The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1068: Want to cover up

Lu Yuansheng!

Qin Yang scanned the information at the bottom of the list, only to glance at it, and a look of uncertainty appeared in his eyes.

It really is the Lu family!

Qin Yang picked up the phone and dialed the master's number.

"Master, what is the relationship between Lu Yuansheng and Lu Tiansheng and Lu Fengnian?"

Mo Yu seemed a little surprised: "Why do you suddenly ask, did you meet Lu Yuansheng?"

Qin Yang recounted what happened today in a few words: "At present, of the thirteen suspected super masters, one of them is Lu Yuansheng, so I want to ask the black hand founder Lu Fengnian or what is the relationship between Lu Tiansheng and Lu Yuansheng?"

Mo Yu was silent for a few seconds: "Lu Yuansheng is Lu Fengnian’s dad, that is, Lu Fengnian’s father’s youngest brother. Lu Tiansheng’s father, Lu Haibo, is the second child in the Lu family, Lu Fengnian’s father is the third child, and Lu Yuansheng is the elder. Five is also the youngest of the five siblings."

Qin Yang went through it in his mind and finally understood the relationship. Lu Tiansheng and Lu Fengnian were cousins, and their father and the now-appearing Lu Yuansheng were brothers.

"If Lu Fengnian or Lu Tao wants to make trouble at the Alliance Conference, ask Lu Yuansheng for help. Master, do you think Lu Yuansheng will help?"

Mo Yu smiled bitterly and said: "This is hard to say. Their family relationship is very good. Lu Yuansheng is the youngest and treats several juniors very well. There is no way to speculate about this kind of things that provoke family affection."

Qin Yang thought for a while: "If one of the thirteen people is the most suspicious, Lu Yuansheng is undoubtedly the most suspicious. After all, he and Lu Fengnian are the closest to each other, and you, the master, hit the Lu family. Born and Lu Fengnian, now I’m hitting the Lu family again, and the Lu family hates our masters and apprentices..."

Mo Yu urged: "The Lu family really hates us, but if you want to do it, it will undoubtedly be better to find opportunities in other places. It is much more difficult to get things done in the league meeting, and once it is exposed, it will not only hurt him , Even if it had a huge blow to the entire Lu family."

Qin Yang said, "It is true. I will take a chance to see Lu Yuansheng tomorrow to see if he feels a bit familiar... By the way, is Lu Yuansheng proficient in pointing skills? Yesterday, whether he exploded the stone I threw out, Or chasing me later, they all use gong..."

Mo Yu thought about it for a moment: "I don't know this. The strength has reached an extraordinary level. It's too easy to practice a **** skill. Moreover, the Lu family is a wealthy family. If you want to find a few decent **** skills, it is better. It's easy, but as far as I am concerned, when Lu Yuansheng showed his strength, he has hardly used any **** skills. What he is good at is palm."


Qin Yang subconsciously thought of the palm that the mysterious masked man slapped on himself. Although he was sealed by the finger wind, that palm was still so tricky and subtle that people could not hide, but the practitioners in the world are proficient in palm. There are too many, and you can't be sure that the opponent is Lu Yuansheng just because of the exquisite palm.

"Well, then I will check it out tomorrow, and I will contact you if I have any news."

Qin Yang hung up the phone, studied everyone's information again, and then took off his clothes and went to bed after remembering the information of each of the thirteen people.

In the morning, Qin Yang woke up and finished washing, before leaving the house, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Qin Yang!"

Qin Yang heard that the voice was Liu Fuyu, walked to the door to open the door, and smiled: "Isn't it too early to start? Why are you so anxious..."

"It's dead!"

Liu Fuyu's eyes were filled with anxiety and panic. After taking a breath, Liu Fuyu added: "The two practitioners who were in charge of patrolling were killed."

Qin Yang's eyes widened suddenly and his eyes became serious: "Who made the hand?"

Liu Fuyu shook his head: "I don't know, they died at the location of the manor. Their heart was pierced by a finger. It is said that they have checked the video and saw a man in black wearing a mask quickly rushing into the forest. When they were found dead It’s been some time since they were attacked."

Qin Yang's eyes lit up suddenly: "One finger penetrates?"

Liu Fuyu nodded: "Yes, it was killed with a direct hit...The man who started the attack is really cruel, and the two killed practitioners are obviously innocent. Everyone is guessing that this guy is demonstrating and provoking. "

Qin Yang said in a deep voice: "Let's go and take a look."

After Qin Yang and Liu Fuyu walked out a few steps, Situ Xiang also found him: "You know?"

Qin Yang nodded: "Let's go take a look together."

Situ Xiang added: "The body of the murdered person has been taken away. There is only a pool of blood on the ground, and there is nothing more to see."

Qin Yang said, "Look at the location where they were attacked."

Qin Yang followed Liu Fuyu and Situ Xiang for a distance, and then saw a large group of people who were standing in a clearing and talking in groups, and there was a little worry between his eyebrows.

Liu Fuyu pointed to a fenced open space in the distance, where there was a pool of solidified blood: "It's right there."

Qin Yang walked a few steps closer, looked at the blood stains on the ground, and then looked around. There were indeed no signs of fighting. Obviously, the two died simply and there was no resistance at all, or the difference in strength was too great. , There is no way to resist.

Qin Yang checked it and didn't comment. He picked up the phone and walked to a corner, dialing Duanmufeng's phone.

"Senior Duanmu..."

Duan Mufeng said solemnly: "Are you here to ask me about the two dead?"

Qin Yang hummed: "Yes, I thought about it. The other party was too bold and blatantly killed people in demonstrations, but they killed security personnel who were not very powerful. I always felt that there was something strange about it... I want to see. Corpse."

Duanmufeng pondered for a moment: "You come to me, come alone, I will make arrangements for you alone, don't disturb other people."

"it is good!"

Qin Yang and the two women greeted them and left quietly. In the temporary office of the council, Qin Yang found Duanmufeng. Duanmufeng led Qin Yang through the corridor behind and walked into a room.

The corpses of the two men lay quietly on two wooden boards in the room, with a slice of blood on the front of their chests, which had solidified, revealing a faint **** air, their faces were painful, and they seemed to be somewhat unbelievable.

Qin Yang walked to the corpse, picked up the clothes of the deceased, and carefully inspected the wound. UU Reading was indeed a tyrannical internal gasification gang, which directly shot through their hearts, causing them to die immediately.

Qin Yang thought for a while, and turned the two corpses over again, only to find that there were no injuries on the back of one corpse, which meant that Gang Qi Huajin did not penetrate his body, but the back of the other corpse did not. With this blood hole, his body was completely penetrated, but the hole in the back was much smaller than the wound in the front.

Qin Yang checked carefully, stood up, closed his eyes and thought.

Duanmufeng stood beside him silently and waited quietly. He knew that Qin Yang was not only an excellent practitioner, but also a deeply hidden Dragon Group agent. Perhaps he could see that something was not necessarily true. .

After waiting for a minute or two, Qin Yang opened his eyes and his eyes were a little bright: "Senior Duanmu, I think I am more and more sure that that extraordinary master is hidden among us..."


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