The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1315: How shameless this guy is

Yamaguchi Rika's calm eyes finally couldn't help but fluctuate in two points.

She originally thought that she had picked up everything clearly, maybe Qin Yang could have a serious and frank dialogue with herself, but she underestimated the thickness of Qin Yang's face.

Pretend to look like it!

Why don't you go acting?

Oh, it seems that the information says you actually acted...

Yamaguchi Rika's tone became a little more blunt: "Ito Shunsuke, the disciple of Nitodo Hall Master Ryukawa, is a younger generation of Ito Koshiro. When Koshiro Ito was involved, he was not in Japan. Now that he knows you are in Tokyo, he naturally refuses to give up. , We got news that he will challenge you head-on."

Qin Yang stared at Yamaguchi Rika, his eyes full of expectation: "If he challenges, then I don’t have to agree. The ghost knows where he came out, what Ito Koshiro, just find a place to challenge me, I have to accept the challenge. Well, let’s talk about it. Just now you said, let me stay in Japan and participate in the piano competition in a proper way. You said that, right?"

Yamaguchi Rika said in a deep voice: "Yes, I said...Are you not ready to accept the challenge?"

Qin Yang curled his lips and said: "My teacher has more opponents, and there are more people who want to challenge me. How old is he? He said that I have to agree to the challenge. Then I lose face, right? , Ms. Yamaguchi, please leave me a phone number. If someone makes trouble for me, I will call you so that I won’t be forced to do it. You said I’m doing things in Japan."

Yamaguchi Rika's eyes showed anger: "What do you think of me, are you your bodyguard?"

Qin Yang smiled, and said calmly: "I didn't know anything, but you suddenly ran to the door and told me, hey, someone is going to challenge you, hey, you are not allowed to make trouble, it's normal... …Don’t you say this is a contradiction? Besides, does Ms. Yamaguchi think I am like a temperless person with a smile on my nose and face?"

In Qin Yang's last sentence, there was already two more chills in his voice. The originally smiling Qin Yang suddenly gave people a rather dangerous feeling.

Yamaguchi Rika Shen said: "This is Japan, not China."

Qin Yang calmly replied, "Yes, because this is Japan and it is under your jurisdiction. Shouldn't you take care of your people and protect my safety? If someone bullies me, I can't Don’t refute and let the bully be bullied. At any rate, I’m also a rich person, billions of fortune, tens of millions of fans, my face is very valuable, if someone slapped my face, it would be a joke by the people of the whole country. ."

Yamaguchi Rika suddenly had a headache. She really came to warn Qin Yang that the game is back to the game and don’t mess up secretly. After all, they have lessons from the past. They are also worried that Qin Yang is using the name of the game to do something secretly, but now with Qin Yang With that said, Yamaguchi Rika had a feeling of being corrupted.

Yamaguchi Rika gritted her teeth and took out a business card from her pocket and placed it on the table in front of Qin Yang: "This is my business card with my phone number on it. If you have any trouble, call me. Let me deal with it, don't make trouble in secret!"

Qin Yang spread his hands: "I am a pacifist. I like to make money quietly, eat, drink and play happily. Fighting, killing and doing things is the most annoying. It has never been my favorite, so please don't worry, Ms. Yamaguchi. "

Yamaguchi Rika felt that she couldn't talk anymore, how could she warn Qin Yang in such an atmosphere?

Yamaguchi Rika felt that if she continued speaking, Qin Yang would have asked for personal protection, and stood up coldly: "Qin Yang, you know what I said, don't act in front of me..."

Qin Yang suddenly interrupted Yamaguchi Rika, and said sincerely, "Miss Yamaguchi, I have a proposal."

Yamaguchi Rika subconsciously asked, "What proposal?"

Qin Yang said seriously: "I listened to Ms. Yamaguchi's reminder just now, and I was deeply worried about the safety of my trip to Japan. Anyway, I am also an international friend. Should Ms. Yamaguchi protect my safety? If something goes wrong, the impact will not be small. My master and master will definitely not be easy. Just let it go. Didn’t it make everyone unhappy in the end? I think Ms. Yamaguchi is so enthusiastic that she ran to the door to remind me, either For a while, Ms. Yamaguchi was just like me. During the time I was in Japan, temporarily posing as my personal bodyguard, so that my safety is guaranteed, and you can stare at me so that I can’t do what you want. Wind makes rain, isn’t this the best of both worlds?"

Yamaguchi Rika couldn't help but jump up. She just thought that the other party might say this, and was about to leave, but the other party interrupted and said abruptly.

How shameless you are.

Yamaguchi Rika gritted her teeth and pointed her finger at Qin Yang: "Don't commit any crimes, or you will feel better in my hands!"

Yamaguchi Rika said no turned around, and left the house in a big stride.

Qin Yang looked at Yamaguchi Lixiang's back, the smile on his face disappeared, and he reached out and picked up the business card on the coffee table, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Situ Xiang sent Yamaguchi Lixiang out of the door. After confirming that she had left, he closed the door and returned to the living room.

"Why are the people in the special department staring at us?"

Han Qingqing had been listening without saying a word, and only then softly said: "Although she seems to be unable to produce evidence, it is clear that they also believe that you did it."

Qin Yang looked at Han Qingqing, who was both worried, stretched out his hand and held her hand, took her to sit next to him, smiled and comforted: "How do they think that is their business? It has nothing to do with us. We are here to participate in the piano competition, and I don't mind if they stare at me."

Situ Xiang frowned and said, "But she just said that the people from Erdaotang would challenge you?"

Qin Yang picked up the business card in his hand with two fingers, and flicked it with a smile: "It depends on the situation, the Erdaotang has been crushed by my master once, and they must have no guts to perform sly tricks on me, otherwise If something happens to me, I’m afraid my teacher’s guild will plough the entire hill of Erdaotang..."

Situ Xiang said, "So Yamaguchi Rika said it's a fair challenge?"

"Challenge, pick it up if you want to pick it up, don't pick it up if you don't want to pick it up, isn't this just dozing off and encountering a pillow, then I will find her and let her figure it out. Isn't she a good shield? "

Situ Xiang looked a little worried: "The people in Erdaotang are okay, but I am a little worried about the shadow side. Since the people in the Erdaotang have noticed that we have come to Tokyo, the shadow side should also know..."


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