The Supreme Dragon Emperor

Chapter 2: A Dull Life (Part 2) Revised

In the United Nations Headquarters located in the city center of the U.S. Zhanting Empire, the heads of state urgently held a round table meeting. The U.S. Zhanting Empire Emperor Ao Yuanma said to the heads of state of the Quartet: We must suppress the development of Huaxia Kingdom. In terms of economy, politics, military, or diplomacy, they almost want to break through the first island chain blockade plan formulated by our country a hundred years ago!

Once the Huaxia Kingdom breaks through the first island chain, the Asia-Pacific region will not be under our control. You must not want to see the scene at that time! After finishing speaking, he looked at the Prime Minister of Fusang Kingdom and smiled ambiguously! The Prime Minister of Fusang Kingdom was excited and was about to say something. Emperor Aoyuanma waved his hand and continued: According to the divination of the Pope of Byzantium today, dragons are flying in the southwest of Huaxia Kingdom recently. In general, this is not a good thing! Prime Minister Fukuda, what do you think?

Prime Minister Fukuda glanced around, and said excitedly: "Dear Majesty Aoyuanma, our country's worries are a little unnecessary. As early as ten years ago, our country sent a large number of ninjas and Black Dragon Society followers to China to inquire about news. To be honest, there is no such thing. If it is said that the sacred object, I, Fuso Amaterasu, hid the holy relics of our country in the Yasukuni Shrine more than a thousand years ago. The war of aggression against China ten years ago nearly wiped out the country and where did their saints go? I don’t think it should be ignored at all. Or is it more realistic to talk about our military order agreement this time?

Emperor Aoyuanma suppressed the anger in his heart and squinted his eyes and said to Futian: No matter what, we must closely monitor every move of Huaxia Kingdom, especially the ancient sacred relics. The dragon veins that have been passed down in China for thousands of years are very magical. The ancient sacred objects should have a lot to do with the dragon veins that the Chinese people talked about! How wonderful it would be if we could cut off the dragon veins of China and let more than one billion Chinese people serve as slaves for our American Zhanting Empire and European countries from generation to generation! Ha ha ha ha!

Futian suppressed the anger in his heart but did not dare to show it, thinking depressedly in his heart: Hehe! The current situation is not limited to China, Silla, Baodao region, and all countries in the Philippines are ready to move. My Fusang power in the Asia-Pacific region is not to say that it is declining, but there are always hidden dangers! This time, the Congress of the receiving country was ordered to go to the U.S. Zhanting Empire for two tasks. One of them is the military order plan, hoping to get orders for the latest stealth fighters developed by the U.S. Zhanting Empire. The empire has reduced the number of troops stationed in our country. This is a big problem that has plagued the country for decades!

If this problem can be solved, the Fusang Kingdom will surely amend the constitution and expand the original Self-Defense Forces into the National Defense Army. At that time, the military expansion plan will be implemented, and our Fusang Heavenly Army will surely realize the ambitions of our predecessors decades ago and establish a large army. The East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere, and even rule the world, hum! The Mezantine Empire is now up to you! After my Fusang Heavenly Army sweeps through Great East Asia, you will be next!

But seeing Ao Yuanma's attitude, it is estimated that this mission is arduous! Over the years, the regime of Fusang Kingdom has changed, and the foundation of the upper-level rule is unstable, like a revolving lantern. It seems that my fate in Futian is not much better? In fact, Emperor Aoyuanma seemed to have a mirror in his heart, so he didn't know the ambition of Fusang Kingdom!

In Ao Yuanma's heart, he has always been clear that what he needs is the mutual checks and balances in the Asia-Pacific region. It does not mean that the collapse of the Huaxia Kingdom will definitely benefit his own country. The key is not to make him strong, and the submission of the Huaxia Kingdom , and contain other forces in the Asia-Pacific region? The first island chain is not necessarily aimed at Huaxia, and at a critical moment, it can also use the power of Huaxia to contain other forces in the Asia-Pacific region!

Especially the current Fusang country, look at their appearance, if the current situation does not need to use the Fusang country, how can they have a say in the United Nations meeting?

Mobilize the East Asian countries and European forces to pay close attention to all the movements of the ancient sacred objects of China, no matter how big or small, it can be done cheaply during the critical period, in short, the ancient sacred objects of China cannot be left in the hands of Chinese people!

In particular, it cannot fall into the hands of the seven great families of China. As for the military order plan of the Fusang Kingdom, Emperor Omotoma angrily rejected Prime Minister Fukuda's request because this meeting had nothing to do with military order issues. Prime Minister Fukuda could only sigh After returning to the country to accept the accusations of the citizens, he must also shoulder the instructions issued by Emperor Aoyuanma, ordering domestic ninjas and Black Dragon Society followers to pay close attention to Huaxia!

On the 22nd floor of the Bingang International Community in Tiandu City, within the territory of the Chinese Empire, Xichuan Province, at 11:30 noon, Qin Zheng lay on a comfortable European-style bed and slowly opened his eyes. After a while, his head seemed to wake up a little. He reached out and took the mobile phone beside the bed, looked at it and said depressedly: Huh! It's 11:30 again, this lazy bed habit has been with me for 31 years, why can't I change it?

I have to sleep for twelve hours every day, otherwise my head will be dizzy and foggy all day, no matter how I take a lunch break at noon, I will not be able to fall asleep, even if I fall asleep, the effect will not be good. Try to get up and look at the bed On the other side, his wife, Sun Yuehong, sleeps just as well as himself. This is really a superb couple. The two couples have to go to bed at the same time every day, but they don't get up at the same time. Qin Zheng has to get up an hour earlier every day!

Hehe, he got up an hour earlier, he was about to eat lunch, and he said he would get up early, but his best wife could sleep better than him, and she had to sleep until after noon every day before getting up. Qin Zheng shook his head, and got up to take a bath , who makes yourself lucky?

In 1983, Qin Zheng was born in a small border town in Tiannan Province of Huaxia Kingdom. The town was too small to have a name, and the family was from generations of farmers. It wasn't rich, nor too bad, just average! Qin Zheng was frail and sickly since he was a child, and he ran to the hospital every three days, and his stay was calculated on a monthly basis. In fact, it was not a serious problem. The medical term is called "tracheitis" congenital!

But with the medical technology at that time, there was no way, so he had to be hospitalized for treatment. In this way, bronchitis grew up with Qin Zheng. The family had no special requirements for Qin Zheng, only that Qin Zheng was in good health. After the birth of his father Qin Xiaotian's second son, Qin Xiaotian began to choose business, and his family gradually became rich. In fact, according to the country's policy at that time, business was encouraged. In that era, as long as a bold person was willing to create and work hard, he would achieve something in the future!

His father chose the hot industry at that time, the contractor! Work! After ten years of development, the Qin family has accumulated tens of millions of wealth and moved their residence to Xichuan Province - Tiandu. Qin Zheng and his younger brother Qin Zhan have lived a prosperous life, and since then they can be regarded as part of Tiandu. Although the second generation of petty bourgeoisie is young, he has never worried about gold and silver. Because his father suffered too much when he was young, he does not want to let his offspring live too coldly, but he can't let his high bed warm pillow. Young master Kuo, so the two brothers thrived under the blessing of their father!

In Zhongyuan 1997, Qin Zheng’s father founded the first group company that belonged to himself and his family, named “Zhongtian Group”. In Zhongyuan 1999, his father’s group company bid for an ecological project belonging to Tianshui County, Tiannan Province The development project is a comprehensive tourism project integrating sightseeing, recuperation, vacation, bathing, catering and accommodation - Tianshui International Ecological Park!

The same ten years of gathering and ten years of development, ten years later, this project became famous in Tiannan Province and Xichuan Province and became a tourist resort in the two provinces, famous far and wide! Because of this, the Qin family has made a huge fortune, and because the Tianshui International Ecological Park project has extended N large-scale projects in ten years!

The huge coal mine with an annual output of one million tons in Tiannan Province, the Bai Nationality Ecological Sightseeing Park project at the junction of Tiannan Province and the Myanmar government, a pawn shop, a small bank, and a small winery, the Qin family was in the limelight for a while No two, become a powerful figure and a famous entrepreneur in Tiandu and Tianshui County!

Qin Zheng participated in the family business management in Zhongyuan in 2002. During this period, he managed the sales of coal mine projects and the subordinate service projects of Tianshui International Ecological Park. It should be said that Qin Zheng’s life experience is too dull, with a reserved personality, not good at talking, and nothing outstanding Here, although his father Qin Xiaotian is strict with Qin Zheng, he doesn't give much hope. He only hopes that his life will be safe and that he can do what he likes to do!

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