, maybe in the next generation of Cangtian Sect, and the next generation after that, someone can achieve "Huang Tiandang Li", but there will be no one in the current generations. If they can do it, it will be Liang Wuji's turn to complete it?

Therefore, when he saw another supreme elder who had reached the realm of "Huang Tiandang Li", his heart collapsed.

And Meng Qi was worried about accidents and historical changes that would cause bad changes, so he chose the "inner demon seeds" with the least impact. Until he met himself, restricted by the power of the world to restrain himself, the experience of the owner of Burenlou would not change in any way!

And if he is the Dharma King who transcends the world, because he is too deeply involved, if he dies, he is likely to disappear directly into the present, because he died in the ninth heaven "long ago", and the current inner demon seeds are useless to the Dharmakaya. The most correct approach should be Use the "Seven Killing Monument" to return to Thrushcross Villa a month or two ago, and tell Mr. Lu that he is going to fish for law enforcement and plans to lure out the Dharma King at a certain time and place on a certain day of a certain month, and asks him to ambush him in advance.

Now that the enemy can't reach Dharma Body, it's not worth making Mr. Lu doubt his abnormality. It might expose the Seven Kills Monument and be obliterated by Six Paths.

The use of the Seven Kills Monument is ever-changing and eclectic. The beauty of its use lies in one mind!

As the light rose, Meng Qi disappeared from the Gate of Heaven and Earth, and smoothly removed the dirt from the killer's body.

The autumn wind blew by, and the killer shuddered and regained consciousness. He felt that there was no abnormality in his body. He seemed to be a little dizzy just now.

"Although Lin Kang's Great Compassion Hand of Heaven and Earth could not be used, did it still affect me in spite of his desperate efforts?" The killer did not dare to stay and left quickly. When he arrived at a safe place, he carefully inspected himself and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with him. Finally, I breathed a sigh of relief.


The wind of early spring was sharp, and the river flowed quietly. In the "Void Glazed Realm", the envoy of Fengdian distanced himself, and saw the transparent short blade, the dharma body token, once again escaping into the void, flashing to Meng Qi's side, and slashing at his head. , I saw the Bodhisattva of Joy's "Boundless Fingers of Bliss" as bright, and the "Bodhisattva's Weave of Joy" born from the ninth-grade lotus platform was darkly entangled, and I felt Gu Xiaosang's ethereal, chaotic breath, and the unique magic weapon of the inanimate old mother.

At the same time, he also saw the owner of Buren Building seizing Meng Qi at the moment when he was at his "weakest" and unable to resist, and stabbed him in the back of the head with a sword. The killing was complete and no one was spared!

Suddenly, he saw the brilliance rising and disappearing, and heard Gu Xiaosang's soft voice in his ears.

Immediately afterwards, he discovered that Meng Qi actually ignored the sword of the owner of Bu Renlou. He swung the orange fire knife in his hand, getting bigger and bigger. It seemed that he was trying his best to illuminate the entire chaos, bringing tens of thousands or even dozens of people with him. The weight of 10,000 kilograms split the transparent short blade apart, and the contraction of the void caused the Bodhisattva's joyful web to sway, but failed to get caught.

"He wants to break the situation with injuries? Humph, Bu Renlou is holding the assassination sword, how can he resist? Even with three heads and six arms, he can't stop it without using all his strength!" Fengdian Divine Envoy snorted coldly, as if he had already seen it. Meng Qi’s death.

Not only him, but also Huanxi Bodhisattva thinks so.

The owner of Erren Tower has no mood swings in his heart, no thoughts, only the sword in his hand, and the target in front of him.

At this moment, he heard a sigh again, low and demonic.

With a bang, something seemed to explode deep in his heart. Countless painful memories and experiences of extreme collapse flooded into his mind, as if he was still trapped in reincarnation and could never escape.

Then, he saw a pair of eyes that were as cold as gods and demons, and saw a palm lightly slapping him, not on this shore, not on the other shore, not in the middle of the stream, but wherever his heart was, he was everywhere.

The palm of his hand was white, slender and powerful, passing through the magic weapon that lost control in an instant, and landed on the forehead of the owner of Buren Tower.

The Bodhisattva of Joy and the Divine Envoy of Fengdian saw that with that sigh, at the great opportunity, the owner of Buren Tower actually shook his hands and slowed down, and "Crazy Sword" Su Meng, dressed in a blue shirt, looked like a god, demon, immortal Buddha in the world. , with a face full of compassion, he casually slapped a palm, like a gentle caress, on the head of the owner of Burenlou.

Immediately afterwards, they saw the owner of Buren Building showing a relieved smile, and his soul left a message:

"The Immortal caressed my head and tied my hair to achieve immortality."

Snapped! The owner of the Buren Building was in a state of stress. The secret treasure was shattered, his forehead was cracked, his soul was shattered, and he fell down. Even the divine soldiers and saviors were unable to reach him in time.

"The Immortal caressed my head and tied my hair to achieve immortality."

The residual sound echoed, sounding like relief and sinking, which made people's hair stand on end. The Bodhisattva of Joy and the Divine Envoy of the Dharma shuddered involuntarily.

Meng Qi withdrew his gaze, dragged his sword diagonally, strode forward, and said calmly and majestically:

"It's your turn!"

At this moment, his momentum has completely overwhelmed the two strong men on the opposite side!

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