The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1304: Inexplicable shame

"Good morning, sister Tong, how do you feel?"

When Qin Yang walked into the ward, he was already wearing a white lab coat, like a doctor, but he was handsome, tall and young, even in a white lab coat.

After a night of sleep, Xue Wantong was fully awake. Although there was some pain in her head and legs, her mental state seemed to be much better.

"It feels good... Your white coat looks so handsome. Has anyone praised you so much?"

Qin Yang chuckled and said, "Don't worry, you are definitely not the first to praise me for being handsome. Haven't you seen those nurses and sisters who see my eyes glowing?"

Xue Wantong was amused by Qin Yang's words: "You are so stinky, cheeky!"

Qin Yang walked to Xue Wantong, checked briefly, and then relaxed, "Well, it seems that there should be nothing serious. Then you can rest well. I am ready to go to work. Those patients came and waited early in the morning. Now, I can see a doctor earlier and get more."

Xue Wantong said: "Go ahead, you are now a famous little genius doctor, how many people are accusing you, I'm fine, you are delayed."

Qin Yang agreed: "Okay, you can take a good rest, call a nurse if anything happens, they all know you are my friend."

Xue Wantong smiled and said, "Okay, I'll just touch you."

"What's wrong? I'm leaving, and I will see you at noon."

"If you're busy, don't come. When I get better, I will see your little genius doctor."

Qin Yang laughed and said, "Okay, welcome to come and inspect the work at any time."

Before Qin Yang reached his office, he received a call from Han Qingqing. He had already reached the entrance of the hospital. Qin Yang told Han Qingqing his location.

Soon, Han Qingqing appeared in front of Qin Yang holding a bunch of flowers and handed a packed handbag to Qin Yang: "Eat while it's hot."

Qin Yang took the handbag and said with a smile: "Love breakfast, thank you!"

Han Qingqing gave Qin Yang a white look, and looked up and down Qin Yang, his eyes revealed two points of like: "Yes, you are also very handsome in a white coat, is there a nurse sister who will give you a small note?"

Qin Yang laughed and said jokingly: "Who is still handing out a small note these days? It's all about a handsome guy with a Fetion. It's simple and efficient."

Han Qingqing approached by two points, her voice was sweet: "Then you have been here for half a month, and have you added a few letters from young ladies?"

Qin Yang's desire to survive instantly burst, and he replied without hesitation: "I didn't add any of them. Every day there is a master staring at the doctor. How can I add Miss Fetion."

Han Qingqing smiled and said, "That means you can add it when Uncle Mo is away, right?"

Qin Yang replied sternly: "Absolutely not. I didn't even think about it. Even the handsome guy you just told you about adding a Fetion or something is what I imagined. It depends on my rich imagination!"

Han Qingqing was amused by Qin Yang's words, and gave him a blank look: "Hmph, I don't bother to care about you, I like to add as much as I like, maybe you like to confuse this one."

Qin Yang almost vomited a mouthful of old blood. Who likes to be seduced by uniforms? Confused?

Is this my business alone?

Which man doesn't like it?

Han Qingqing smiled and said, "Well, you can go to your class. I didn't come to see you. Which ward is Sister Tong in?"

Qin Yang reported the room number: "When are you leaving?"

Han Qingqing smiled and said, "It depends on the situation. I guess it won't last long. What's the matter?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "If you want to leave, we will have dinner together at noon."

Han Qingqing blinked: "I'll think about it, let's go first!"

Han Qingqing came to the door of the ward holding flowers, knocked on the door gently, and then opened the door.

Xue Wantong was leaning back on the bed to eat breakfast. Lin Fang was sitting on the chair next to her. Hearing the knock on the door, the two turned their heads.

"Han Qingqing!"

Xue Wantong's expression was a little surprised, and there was still a trace of unnaturalness.

"Sister Tong!"

Han Qingqing smiled and walked into the room, then politely shouted, "Hello, Auntie."

Lin Fang looked at Han Qingqing with some doubts: "Are you?"

Han Qingqing introduced herself: "My name is Han Qingqing, a student in Sister Tong's class. I heard Qin Yang say that Sister Tong was injured last night, so I came to visit..."

Listen to Qin Yang?

Lin Fang's eyes rested on Han Qingqing subconsciously. Qin Yang also rushed over in the middle of the night for what happened to her daughter last night. So in other words, Qin Yang told Han Qingqing about her daughter's injury in the middle of the night?

Han Qingqing came to the hospital to see her daughter early in the morning. I am afraid that it is not just for ordinary students, right?

"Thank you, you are so caring."

Lin Fang said politely, but her eyes fell on her daughter's face. Sure enough, she saw a trace of tension on her daughter's face that she shouldn't have.

My students come to visit me. This is a happy thing. There is no need to be nervous. Why is my daughter nervous?

There can only be one reason.

This Han Qingqing should be Qin Yang's real girlfriend.

"Sister send you flowers, I hope you get well soon."

Xue Wantong took the flowers and sniffed: "It's so fragrant! Thank you, you are so caring."

The flowers are very fragrant and beautiful, but Xue Wantong always feels so heavy in her arms.

Han Qingqing knew that Qin Yang had told her that she was injured, but it was definitely not Qin Yang's intention that she came to visit, but her own.

She cares about you so much, are you embarrassed to dig into the corner of your own student?

Xue Wantong suddenly felt somewhat inexplicably ashamed.


"Well, let's have lunch first."

Mo Yu patted Qin Yang on the shoulder and left first. Qin Yang took out his cell phone and was about to ask if Han Qingqing was still there, but found that Han Qingqing had sent himself a message before.

"I'm going back first. You can eat by yourself. You can work hard when you are full. I will buy some food and wait for you to come home to eat."

Qin Yang felt warm and replied a message: "Okay, I'll be back after get off work!"

How does it feel that his wife is at home and her husband is working hard to earn money to support the family?

Well, it seems to feel very good.

Qin Yang smacked his lips and was about to put the phone away, but the phone rang suddenly.

Qin Yang took a look and answered the phone.

"Is there a result?"

Peony’s voice rang on the phone: “The investigation has come out. That Jack Nord’s family is quite large, and it is considered an old family in the United States. It is very powerful. The most important thing is that Jack Nord’s family is also a family of practitioners. ..."

Qin Yang was taken aback for a moment, and then there was a two-point sneer on his face: "Practitioner? Very good, at least when I deal with him, I won't think I'm bullying an ordinary person..."


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