A shrill alarm sounded throughout the G3 branch, and at the same time, the sound of shells continued one after another, and the loud sound of the unloaded shook the room with dust!

“There are intruders?”

Ling Song listened to the voice curiously, and saw that the color and figuration transmitted a blurry and fluctuating picture back to his mind.

A small boat could be vaguely seen on the surface of the sea with a burly man standing on it, and hundreds of thousands of cannons on the wall of the G3 branch were mercilessly pouring shells in that direction, which seemed somewhat unreasonable.

But what made Ling Song more concerned was that even from a long distance, he seemed to be able to hear the man’s powerful heartbeat!

“Is it my domineering appearance?” Ling Song touched his chin, his eyes puzzled.

His level of sight and smell is very high, but the domineering intensity can only be regarded as excellent, and it has not reached the level of covering the entire island.

With such domineering intensity, it is already good to be able to transmit a blurry picture, and it is really strange that you can hear people’s heartbeats clearly.

For a while, Ling Song fell into deep thought.

Unlike him, when they heard the siren, Zefa and Ain were much calmer.

“Don’t care! Occasionally, there will be eyeless pirates who come here to fool around, and the people here will solve it, don’t underestimate the navy of the new world! ”

Sensing that Ling Song was thinking, Zefa waved his hand and signaled that he didn’t care.

“Hmm! The navies of the New World are strong! Ain echoed.

I don’t know how many times this echo has been before, originally it was ordinary, but it made Zefa glance at Ain faintly, and sensing Zefa’s implicit gaze, Ain suddenly felt a little aggrieved.

There seemed to be a sense of blame in that gaze.

“Don’t bully her! She’s my person now! ”

Ling Song was extremely protective and gestured his fist symbolically to Zefa.

“Yes yes yes! Your people! ”

Zefa gave Ling Song a blank look.

He could feel that after Thunder God Island’s group, Ling Song’s physical fitness was more exaggerated than before, and with the Devil Fruit ability, the strength was really unimaginable.

The original idea of forging the body with thunder was not only feasible, but also had such a good effect.

“Hmph! For your sake of admitting it, I will forgive you! ”

Ling Song raised his head proudly, and then quietly opened to see and read minds.

From Zefa’s heart, he heard Zefa’s emotions of seeing Ain as a daughter, heard Zefa’s complex knot of appreciation and fear and worry about him, and heard that the Thunder God Quenching Body was just a cultivation idea.

Just as Ling Song was about to spit on Zefa’s old pit, suddenly, he heard Zefa hesitating to tell him the news of Warring States and Kong.

Is the headquarters of the Navy going to be unbearable?

Ling Song chuckled and took the initiative to provoke the topic: “Zefa, don’t worry, I won’t let Ain suffer, but the idle talk is over here, next, let’s talk about the telephone contact between Warring States and Kong, right?” ”

“Huh?!” Saying that Zhongzheng hesitated, Zefa was first stunned, and then abruptly, “You got the information?” And your people in the headquarters of the Navy? ”

If that force was really under Ling Song’s command, then next to this leader, there must be other people with naval identities quietly protecting.

Who is it?

Ling Song didn’t come into contact with many people, Peach Rabbit? Tina? Or tea dolphins? Or is it someone that no one can imagine?

“Are you guessing who else is undercover at the headquarters of the Navy?” Don’t bother with that, you can’t guess! Ling Song said quite confidently.

Once again, Zefa was silent.

Although Ling Song’s gaze was not as sharp as Hawkeye’s, his insight was shocking, and it was like reading minds.

Zefa couldn’t help but hesitate whether to tell everything up.

Anyway, Ling Song probably knows everything, by the way, let’s talk about his analysis of the situation.

With his ability to read and read minds, Ling Song grasped Zefa’s thoughts and knew everything, but Zefa did not speak, and he did not pierce his mind again.

After all, Zefa believes that there is an eighty percent possibility that Warring States and Sora will do something to him in Marin Fando, and if Zefa is willing to say this analysis, it is a significant statement, and under the premise that he is not a pirate, Zefa is very likely to follow him in the future.

The combat power of the admiral is still the teacher of most general-level navies, just bringing it with you as a butler is very face-saving!

The silence lasted for a while, and neither of them was in a hurry to speak, until Ain spoke: “Strange? How come the cannon has not stopped, for such a long time, even the island is almost blown flat! ”

As soon as these words came out, Zefa and Ling Song, who had their own thoughts, also reacted, and immediately, Ling Song saw that the color and figuration were spread out again, and the pictures were transmitted back to his mind.

“This!” Ling Song stood up from her seat.

The man he had seen before was not dead, and had successfully landed, destroyed several warships and artillery, and was fighting with many navies alone, but completely crushed the navy.

The picture was blurry, but Ling Song heard the man’s rough muttering.

“Zefa… Where is Zefa? Let the admiral come…”

“You guys work so hard, can you kill me? If you can’t kill, die! Annoying flies! ”

“Huh? Can you cut me? That’s great! Can you trouble me in the neck? I want to die…”

And after the muttering, there was the sound of explosions, mixed with the screams of the Navy.

“Ling Song? What happened to you? ”

Ai Yin noticed that Ling Song was in a daze and gently reminded.

“Something happened!”

Ling Song had a rough guess in his heart, got up and walked out.

Zefa and Ain looked at each other, why did they suddenly become so serious?

But before Ling Song could walk out of the room, the door was opened by a herald, who ran breathlessly, and when he saw Zefa, he roared hoarsely: “Four Emperors! It’s the Four Emperors Kaido! ”

“Sure enough!”

Ling Song’s brows furrowed slightly, and then left quickly.

And Zefa and Ain are stunned in place!

“How come!”

Ain covered his mouth in surprise, but found that Ling Song had disappeared from sight, and couldn’t help but worry.

That’s the Four Emperors!

One of the few people at the peak of the new world, and Kaido is known as “the world’s strongest creature”, and the existence of the number one in the world today has become the consensus of everyone!

“General Zefa! Lieutenant General Burning Mountain is fighting on the front line, please support! ”

The herald took a few breaths, called Zefa as a “general”, and almost knelt down for Zefa.

Everyone couldn’t figure out why Kaido came to the G3 branch, but he couldn’t stop it alone, and the herald didn’t want such a good admiral to die here.

Zefa clenched his fists with a headache, it’s not that he hasn’t fought Kaido, and he still won!

But the last time it was him, Karp, Sengoku, and Tsuru who shot together, almost condensing the strongest generation of the navy hand-to-hand combat, and finally controlled the situation, but there was nothing to do with Kaido’s life.

But here?

How many people can resist Kaido’s attack?

“Teacher! Ling Song also passed! Ain said eagerly.

Zefa reacted to this, and when he was shocked by the news of Kaido’s attack, Ling Song disappeared!

“Go! Hurry over! ”

Zefa ran out solemnly.

Overlord-colored nature, even if Ling Song can’t fight, he will definitely fight Kaido, he doesn’t want Ling Song to die like this.

In any case, he had to make a move!

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