The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1328: I want to challenge you

"You made him a fool?"

Qin Yang hummed, "Yes, it is not convenient to kill him there, and he becomes an idiot. It is the same. Anyway, he won't cause you any more harm."

Situ Xiang breathed a sigh of relief: "This matter could not be solved so easily, now I can breathe a sigh of relief."

Qin Yang shook his head: "This is not necessarily."'

Situ Xiang was taken aback for a moment, and then frowned: "You mean the person behind him?"

Qin Yang nodded: "Perhaps or not. If he didn't tell others about this, then maybe the matter would end here, but if he told others that he was following you for these two days and preparing to deal with you, this One thing may not be over yet, in the final analysis, it depends on whether anyone knows the truth and wants to help him out!"

Situ Xiang smiled bitterly: "It seems we still have to be careful."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Even if there is no such thing, we have to be careful. After all, we have a lot of opponents and troubles. This is not Huaxia. The rain and water can't save the nearby fire. Those guys should really ignore it. Everything is going crazy, but the two of us can easily be wiped out by others."

Situ Xiang pursed his lips and smiled: "No wonder you are going to pull up Yamaguchi Lixiang, she is a good shield."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "That's natural. With Rika Yamaguchi, at least those insidious tricks can't be used on me. Seriously, I can't wait for her to be by my side twenty-four hours, so that I can feel at ease. The game is over, don’t worry about other things."

Situ Xiang pursed his lips and suddenly said, "Thank you."

Qin Yang stretched out his hand and grabbed Situ Xiang's face: "We are still so polite between us?"

Situ Xiang raised his face and smiled and said, "Thank you very much indeed. It seems that everything will become easier when things are in your hands. You make me feel dependent and feel safe."

Qin Yang said with a smile: "It's so sensational, why not be practical?"

Situ Xiang bit her lip, her eyes brightened suddenly: "Does the master need me to accompany the bath?"

Qin Yang smiled: "That's a good idea, why don't you hurry up and put bath water for the master?"

Situ Xiangjiao laughed and said, "Yes, my master!"

Soon, Situ Xiang put out the bath water, Qin Yang took off his clothes and walked into the bathroom. Situ Xiang also took off her bathrobe, revealing her beautiful body that was so convex and concave that a man couldn't move his eyes.

"Master, let me serve you!"


"Great God, come on!"

"What happened the night before, thank you so much!"

"Great God, it's a pity that there was no photo or video the night before, otherwise, it would be really wonderful..."

When Qin Yang and Situ Xiang arrived outside the concert hall, they were surrounded by a large group of fans waiting here, their eyes shining brightly, and they looked excited.

The night before, after Huo Jiayuan returned to the hotel with the five previously detained fan group members, several people told what had happened before, and the entire fan group was blown up.


Stars stand up for fans and beat gang members. This is a hot topic.

If it hadn’t been for Qin Yang to ask Huo Jiayuan to tell them not to promote this, I’m afraid they would post on Weibo or Moments as soon as possible. After all, this fact is so refreshing.

Surrounded by people, Qin Yang was not in a hurry, and smiled and said: "This is all over, so don't post it. The impact is not good. You see that I am so gentle and gentle. If it spreads out, I will brutally beat people. It's ugly."

"How can it be ugly, you are showing up on behalf of the fans. If this matter is spread, all fans will definitely like you more, and there will definitely be more passers-by turning fans..."

"That's right, you are winning glory for the country. You used to listen to our countrymen being bullied by others outside. You are a big sigh for everyone."

"Yes, that Chisaka Yanagyu was unconvinced when he lost to you, and he actually let someone come to deal with you. This is obviously revenge. I think he should be exposed!"

Qin Yang listened to the people's outrage and excitement, waved his hand and smiled: "Don't be so excited, it's just a small matter. As for Chisaka Yanagyu, I will solve this matter by myself, everyone knows it and just talk about it. ."

Huo Jiayuan said with a little embarrassment: "We may have been too excited the night before, and we accidentally missed out when we were chatting in a large group. Now many people know about this, but they don’t know the inside story. The members of our fan club clashed with the local gang when they went out to play. You came forward to settle the gang and bring them back..."

Qin Yang was stunned for a moment, and immediately waved his hand generously: "It doesn't matter, just let them listen to it as a joke, and you just don't know it."

The gossip nature of these people is really helpless.

Feeling uncomfortable with such a thing in my heart...

Anyway, there is no video, and Huo Jiayuan and others do not understand Japanese. Apart from seeing them hitting someone, they don't know what they are communicating with, so it doesn't matter.

After greeting, Qin Yang walked into the concert hall surrounded by everyone.

After not taking a few steps, Qin Yang suddenly stopped. On the opposite side, Chisaka Yanagi was walking towards this side.

Chisaka Yanagyu's footsteps also stopped for a moment, his face turned slightly ugly, he hesitated, and finally he continued to walk over.

Qin Yang didn't move, but stood there and waited quietly, looking at Yanagyu Chisaka quietly.

The fans who were surrounded by Qin Yang also calmed down, and their eyes fell on Chisaka Yanagyu's face like a sharp sword.

Chisaka Yanagyu walked in front of Qin Yang with a complex expression on his face and said, "Mr. Qin, I'm sorry, I apologize to you for the previous behavior."

Qin Yang smiled faintly: "I remember that you Japanese people always bow to apologize?"

Yanagyu Chisaka's expression stiffened. He didn't expect Qin Yang to show no face at all. He slapped him up and started slapping his face.

The muscular contours on Chisaka Yanagisaka's cheeks suddenly became prominent, and he himself was also the pride of It was already difficult for him to apologize, so he actually wanted him to bow to Qin Yang?

Chisaka Yanagi stared at Qin Yang scorchingly, and Qin Yang looked at Chisaka Yanagi calmly, but there was a sense of looking down in his eyes.

The eyes of the two collided in the air, as if there was an invisible splash of fire.

The fans next to them all held their breaths. They had an obvious feeling that the air around them suddenly became frozen.

Looking at each other for a while, Chisaka Yanagyu retracted his gaze, bowed to Qin Yang coldly, and straightened his waist.

"I apologize for the behavior caused by jealousy the day before yesterday. I'm sorry... But after apologizing, I want to challenge you in the name of the Aoki Ryu practitioner!"


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