The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1300: Sister Tong...who does she fall in love with?

When Qin Yang entered the ward, Xue Wantong was already settled in the hospital bed, lying quietly, frowning slightly, her appearance made people feel a little distressed in her heart.

Lin Fang was guarding the bed, gently holding Xue Wantong's hand, his eyes were full of worry.

Qin Yang walked into the room and walked gently to the hospital bed.

Lin Fang turned his head and asked with some worry: "Xiao Qin, is Xiao Tong really all right?"

Qin Yang replied affirmatively: "It's really okay. When her head fell, she was hit and had blood congestion. Although she has undergone surgery, she still needs enough time to rest and recover before she can wake up. Aunt Lin, don't worry. ."

Lin Fang heard Qin Yang's assurance again, and finally heaved a long sigh of relief: "It's fine, otherwise I don't know what to do, Xiao Qin, fortunately I have you."

Qin Yang comforted: "Aunt Lin, you have been working hard to open a shop all day, and there are vacant beds in the next room. I said hello to the nurse. Go there and sleep. I'll just stay here."

Lin Fang looked at Qin Yang gratefully: "Xiao Qin, you also work a day in the daytime. Today is the New Year's Eve, but I called you over..."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "I sit and watch when I see a doctor, but I'm not tired. Besides, I'm a young man. I usually sleep late and I'm not an outsider. Aunt Lin, please don't see me out."

Lin Fang looked at Qin Yang in front of him, feeling extremely complicated for a while.

It was the luck of Lin Fang’s mother and daughter to meet Qin Yang. If they didn’t meet Qin Yang, it is estimated that both of them are still being bullied and dragged down by that ghost gambling man, but it is also because Qin Yang is silent like a spring rain. With the help of rest, Xue Wantong inadvertently fell deeply in love with Qin Yang and couldn't help herself. As a mother, Lin Fang felt hurt in her eyes.

Lin Fang fell in love with a **** and lost the best time of his life. Now Xue Wantong falls in love with a very good man, but this man has a girlfriend.

Perhaps this is fate?

Isn't your daughter destined to entangle this man all her life?

Can he love and protect his daughter, let her not be bullied, and make her happy?

Lin Fang has experienced a broken marriage and understands more deeply that a man who loves himself is more important than that piece of paper. That piece of paper is a kind of responsibility, but sometimes it is even a kind of shackles. At least these words she I can’t tell my daughter because she doesn’t know what the future holds.

She was afraid and worried.

Lin Fang is really satisfied with Qin Yang. No matter what, Qin Yang has never helped with anything else. It is so big that she has given out tens of millions of funds to Xue Wantong to do what she likes to do, just to try to make her happy, so small that she can just eat a free-for-all , Protect the safety of your own shop.

Xue Wantong was injured and he rushed over after a phone call. He rushed into the operating room to help rescue his daughter. Now he has no hesitation in assuming the duty of night watch, without the air of a billionaire or celebrity.

Lin Fang sighed softly in his heart, and it was precisely because Qin Yang did so well and perfect, so even if Lin Fang was Xue Wantong's mother, she couldn't speak for Xue Wantong to leave Qin Yang cruelly.

"Xiao Qin, why did you think Xiaotong fell from the stairs? She never gets so drunk when she goes out on weekdays..."

Qin Yang said with relief: "I will investigate this matter clearly. Auntie, give it to me. If someone hurts sister Tong like this, I will definitely let him be punished."

Knowing Qin Yang's ability, Lin Fang nodded with satisfaction: "Xiao Qin, this will trouble you."

"No trouble, Sister Tong has been bullied, so naturally I won't just sit idly by."

Qin Yang promised, hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but tentatively asked: "Auntie, Donna said that something was upset in Sister Tong's heart. Do you know what happened? Did you get wronged at work? I asked her and she too. Don't tell me..."

Lin Fang smiled bitterly, what did she tell you?

Did you tell you she fell in love with you and couldn't help herself? Tell you that she is depressed because she likes you, but can't say that there is only one person who misses you hard?

It's just that it's all here, it's his daughter after all, Lin Fang decided to test Qin Yang's attitude.

"Xiao Qin, I heard that you have a girlfriend?"

Qin Yang froze for a moment, not knowing why Lin Fang suddenly asked himself this question, but still calmly answered, "Yes."

Sure enough.

Lin Fang smiled and looked at Qin Yang: "Are you going to marry her?"

If it were an ordinary college student, Lin Fang would definitely not ask this question, but Qin Yang's abilities and maturity had already surpassed his age, and he could not really be treated as a college student who had not left the society.

Qin Yang became more and more puzzled. Isn't it strange to ask me this time?

Although doubtful, Qin Yang answered in the affirmative, without hesitation: "Well, it will."

Lin Fang said softly: "That girl must be very good and very happy."

Qin Yang touched his nose: "Well, she is very good."

Lin Fang hesitated, and finally decided to reveal a little bit. She knew her daughter's character, I am afraid she would always be bored in her heart, she would never say it.

"She has been in a bad mood recently because she has a suitor..."

Qin Yang was stunned for a moment, his expression was complex for a moment: "I haven't heard Sister Tong say that even the aunt knows that their relationship should be good, right?"

When Lin Fang said those words, his eyes were fixed on Qin Yang, watching the complex and unnatural flashes on Qin Yang's face, Lin Fang felt inexplicably loose.

Qin Yang should still have such a trace of male and female affection for his After all, the two people have been so close naked before, and what's more, his daughter is also so beautiful and has such a good personality.

Is Qin Yang's expression a bit jealous because he is subconsciously uncomfortable?

Lin Fang sighed and said: "In fact, the young man is in good conditions, and he is also good. It can be seen that he really likes Xiaotong, but because of this, Xiaotong realizes that she has already fallen in love deeply unconsciously. If a person cannot extricate himself, how can he accept the pursuit of others..."

Qin Yang's eyes widened slightly, his eyes filled with surprise that could not be concealed.

Fall in love with someone?


Qin Yang's heartbeat was inexplicably fast by two points: "Sister Tong...who is she in love with?"

Lin Fang sighed, and answered the question, looking at Xue Wantong who was lying quietly: "This child has a gentle temper, but she has her own opinions. There are some roads, knowing that she can't go to the end, but she still walks without hesitation. No matter what...Hey, maybe it's my old and young people's business, I can't care about it..." ()

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