The Supreme Being

Chapter 964: Wandering in the Heavens and Earth and Traveling in the Sea of ​​Stars (asking for mont

Pangu banner appeared, the Overlord's sword came out, the sword flashed, and the world was created. The core fragment of the Haotian Mirror, which was already deeply cracked, was hit again, making a clear clicking sound, and split into two pieces, one large and one small, and it has not yet recovered. Even more spiritually, I don’t know that I can be reborn only after the year of the monkey, the horse, and the month of the horse.

At this time, Meng Qi ignored the slight desire of the tree to devour and absorb it, and conveyed his thoughts like he hated iron for not being able to become steel. If you want to "eat" these things, grow up quickly. Face the Heavenly Punishment Ax and other objects, and you cannot bully the fragments. Plant the old, weak, sick and disabled!

After picking up the two fragments of the Haotian Mirror, Meng Qi felt much more relaxed. He smiled and said to Mr. Lu, "Senior, if necessary, you can use the fragments of the Haotian Mirror at any time."

Mr. Lu Da did not refuse hypocritically. He nodded seriously and said, "I accept your favor again."

Although both Mr. Lu Da and Meng Qi are taking a new path of cutting off the "other and self", and it seems that they do not need to use the Haotian Mirror fragments to communicate in advance, but if they want to prove the legend, with the help of this object, it will be twice the result with half the effort.

If you continue on the normal path of cultivation, when you reach the peak of immortality, you will be able to vaguely sense part of "others and me", and then struggle to grasp the subtle connections between each other, explore the consciousness into different time and space universes, communicate with "others and me", and establish A stronger relationship can even directly occupy or absorb them, turning them into one's own projection. When the "other-self" of communication reaches a certain limit and feeds back to oneself, a qualitative change will occur and one will step into the realm of legend.

This process is very difficult and dangerous. It is difficult to grasp the subtle connections. If you are not careful, you can easily be affected by "others and me". You will have loopholes in your mind, split personality, and become crazy to death. Therefore, even in ancient times, immortals walked everywhere, and the earth There are as many immortals as dogs, the sky is full of immortals, and there are very few legendary powers. Just like Jiuyou has its own power, the total number of legends and above does not exceed twenty. Of course, there are many evil demons and gods in Jiuyou. The strength of Youzhong will increase by half a level or even one or two levels, and those with legendary combat power may exceed a hundred.

Buddhism is so prosperous that it almost overwhelms the heavens and suppresses the Taoism. The sum of all the great pure lands, the Buddha, the powerful Bodhisattva and the great Arhat only have a few hundred, and only three thousand can be gathered by relying on the prediction of "being able to become a Buddha" in the future. The number is known as the Great Formation of Ten Thousand Buddhas. More importantly, a large part of these hundreds of legends are one person with multiple identities. They are full of three corpses or incarnations, as well as past and present lives, such as Guanyin Bodhisattva and Zhengfa Ming. Tathagata, if you really want to be true, there are only a hundred Buddhist legends. Therefore, after the battle of Lingshan, the "Ten Thousand Buddhas" passed away. Not only the legends of Lingshan, but also many legends of other branches such as the Pure Land of Paradise that came to help fell here. Buddhism has since This decadence has lost its former glory.

This shows the rarity of legends and the difficulty of obtaining them. But no matter how difficult it is, there is always a way to find it. Meng Qi and Mr. Lu Da took this road of cutting off "others and me", and there is still a fog ahead. Others have "others" that they can sense and subtle connections that they can rely on, but they don't have any. They must rely on themselves to explore different universes, and then find the characteristics that the "self" should have in this universe, and finally find the source of the avenue. The appropriate posture should be left in the place that suits you best, so that subtle connections can be re-established. It is not enough to leave a mark casually. Similarly, how to leave a mark also needs to be explored.

Therefore, if there are pieces of the Haotian Mirror with the help of which they can travel around the universe and understand the connections it creates, it will save Meng Qi and Mr. Lu Da a lot of effort in their future attempts and avoid many wrong paths, even like Su Wuminglike possesses more legendary features in advance.

This is a good thing. Although after this stage it will not have any other functions like the core fragments and lose its meaning, it is still a rare and good thing.

Meng Qi put the fragments into his sleeves and said with a smile: "This junior has received a lot of kindness from my seniors, so there is no need to care about it like this. This place is about to collapse. Let's go out first."

A colorless ancient lamp lit up in his eyes, the black and white light flowing like the tangled thread of cause and effect between heaven and earth.

Seizing the connection, he swung the Overlord's Blade and slashed into the cracks of the Yaochi.

The sword light enveloped Su Wuming and Mr. Lu Da.

After passing through illusion and reality, Meng Qi and the others appeared in front of Master Yunhe and He Qi.

"Uh, where's the Mad Emperor?" Meng Qi pretended not to have heard what Gao Lan said before.

Yun He smiled and said: "The Dharmakayas from all over the world are gathered here. Donor Gao was worried that the demon clan would take advantage of the situation and take advantage of it, so he volunteered to go out and protect the human clan."

Meng Qi's heart skipped a beat. Will his eldest brother take advantage of this to go south?

He kept Gao Lan here and did not enter Yaochi together because of this consideration. He wanted to leave a Dharma body that could compete with the Demon Holy Spear, but he was also worried that the Northern Zhou Dynasty would annex the Southern Jin Dynasty. This was a bit of a dilemma.

"The Mad Emperor seems to be upright. I observe the changes in the sky and have never noticed any disasters in the Southern Jin Dynasty." He Qi understood Meng Qi's concerns and said this.

Because of the battle between Meng Qi and the Monkey King, the embodiment of fantasy, the top of the Ice and Snow Immortal Palace was pierced, and the forbidden law was broken. It took a while and a half to recover, and He Qi could naturally sense the changes in the stars.

Meng Qi breathed a sigh of relief. Since his elder brother recovered from mental illness, he could no longer guess his thoughts.

While relaxing, Meng Qi, Mr. Lu Da and Su Wuming each took out a magic weapon fragment, which was regarded as a shared spoil.

No matter what, Yun He, He Qi and Gao Lan had no merit but hard work in guarding the back road. They risked their own sect and the palace to be attacked and stayed here as a reserve force. If they didn't show any expression, it would inevitably chill people's hearts.

Mr. Lu Da took out a fragment of the glazed lamp, Su Wuming took out a fragment of the Blue Flame Seven Evil Sword, and Meng Qi took out a fragment of the Green Li Sword. He Qi chose the latter, Yun He took the former, and planned to keep the fragment of the Seven Evil Sword. To Gao Lan.

After doing all this, Meng Qi looked at Master Yunhe and took out the remaining fragments of Xuanming Sword, Suzaku Lihuo Sword, Dongji Yimu Sword, Blood-Transforming Divine Sword, and Gu God Carapace: "Master, I don't know if I can How many of these things can be used to refine a divine sword?"

The magic weapon of Mountain Whip has special uses, so there is no need to waste it.

"The Blood-Transforming Divine Sword...Has the Blood Sea Rakshasa fallen in your hands?" He Qi recognized the blood-clothed sect's divine weapon at a glance!

Without the magic weapons of the town, the Blood Clothes Sect will be destroyed sooner or later. Two of the nine evil demons that have been inherited for a long time have died because of Su Meng, and they can only rely on the new generation of demon emperors to make up for it!

For Su Meng to be able to kill the Blood Sea Rakshasa, He Qi, Yun He, Mr. Lu Da, and Su Wuming, who had not experienced that battle, were not surprised. The Gu Gods were all dead, let alone the Blood Sea Rakshasa?

Meng Qi pondered for a moment and said: "Without the blow from the core fragment of the Haotian Mirror, I am afraid that I would not be able to kill the Blood Sea Rakshasa, because the Nine Nether Blood Demon has returned to a little consciousness and has almost completely awakened the Blood-Transforming Divine Sword..."

He revealed the footsteps of the coming catastrophe.

Several dharma bodies nodded, all with restrained emotions and different ideas.

After a while, Master Yunhe looked at the materials in Meng Qi's hand and said with a smile: "These are all fragments of the Heavenly Immortal Divine Weapon. Together with the Blood-Transforming Divine Sword and the Earthly Immortal Carapace, they are enough to refine a Heavenly Immortal Divine Weapon, but The problem is that the old Taoist can only be 20 to 30% sure. If the refining fails, he can only harvest the residue. Are you sure you want the old Taoist to try?"

Only 20 to 30% sure? Meng Qi's mind was up and down, and he asked with reluctance and confusion: "Master, didn't you refine the corpse of the Arctic True Dragon into a magic weapon for self-protection?"

Master Yunhe spread his palms, and the small palm-sized dragon flew out, hovering around him, swallowing clouds and spitting mist, showing great power.

He pointed at Xiaolong and chuckled: "Do you still remember how big the Arctic True Dragon corpse was back then? I don't know how many parts were destroyed before I could refine such a magic weapon."

Ah... Meng Qi looked at the palm-sized dragon and thought about the huge real dragon corpse. The sharp contrast made him a little confused.

This shrinkage is too drastic!

"Okay, the old Taoist is just kidding. Dragons can be big or small, they can fly or hide. If this little dragon is unfolded, it will still be dozens of feet long. However, this is a refinement that combines the magic of Mo Palace, and the old Taoist is indeed It took five times to finally succeed, and a full 80% of the real dragon corpse was wasted," Yunhe said seriously, "The materials you have can be refined twice, but the old master can't guarantee that you can make a magic weapon."

Well, then it is better to try to get the real Qingping Sword, the Qingping Sword that Chong He and his predecessors had thought about but had not yet had time to try, the portable sword of the leader of Tongtian who is Lingbao Tianzun! The thought flashed through Meng Qi's mind. The information about Qingping Sword was a secret of the Immortal Trail, but at his current level, he could obtain it.

And the only one who has the strength to take it is himself!

At this time, Yunhe looked at Mr. Lu Da and others, and said in deep thought: "Actually, after coming out of the Wanxiang Cave, the old Taoist discovered that the current world is much smaller than in ancient times, although the essence of the place, the source of the rise of the human race, has been retained. , but overall it’s not as good as ancient times.”

He raised his head, his consciousness penetrated the barrier and the strong wind, looked at the countless stars, and said thoughtfully: "Perhaps when the demons disrupted the earth, the real world was broken into countless pieces, and only the largest one remained, and the rest It flew into the starry sky and turned into stars.”

"As far as I know, the ancient stars were only worth one yuan, but now they are far more than that."

"This is also the speculation of many predecessors. I am afraid that the Demon Buddha was further shattered during the troubled times, and many places recorded in medieval classics are no longer found." Mr. Lu Da said, "And there are still many fragments of Zhou Guang."

The previous fragments refer to the fragmentation of space, while the fragments of light belong to the possible separation of time. The two are essentially different, but they are both things that are prone to appear during great catastrophes.

Yun He nodded and said: "Well, the old Taoist just remembered the 'Golden Crow Sect' at the end of the East China Sea. It was very famous in the late ancient times and was the best at refining. The materials Su Xiaoyou has on hand can definitely successfully refine a heavenly-level magic weapon. Unfortunately, There is no trace of it now.”

"Perhaps something can be found by wandering around the fragments of light in the universe or by traveling in the sea of ​​stars. It is impossible to say that there are still traces of them at the end of the East China Sea." He Qi comforted Meng Qi.

The white mist towered into the sky at the end of the East China Sea. I couldn't get out except retreating, and I couldn't encounter any islands or creatures. It was like being picked out of thin air by a powerful force, leaving a hole. He Qi Chengfa had explored it several times after his death. not found.

For Dharma-high people, if they reveal their spiritual consciousness in the heaven and earth and walk among the illusory laws, they may discover Buddhist pure lands, Taoist caves, or fragments of cosmic light, and gain experience. Therefore, they can wander through the pure lands and pay homage to the remnants of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. , is a common practice practice in Buddhism. Han Guang's initial change in Kongwen was based on this as an excuse to pretend that he did not know reincarnation.

When Meng Qi first entered the Dharmakaya, he encountered trouble again and had not yet had time to do the basic exercise of meditation and mind wandering.

As for traveling through the star sea in the real world, firstly, the journey is far away, secondly, it is quite dangerous, and thirdly, I am worried that the sect and family will have no support, but currently there is basically no Dharmakaya attempt.

After hearing He Qi's suggestion, Meng Qi nodded slightly. His current plan was to travel around the world or the sea of ​​​​stars, looking for a sect that is good at refining, and at the same time make preparations to try to get the Qingping Sword. If that didn't work, he would use the materials. Give it to Yunhe Old Fox and collect merit, improve luck and pray for success.


After leaving the Ice and Snow Fairy Palace, Meng Qi watched Mr. Lu and others return to the south, and found a deserted place and traveled to the Conferred God World again.

As soon as he entered the Conferred God, a small vermilion gourd jumped out of the void and turned into a short old man wearing a fishtail crown and a red robe. It was Lu Ya.

Lu Ya stroked his beard and smiled at Meng Qi: "My guess is right. You succeeded immediately. You are worthy of being the descendant of Yuanshi. Where is the core fragment of the Haotian Mirror?"

He never mentioned the matter of the Demon Lord.

Meng Qi took out the large fragment, the one that retained the core features, and looked directly into Lu Ya's eyes: "Daojun, where is the Conferred God List?"

Lu Ya looked at the fragment, frowned slightly, and asked as if he was talking to himself: "It is so broken..."

"The Golden Emperor appeared with the help of his will, and the Tianzhu Axe was by his side. After a big battle, the core fragment was damaged again." Meng Qi answered seriously.

Lu Ya seemed not surprised by the appearance of Wusheng Laomu. He chuckled and said, "So that's it." He didn't care about it anymore. He took out the Conferred God List and said with a smile, "Only I and the Demon Buddha know that you have the Great Dao Tree. Who in the Nine Heavens can plot against you?"

No wonder Lu Ya was so sure. He could not only wake up the Demon Lord, but also get back the core fragment of the Haotian Mirror. However, I still tricked him...Meng Qi's eyes shifted to the Conferred God List in Lu Ya's hand.

This is a list that flashes with a light golden light. It feels like the world is manifested here.

"Who do you want to eliminate first?" Lu Ya asked.

Meng Qi didn't hesitate: "Jiang Zhiwei."

Whoever is closer to the Dharma body will be saved first.

At the same time, he saw Chonghe's name on it!

This time, he didn't borrow the Divine Whip because he didn't know the specific situation and couldn't make targeted arrangements. He decided to observe first, learn more information, and prepare for the next time.

Lu Ya nodded, stretched out his right hand, and was about to erase Jiang Zhiwei's name on it. Suddenly, his right hand stopped and smiled: "Let's talk about the next task first, otherwise you won't be interested in listening to me." Once Jiang Zhiwei's name on the Conferred God List is erased, Meng Qi will immediately return and seize the opportunity to help Jiang Zhiwei cut off the causal connection with other powerful beings, otherwise it will be easy for "other six reincarnation masters" to take the opportunity to erase or control her! "What task?" Meng Qi asked. Lu Ya smiled and said, "Help me find someone." "Who?" Meng Qi asked in confusion. Lu Ya's expression became solemn: "Qingdi, or Taiyi Tianzun." Another 4,000-word chapter, 8,000 words updated today, please guarantee the minimum monthly ticket~

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