The Supreme Dragon Emperor

Chapter 52 Surprising Reaction (Part 2)

"Uncle Ming, is there something wrong? Hehe, is it about drinking again? Don't worry, I say there will be a batch in three days." As soon as the call was made, Qin Zheng's voice came from the opposite side.

Guo Shaoming had already made up his mind, and first set up a few words with Qin politicians to stimulate his feelings, but when he heard such a straight-forward sentence, it immediately seemed to pour a bucket of cold water.

As an old fox in the shopping mall, Guo Shaoming couldn't understand what Qin Zheng meant. He clearly said that Jiuqitai would definitely supply Tianxianglou, but in fact he just followed the previous agreement. Jiuqitai can supply Tianxianglou, and it can also supply other places.

The reason why Xianglou was so popular this Sunday, and why those people asked him out, was not because of Jiuqitai. If Guo Shaoming had other thoughts before, after seeing the popularity of Jiuqitai, his only thought was to tie this wine tightly to Tianxianglou.

"Hehe, I'm not worried about this, Qin Zheng, when you have time recently, go have a meal with Uncle Ming." Guo Shaoming said with a smile on purpose.

It's no wonder you're not worried, Qin Zheng thought.

Qin Zheng has been paying attention to the promotion of Jiuqitai in Tianxianglou. The short supply for a week has given him reassurance. A golden egg.

With the popularity of Jiuqitai, the business of Tianxianglou is also booming. The purpose of Guo Shaoming's call is self-evident. He is worried that the large-scale listing of Jiuqitai will affect the current business of Tianxianglou.

However, Qin Zheng knows his own affairs. Although the popularity of Jiuqitai is surprising, and he has added another three million funds to the winery, the raw materials required by Chaotian Palace Xianniang are not enough for today's human world. It is still too precious, even if it is a substitute, it is impossible to prepare large quantities in a short period of time, and the Jiuqitai brewed for the second time is only about 5,000 catties. Since the production cannot keep up, it is completely impossible to expand the sales scale. No need, Qin Zheng understood the truth of hunger marketing.

"Okay, let's make an appointment another day."

Guo Shaoming finally breathed a sigh of relief at Qin Zheng's words, and then the two chatted for a while, and after hanging up, Lao Xu knocked on the door and came in: "Master, the third batch of Jiuqitai is ready to be brewed, why don't you go and have a look? "

Xu Ping has been busy running around these days, and he doesn't even care about the batch of wine he brewed. First of all, Jiuqitai has defeated his own new wine in terms of taste, and Xu Ping was stunned by the reaction after the promotion. .

You must know that this is a new wine that doesn't even have the necessary storage, and the supply is in short supply. If it is released in large quantities, then why Duntai Yanghe will have to stand aside.

It's true that Xu Ping's job-hopping from Duntai Liquor was for his new wine, but in the end it didn't make those people in Duntai Liquor dumbfounded. It's not impossible for Liquor Supreme. Xu Ping couldn't be more dissatisfied if he could see with his own eyes the group that these guys rely on to survive.

Qin Zheng waved his hand: "That's not necessary, I feel relieved to have you looking at me." Xu Ping also saw the busyness of this time, paused and said: "Old Xu, you have worked hard these days, When the winery is on the right track, I will credit you with great credit."

Xu Ping became excited all of a sudden. According to the current situation, Jiuqitai could become the leader of the national wine industry just around the corner. That is nearly 10 billion yuan in annual sales. Being able to work in such a company is a matter of face. , let alone Qin Zheng said such a sentence.

Based on Xu Ping's understanding of Qin Zheng, this great achievement of the young master must be a heavy burden. The so-called scholar dies for his confidant,

Xu Ping couldn't add any more: "Young Master, I will definitely not let you down."

Xu Ping's solemn tone made Qin Zheng chuckle. Although Xu Ping came to the winery a little cautiously, but in Qin Zheng's view, he was self-motivated, and Xu Ping was so busy these days for Jiuqitai, there was no reason at all. His own new wine gave way and he was heartbroken, and he could put the overall situation first, so what was not worth entrusting.

After nodding lightly, Xu Ping wanted to go out, so he quickly ordered: "By the way, we should pay close attention to the matter of raw materials. In addition to expanding the purchase scale, if it really doesn't work, I plan to build a special raw material production base. Xu, you have time to plan." Tell me how much money you need to make a plan for me!"

Building a production base was Qin Zheng's plan early on. Although Jiuqitai is popular, there are still many substitutes for raw materials for wine making. If there is a raw material base, the quality of wine can be raised to a higher level by then. But it is not something that can be bought at nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine.

In fact, Qin Zheng didn't say that Xu Ping would bring it up after a while. The ingredients for brewing Jiuqitai are too cumbersome and precious. The ingredients for the three batches of wine are all made by Xu Ping after a lot of effort. Come to think of it, there is not much wine that can be brewed.

Now there is as much demand for Jiuqitai from Tianxianglou. Although Tianxianglou is the largest restaurant chain restaurant in Xichuan, it is nothing in front of the huge liquor consumption group. If Jiuqitai wants to enter the market, first of all To solve the production problem, he said happily, "Yes, young master, I will give you the plan within two days."

When Xu Ping went out, Qin Zheng calculated this month's itinerary in the office. Panlongding solved the problem of alchemy, and also accepted another apprentice by the way. The realm of the two apprentices has improved very quickly. In just two weeks, Sun Shaotang was born with a Taoist body, and it is now in the middle of the day after tomorrow. Du Ruhui has also touched the threshold of cultivation, and now he can freely absorb spiritual energy.

As for the Hongmen, there is no need to worry about the current influence in Xichuan, and as for Jiuqitai, there is no need to worry.

Of course, everything seems to be going well on the surface, but in fact there are many headaches, raw materials for alchemy are restricted, Jiuqitai wine is the same, and there is also the elixir promised to Gu Ye and a group of Hongmen old brothers, just think about it. Then for some reason, Du Yueniang's figure suddenly appeared in Qin Zheng's heart.

Although this granddaughter has a tough personality, she is simple and straightforward. If it were not for the misunderstanding at the beginning, Du Yueniang would not be too wild in front of her.

That's right, in Qin Zheng's view, Du Yueniang's anger in front of her several times was due to her rebellious psychology.

Well, last time I helped her deal with those earth-level warriors, the fly named Jiang Fan should not bother her again.

Just when Qin Zheng had this idea suddenly, at the door of Du's Martial Arts Hall, a curse comparable to the roar of a Lion in the East River sounded: "Your surname Jiang, you dare to appear in front of me, as far as you go, go as far as you want. Otherwise, I will kick and break your three legs!"

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