The Supreme Being

Chapter 902 The Origin of Life and Death (First Update)

The strange atmosphere seemed to freeze the scene. Several police detectives felt cold and shivered before finally coming back to their senses.

They have handled many cases, but this was the first time they encountered such a creepy scene, and they instinctively felt some unspeakable danger, unknown danger.



They took a breath, held firearms, and were about to enter for investigation. At this moment, a police detective with a beard suddenly said: "It's him!"

"What?" The leading police sergeant paused.

The detective was trembling slightly, his teeth were chattering, and his voice showed obvious fear: "Don't, don't go in!"

He paused and said: "I recognize this child, no, devil!"

"Is he a devil?" The police chief felt confused and couldn't help but look at the frightened little boy, who looked a little green in the light.

It can't be that he killed someone, right?

The other detectives all had similar expressions, wondering why their companions would say such things.

"I, the case I was responsible for before was related to him! When he was born, the flu broke out, and everyone in the family died within a few days, and then he was adopted by an orphanage. In those five years, the orphanage suffered fires, robberies, Lightning strikes and internal riots kill thirteen people every year, making it known as the paradise of death.”

The bearded detective couldn't hide his horror when he recalled, "The year before last, the orphanage completely closed down because the nickname Death Paradise spread. He was adopted one after another, but, but, all the families who adopted him died in the end. There were family conflicts, and the son killed his parents and then committed suicide, and there were also accidents where he was directly hit by a truck into the house.”

"And he, and he, is always alive!"

The glorious deeds made the police chief shudder, and his grip on the gun tightened. The carpet inside the door was just one step away, but he still couldn't take this step. The other detectives were even more excited in their hearts. Their companions were of high quality, and they usually He never plays pranks or scares people, there is no way he can lie about this.

The most important thing is that they have heard more or less related things.

"What should I do?" The police chief glanced at the childish but green little boy again and couldn't help but ask his subordinates.

The bearded detective had already had an idea: "Please, ask the priest to bring holy water, and ask the exorcist from the east to come!"

"Is this... going to be laughed at?" the police chief asked subconsciously. The senior police detective was actually frightened by the murder scene and sought help from priests and exorcists!

"No one is telling anyone!" the bearded detective said firmly.

"Okay!" The police chief was indeed a little nervous, and his instinct prevented him from entering the villa rashly.

After making two calls, he led several of his subordinates to guard the door, staring at the little boy. The more he looked at it, the more horrified he became, because his eyes had no energy at all, as if they were dead. Compared with the large amounts of blood and messy eyes around him, The internal organs are even more terrifying, and seem to directly trigger the deepest fears in everyone's heart.

After a while, two cars drove up almost at the same time. The first one to get out was a man wearing a black priest's uniform. He held a coat of arms in one hand and a glass vial engraved with sacred symbols in the other. After that, another car got off. A famous Taoist priest, with a deer head and rat eyes, and a withered and yellow beard.

"Oh, there is a strong smell of evil here!" As soon as the priest got out of the car, he held up his coat of arms and said, speaking in an aria.

The sergeant went up to him, flattered him, and then repeated everything his subordinate had told him, asking the priest to purify the place.

Other police detectives received an exorcist from the East and led him to investigate the feng shui around the villa.

The priest opened the cap of the glass bottle, chanted the name of God in a low voice, strode forward, and solemnly said: "Devil, go back to the hell you came to!"

He walked into the villa, poured the holy water out of the glass bottle, splashed it all over the little boy, wetted his hair and face, refracted the light, and made the dark green fade away.

The little boy seemed to be woken up by the splash, moaning in pain, and slowly squatted down.

The priest showed a proud smile, turned around, and said seriously: "I have exorcised the devil."

The Sheriff breathed a sigh of relief and was about to say a few prayers and praises when he saw the crystal chandelier on the ceiling suddenly fall off and hit him on the head.


The priest was knocked to the ground on his back, with a huge gash on his forehead. Red and white splattered all over the floor. His eyes were wide open, filled with disbelief and extreme panic. He returned to his senses without even making a sound. embrace.

The Sheriff's mouth opened, and what he wanted to say disappeared instantly.

It's demonic, it's really demonic, the priest poured holy water and was killed by the crystal chandelier!

The detectives panicked and backed away. Some wanted to escape, some planned to hide on the spot, and some ran to the Eastern Exorcist, looking at him with pleading and fearful eyes.

The exorcist swallowed hard, the scene just now was too shocking.

His thoughts turned and he said urgently: "He is the reincarnation of the God of Death. This place has become a hell. Run away! Wait until the sun comes out tomorrow to deal with it!"

We must escape, the dead Taoist friend is not the poor Taoist!

As soon as he finished speaking, the night that was originally illuminated by the moon suddenly became dim. Black haze-like clouds lingered in the mid-air, as if a group of demons were dancing around. The night sky was deep and strange, as if it was leading to hell or some terrifying alien space.

A huge, mysterious and majestic feeling emerged, and everyone present felt weak at the feet and trembled all over.

Is it really the reincarnation of the God of Death?

Has Death fully awakened?

At this time, the "dancing demons" night sky changed, showing a starry sky densely connected into the Milky Way, vast and boundless, rippling like water waves, not like a real starry sky, but a projection of the universe elsewhere.

The swirling black clouds and mist gathered together, forming a dark whirlpool and bursts of muffled thunder.

The whirlpool tore at the void, slowly split open, and the interior was chaotic and dark, as if it absorbed everyone's mind and spirit.

"The God of Death..." "No, it's the devil from hell who has arrived!" Each police detective made a desperate voice in his heart.

In the chaos, a palace stands, natural and majestic, as if it has never changed. The name is written on the plaque:

"Biyou Palace!"

"Biyou Palace..." The exorcist from the east opened his mouth little by little, feeling frightened and stunned, and his head was in a mess.

Is there really a Biyou Palace?

Biyou Palace will appear!

Boom, muffled thunder formed into a line, shocking the hearts of those present, and their ears were temporarily deafened. Then they saw countless tiny black and white lightning burst out from the ancient palace, and then condensed into a black and white thunder, and crashed down!

Thunder passed through the cracks, lighting up the sky and the earth, making the surroundings of the villa look like day.


The thunder struck the ground, but instead of being charred, a Taoist in green emerged. He was profound and natural, but gave people the most ancient feeling!

"The Taoist from Biyou Palace...the ancient Taoist...can't be some Heavenly Lord..." The exorcist seemed to have fallen into a delusion, his legs could no longer support his body, and he fell softly to the ground. The detectives were similar, but they didn't have the corresponding thoughts.

As soon as he saw the Taoist in green, the little boy suddenly jumped up, his eyes were blood-yellow, and he cried out from the corner of his mouth. He turned around and was about to flee upstairs, as if he had encountered a terrible natural enemy!

This Taoist in green is the incarnation of Meng Qi Yuan Shen and Dharma. He came to look for the reincarnation of the evil god Huang Quan and awaken his memory, so as to find out the final whereabouts of Emperor Zhenwu and see if he has any legacy, such as the general outline of the Seven Swords of Jie Tian. In this way, he can strengthen himself, increase his trump cards, and contribute to getting rid of the Six Paths. The best situation is that Emperor Zhenwu will have a martial arts legacy similar to "all the past, disappear in smoke"!

Therefore, he chose to perform it in Biyou Palace. Firstly, he was trying to hide the fact that he had already started the "Daoyi Seal". Secondly, he was not letting Liudao know that he had found the reincarnation of Huangquan, so he would be more prepared!

Seeing the little boy trying to run away, Meng Qi's figure flickered and suddenly appeared in front of him. He stretched out his right hand, as white as jade, slender and powerful, and slowly pressed it down.

No matter how the little boy tried to dodge, his right hand pressed on his forehead, transforming the sky and hitting the earth, causing him to reincarnate in his past life!

In the dark sea of ​​​​mind, countless memory fragments jumped up, flickering with vast pictures. Meng Qi's head suddenly hurt, and he took a step back, looking into the little boy's eyes.

Countless images flashed through those eyes so fast that it was difficult to distinguish the essence. The little boy opened his mouth and uttered a cold but sacred voice: "You can actually find one of my reincarnations..."

Hundreds of thousands of years later, the evil god Huang Quan’s thoughts reappeared in the world!

He paused, and his voice suddenly became sharp:

"The cause of all effects!"

"You have the characteristics of the cause of all effects!"

"Your bones fell into my hands, but for me, they were only of temporary use." Meng Qi ignored the surprise of Evil God Huang Quan and said calmly, "I just want to know where Emperor Zhenwu went? Is there anything left behind? thing?"

"True martial arts?" Huang Quan was actually a little afraid of the "Cause of All Fruits". Even though Meng Qi was just starting out, there were many mysteries that he couldn't master. "After he caught me, he referenced my divine body, understood the way of life and death, and created The method of the living dead, but then something suddenly occurred to me and brought me to the bank of the Nine Netherworld."

"When I got there, I realized that Zhenwu had remembered a certain sentence from Dao Zun and discovered a vague but promising path. So he used me as a guide to turn the underworld upside down, find the 'origin of life and death', step into it, and disappear from there. not see."

"The origin of life and death?" Meng Qi frowned.

What's this?

He has been using the Yuanxin Seal to sense the little boy's soul. He has made further progress in this magical skill, but the other party is only awakening his memory, his strength is low, and he is not afraid of being deceived.

The little boy Huang Quan's eyes were blood-yellow, like waves: "I was born from the Nine Netherworld Huang Quan, and I am one with it, but I have always only known that I don't know where it comes from, and I don't know where it flows. It symbolizes the way of life and death. Unexpectedly What is true is that Huangquan comes from the origin of life and death and flows to the origin of life and death..."

"Other than that, Zhenwu left nothing behind."

"Nothing was left behind..." Meng Qi was filled with disappointment. Emperor Zhenwu didn't leave anything behind!

"Why did you tell the truth?" Meng Qi asked in confirmation.

Huang Quan sneered: "Why should I help him keep it a secret? Haven't you been tortured enough by him?"

Before he finished speaking, Meng Qi heard a familiar yet indifferent voice:

"Complete the Zhenwu series of missions, and you will be rewarded with the general outline of the 'Seven Swords of Jie Tian', which can be understood together with the companions who have shared the mission!"

The Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation? Meng Qi was not surprised, only shocked.

What he did was not hidden from the Six Paths at all!

Was it that Biyou Palace didn't have a shielding effect, or did he already know where Huang Quan's reincarnation was, so he was waiting for him to take the initiative to expose it?

Frustration welled up in his heart, and he had deep doubts about the general outline of the "Seven Swords of Jie Tian".

After being stuck in the background for a long time, I can finally update. .

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