Ling Song’s confident promise made the trainees’ faces look a lot better.

When he first entered the new world, he was scattered with Zefa, which undoubtedly raised the mortality rate of this trip, and at this time, Ling Song, who was the captain, had the effect of fixing the army’s heart with every word and deed.

“Don’t panic, everyone! Stay at your post! From now on, everything is at my command! Ain, can you see land? Ling Song put himself in the position of captain.

The cadets lying on the deck smiled wryly.

Although this captain has good strength, he does not seem to be very reliable.

This is the sea, how can you see the land so easily!

But unexpectedly, Ain sent back a surprising answer.

“To the northeast, you can see a winter island!”

There was really news on land, like an injection of adrenaline, which made the trainees excited, and their bodies had the strength to climb the side of the ship and stand up.

“There are really islands!!!” Someone exclaimed.

As far as the eye can see, a giant iceberg is exposed to the surface of the sea, and its size is huge, which is not a small type in Winter Island.

The sun shines and the ice crystals reflect like magnificent gems on the sea.

“It’s beautiful!” Some female cadets lay on the side of the ship with soft eyes.

“Who’s going to the control room to see! Is there a permanent record pointer pointing to that island! Ling Song ordered again.

Everyone’s eyes lit up, and some people raised their hands and shouted: “I’ll go!” ”

“No thanks! I’ve already seen it! Ain, who entered the operation room at some point, came to the deck and pointed to the giant iceberg and said, “None of the record pointers are aimed at that island.” ”


The trainees looked at Ling Song.

Without a permanent record of the pointers, even the government did not know the status of the island, what to do next?

Ling Song stood at the bow of the boat and looked at the big iceberg.

The so-called encounter is fate, and the island he accidentally encountered made him want to go and find out, and then ordered: “All ships pay attention!” Close to the iceberg! Trim on the island! ”

Hearing this, some trainees hesitated, but many more began to act.

“Stop rubbing it! Staying in the sea may be something wrong again! ”

“Winter Island is colder! But there is a cotton jacket in the cabin, which can be adjusted temporarily! ”

“Can’t delay, you must quickly recover your strength, and then go to the ‘G3’ fortress to join Zefa-sensei!”

But in fact, many of them want to go on an adventure to the island!

After all, this is a new world!

What is the difference from the first half of the Great Voyage?

The cadets are all formally trained elite navies, and once they have a goal, they can tacitly divide the labor and control the warship.

Not long after, the fleet arrived at the big iceberg.

Ling Song jumped down and took the lead in leaving footprints on the iceberg.

“It’s a little cold, but it’s nothing compared to Kuzan’s frozen cold air!” Ling Song didn’t even bother to wear a jacket, and still wore a short-sleeved sailor suit.

The tailed beast Chakra circulates in the body, using the power of lava to dispel the cold.

“Wow! The captain is mighty! ”

The trainees were amazed, but they wrapped themselves tightly!

Demeanor and temperature, when they felt the ultra-low temperature of the big iceberg, they had a choice, and even Ain added clothes.

What’s more, some students made up their minds to guard the boat, prepare Meimei to sleep, and dress warmly.

Therefore, the trainees consciously divided into two groups, one wave of exploration and one wave of ship guarding.

“The temperature was low! Take care to protect the phone bug! Ain reminded.

Many times, people forget that phone bugs are the essence of living things, low temperatures can freeze them, and in unfamiliar environments, once they lose contact will be fatal!

“Huh? Why is the phone bug in the captain’s hand very spiritual? The trainees noticed that Ling Song was wearing short sleeves and the young phone worm on his arm was fine.

“Wow! Come here! Super warm around the captain! Someone was closer to Ling Song and found that Ling Song was like a big stove, retreating from the wind and snow.

Suddenly, many people held the mentality of giving it a try and surrounded Ling Song in the center.



“Fang Gang of Blood and Qi!”

The ambient temperature around Ling Song increased significantly, and the trainees enjoyed it, but Ling Song had a black line!

“Roll on! Stand apart well! Otherwise, leave you to guard the ship! ”

He had long seen the eagerness of these people, and used this as a blackmail to open the “encirclement” and walk towards the island.

The trainees blinked, followed Ling Song, and whispered about the reason why Ling Song was not afraid of the cold.

“It must be the captain’s strong physique!”

“I also think so, the body’s ability to control the constant body temperature is beyond the average person!”

“That is, the escaping body heat energy affects the environment? Is that what makes us feel warm? ”

“It turns out that refining can still be refined to this extent! Eyes! I’m still a long way off! ”

The trainees looked at Ling Song’s eyes with more admiration, and unconsciously, they were already truly convinced, and at the same time, a gradient appeared in the marching team.

Ling Song took the lead and walked in the front, and the closest to him was Ain, followed by several girls, and then a group of boys.

And the further in the center, the warmer it became, and Ling Song was almost surrounded by a cluster.

“Ain… You’re coming on me! Ling Song was speechless.

“You can’t blame me, my range of activities is also limited…” Ain was a little embarrassed, but he didn’t mean to stay away, and subconsciously said, “It’s really warm!” ”

“Yes, yes! Captain! Please let us get closer! Several female trainees flashed their eyes and looked pitiful!

“Please let us get closer, too!” The boys in the back are also like learning!

Ling Song stopped and couldn’t help but reprimand these cadets: “You guys are also the hope for the future of the Navy!” Can’t you be a little more reserved? What a chill! Do you usually exercise seriously? ”

The cadets nodded perfunctorily.

The usual cold is fine, but it’s really icy here!

“This bunch of old fritters!”

Ling Song rolled his eyes and continued to walk forward, and the people behind hurriedly followed.

Along the way, deep into the iceberg, I didn’t see the breath of human life, until the group passed through the narrow ice passage and suddenly opened up in front of them!

In front of it, there is a wide ice field, neat and smooth, shining in the sun.

But what surprised the students even more was that the ice field was hollow underneath, and through the thick ice like glass, you could clearly see the immeasurable piles of treasures below.

The entire ice field is reflected in the rich brilliance of gold!

“We’re not going to find OnePiece, are we?” Someone exclaimed.

But at this time, an old man’s voice came.

“This is not One Piece’s treasure! Little ghosts of the Navy! ”

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