The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1290: Reveal! Reveal!

Qin Yang's hands were like beating spirits, happily beating on the keyboard.

Qin Yang played one of Beethoven's most famous piano pieces, "Moonlight Sonata", which was the one that Zhuang Mengdie heard Qin Yang play in the Miaosha bar.

This is a classic piece that most people hear. Even people who don’t understand the piano must be familiar with its melody. After all, this familiar piano can be heard in the soundtracks of many movies and TVs. song.

Qin Yang didn't play the tune strictly according to the tune. He made some changes to the tune.

The Moonlight Sonata is called Moonlight. It should be a quiet, soft and bright mood, but in fact the first movement is full of gloomy emotions, and the last movement is violent, passionate, and gentle. Not appropriate, only in the second movement can it meet the moonlight theme.

The entire Moonlight Sonata was more than 16 minutes long, and Qin Yang naturally couldn't play it completely, so what Qin Yang played was part of it, and he made certain modifications and added some of his own ideas.

This kind of attempt was changed by Qin Yang according to his sex. He felt that after such a change, he would be more in line with the name Moonlight, and more worthy of the name.

Although this is a concert of 80,000 people, Qin Yang is not worried. What's more, he just said that he is here to delay the time and let Miao Sha have time to catch her breath and change clothes, so he doesn't care what people say. .

After all, Qin Yang had never expected to be a celebrity, and he would be just if he has no desire.

Most of the 80,000 people are music-loving fans. There are always many piano fans among these fans. Qin Yang only started to play, and these people have already heard it.

""Moonlight" is moonlight!"

"Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata"!"

"The last time I played "Destiny", this time I played "Moonlight" again, is it going to be "Hero" next time?"

"I can't tell if you listen, but he is really handsome and temperamental!"

"That mask is so handsome, the whole person looks full of a cold temperament!"

Qin Yang played for a while, and many people tasted it.

"Hey, that's not right, this is a little different from Moonlight!"

"He changed it! He changed "Moonlight"!"

"Awesome! What a great god, he can change if he wants to change, or on such an occasion, he is not afraid of being scolded?"

"Afraid? Will Qin Yang be afraid?"

"Haha, people play the piano just for fun. Other people's companies are all over the country, and they have billions of money. Do you care about being scolded? What's more, I think the changes are very good. It sounds more soft and more kind. The misty beauty of moonlight."

"Well, I also think it sounds pretty good. It's a bit more cheerful than the original Beethoven sounded, not so depressed."

"It doesn't matter whether it sounds good or not. Didn't Qin Yang say it? He just came to delay the time and let Miao Sha change clothes and take a break. Haha, I have such a personality, so great, I won't explain!"

There was a lot of discussion, Miao Sha changed clothes and appeared on the stage again, and Qin Yang also dropped the last few keys appropriately, and then raised his hand.

Qin Yang stood up, with one hand behind his back gracefully, and bowed to the audience.

There was warm applause and cheers from the audience.

Qin Yang stood up after bowing and turned to look at Miao Sha. Miao Sha has changed into a cool and fashionable outfit at this time, which makes her slightly petite. The small body looks a little bit more sexual. .

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Okay, the beauty is back, the handsome guy is leaving, Sister Sha, I will continue to appreciate your beautiful singing voice in the audience!"

Miao Sha raised the microphone: "Everyone said, is he playing well?"

"it is good!"

The shout of landslide and tsunami resounded throughout the stadium.

Qin Yang smiled and raised his hands, arching his hands towards everyone, "Thank you, goodbye!"

Qin Yang was about to turn around, someone shouted: "Don't go! Reveal your face!"

Countless people clamored and shouted, "Exposure!"

More and more laughed and joined the team, and these two words echoed throughout the stadium.



Qin Yang stopped and turned his head. Miao Sha smiled beside him and said, "It looks like you can't go today without revealing your face!"

Qin Yang hesitated and said with a smile: "Hey, I was actually preparing to reveal my face after the performance, but I accidentally broke my face before and put a band-aid on it. It looked funny, so I didn't plan to lose my face. But today everyone seems to refuse to let me go..."

The crowd laughed, but the voice of revealing the face did not decrease, but instead became louder and louder.

Qin Yang raised his hand, stretched out his hand to buckle the mask, paused for a second, then took the mask, revealing the face with band-aids on his face.

The call stopped, and everyone's eyes fell on Qin Yang's face.

A girl in front suddenly screamed loudly: "Qin Yang, why did your face hurt? Is it you that saved Miaosha before?"

Qin Yang stretched out his hand and touched the band-aid on his face. It seems that everyone's imagination is very rich. He has directly thought of saving people from his wounds.

Qin Yang had originally planned to leave the field directly, but now he was questioned before him, pretending that he hadn't seen it, but he seemed a little guilty.

Just take advantage of this effort to explain, anyway, the particularity of today's concert is probably the first in decades.

Qin Yang smiled: "I did go to the scene at the time, but it was another person who saved the life. It is not convenient to disclose who is the specific one. Sister Sha can testify about this. My injury was accidentally dropped while being chased by the kidnapper. I was scratched by the corner of an iron frame. I am not as brave as you think..."

Qin Yang explained a sentence and then smiled and said: "I admire Sister Sha has experienced such a big and terrible thing, even without going to the hospital, she can sing to everyone with her injuries, please. Everyone applaud her!"

Everyone was crooked by Qin Yang's words for success, cheering and applauding.

Qin Yang smiled and clapped his hands, then slowly backed away, and then returned to the piano. The piano and Qin Yang slowly sank downward.

Miao Sha looked at Qin Yang, who had successfully escaped, with a helpless smile on her face, but the concert was not over yet, no matter how much, she would have to wait until the concert was over.

When Qin Yang left the piano, Miao Sha's singing had already sounded on the stage.

Jiang Wei greeted him: "Mr. Qin, you have worked hard, you can go back to the lounge first."

Qin Yang's business is over, and he doesn't refuse now, nodding his head and saying, "Okay!"

Qin Yang returned to his lounge and sat on the sofa next to him. Qin Yang picked up his mobile phone and dialed Han Qingqing's number.


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