The Supreme Empress of the Doomsday

Vol 3 Chapter 26: , clear heart

"Sure!" Chu Qing shouted at this moment, with a determined look in her eyes, the next moment, she felt a violent resistance, and her face instantly became ugly , but she can still hold on to such a resistance, at least she can let that thing break free after everyone leaves!

"Aqing!" Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the thing was suddenly fixed, and then set their eyes on Chu Qing, but the next moment everyone's face became more that look She got up, because they found that Chu Qing's pale face was almost transparent, and a thin line of blood slowly slid down the corner of her mouth. Obviously now Chu Qing is really injured, and the injury is not serious. !

"I'm fine, let's go, run inside now." Chu Qing reluctantly suppressed the blood in her throat. She originally thought this thing was very powerful, but she didn't expect it to be so powerful, then The violent earning has caused Chu Qing's internal organs to be injured anyway.


Chu Qing seemed to sense their thoughts, and his expression became dark and incomprehensible for a moment, just when everyone was stared at by that gaze, Chu Qing slightly hoarse The voice sounded, "If you don't want me to die here, leave quickly, I don't have the strength to explain to you now!"

Chu Qing's face became even more ugly every time he said a word. Now everyone knows that Chu Qing must not be allowed to speak like this. Clear why they let them leave, but clear that he should be sure that he will not sacrifice himself to save them.

The next moment, everyone wanted to understand what Chu Qing meant, and ran towards Chu Qing very much. At this time, they stayed here not only unable to help Chu Qing, but also possibly dragging their feet. , so that Chu Qing was injured, so now they can only choose Chu Qing, and then quickly leave the battle circle.

When everyone left, Chu Qing finally breathed a sigh of relief and finally left. If she didn't leave, she might really explain it here.


Chu Qing's handprint changes again, she knows that she can't directly fix that guy with her current strength, but she has other methods, and it's not impossible to save the country with a curve. The yin around the thing slowly condensed into a solid body, and the next moment, Chu Qing's handprint changed again.


This time, the huge net of yin was completely wrapped around the huge mouth, and instantly felt that the pressure on him was greatly reduced, and then when the huge mouth was unable to fight back, he quickly moved towards Run where everyone is.

"Aqing, just now... what was it?" That thing is really terrible, if you were not careful just now, you might be eaten by that big mouth!

"That should be..." Chu Qing's tone was also a little uncertain, although he probably knew what it was, but because it was too rare, Chu Qing could not be sure of it. Is the thing what I imagined? "It should be a collection of resentment and corpses. Originally this thing should not appear, but now it appears, then it means..."

Chu Qing did not go on here, but looked at Lu Chen, she believed that Lu Chen absolutely knew where this place was.

Sure enough, when Chu Qing stopped and looked at Lu Chen, Lu Chen sighed slightly in his heart, and then slowly opened his mouth, with helplessness in his tone, "Then it means that this is not where we are. In this world, resentment can be combined with corpses and even cause corpses, but such huge aggregates will never appear. The only chance that can appear is at the junction of this world and the next world. The faces are the ghosts and zombies of Fengdu."

"Brother Chen, you know where this place is right, and you also know that the thing calling me here is not the same thing I felt in Feng!" Chu Qing's tone was very certain, not It is an interrogative sentence, but an affirmative sentence.

"Yes, I know where this place is, Ah Qing, you know what is calling you, right?" Lu Chen looked at Chu Qing seriously, hoping to get her answer, and finally, After Chu Qing nodded, Lu Chen continued, "Then you should know that the most important thing that calls you is the 'heart', and this is the world where the 'heart' lives."

"Aqing, 'heart' is different from other parts, other parts will always call you and wait for your appearance, but 'heart' is different, 'heart' will call you at the same time It will also be called by you, so it will appear here now, and everything before it is a test for you." The heart is like other things, if there is no way to pass the test, then the "heart" has It may never come back to Chu Qing's side, so the final result will only be one, that is, Chu Qing has found everything, but still can't have his own feelings, this is absolutely unacceptable to Lu Chen. !

"The test, Brother Chen, what is the test?" Although she still had some doubts about Lu Chen's words, but for some reason, she knew that she must not miss this opportunity. Once she misses it, she may regret it for the rest of her life, so now she will ask Lu Chen, if it was in the past, Chu Qing, who is afraid of trouble, will definitely go back directly.

"I don't know, every test is different, because every test is different, and..." Looking at Chu Qing, Lu Chen's eyes were filled with worry, but he still looked at him To tell the truth, "Aqing, the test is very dangerous, of course and not for us, for us there is no danger at all, all dangers are only for the testers, if you can't pass the test, You may not be able to wake up occasionally in your entire life, and even if you wake up, you will be a waste that can’t cultivate for a lifetime.”

He knew that what he said might make Chu Qing deterred, but he couldn't help but say it, because he must have a relationship with Chu Qing, Lu Chen cared more about Chu Qing himself, if Chu Qing was not there Now, is it so important for her to have feelings?

"Brother Chen, don't worry, I will definitely come back safely, the test is nothing, I will never lose myself." In fact, when he came here, Chu Qing felt it. There is a wonderful thing, that thing gives Chu Qing a very different feeling, it seems to be a little familiar and a little unfamiliar, but this intimate call, but there is still a sense of distance that cannot be concealed.

Now after hearing Lu Chen's words, Chu Qing knew the reason, but she didn't stop because of those words. There was no test in Chu Qing's heart that could stymie her, and He and she can be sure that that thing, the so-called "heart" is very heavy!

After hearing Chu Qinghun's words, Lu Chen suddenly felt a sigh of relief, but at the same time, he still felt very worried. The complicated feeling made him feel a little dumbfounded.

But he knows that Chu Qing has made a decision now, and the next thing does not need what they say, as long as Ah Qing decides by himself, there is no room for others to intervene!

"Aqing, listen, we are not in a safe place now, I will follow the road and take you directly to the place where the 'heart' is, then there is nothing we can do In the end, only you can know what will happen to you, whether you will be rescued or never wake up, you can only decide by your own will!" Lu Chen's tone was very serious, and there was no joking at all. Everyone knows how the road below has nothing to do with them.

"I know," Chu Qing nodded to indicate that she already knew, now she knows what she should do, since she has chosen, she will never regret it, "Brother Chen, I believe I, I will come back safely!"

go down!

Just like that, Lu Chen nodded and ran quickly towards one of the roads. The organs here may change at any time. He can only rely on instinct to take these people to a safe place , if they don't hurry, there's a good chance they won't get where they want to go at all.

Finally, after half an hour, Chu Qing and his party finally reached their destination, and the collective that had been chasing and beating behind them seemed to sense some natural enemy, and they carefully lost weight to give hid himself.

"Aqing, walk in, we will wait for you reasonably, you only have twenty hours, once twenty hours pass, this place will collapse and we will all leave Here, if you haven't received the approval of your 'heart', you may never be able to wake up, do you understand?" Lu Chen is not an exaggeration, but a fact. People want to get "heart" but no one has ever been able to succeed.

Chu Qing nodded when she heard Lu Chen's words, saying that she already understood, she knew it would be very dangerous, but she didn't feel afraid, although she didn't know what the test was, but Chu Qing can still feel that there is no hostility or killing intent here, so this means that no matter what is here, she will not deliberately want her life. In this case, Chu Qing is sure that she will pass the test, because she is not afraid of being injured. Not afraid of danger!

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