The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1337: the Avengers?

The middle-aged man bit his clothes in his mouth and let Qin Yang administer the needle on him.

The needle passed through him, and the severe pain made his muscles tremble, but he just endured it without saying a word.

Qin Yang's hand was very stable, as if his subordinate was not a living person, but just a body that couldn't move.

Soon, the middle-aged man’s wound was completely sutured. Qin Yang made a powder of anti-inflammatory drugs, applied some externally on his wound, then wrapped gauze on his wound, and finally wrapped it around his waist. Made a clean knot.

"The wound has been taken care of, but you'd better not move vigorously or touch water for the time being. These extra medicines are left to you, and there are instructions for use. You can watch and eat, and change the dressing at intervals. "

The middle-aged man nodded, looking at Qin Yang's eyes with a bit complicated.

Qin Yang didn't seem to see the eyes of the middle-aged man. He packed up his things and stood up: "You take a good rest, I'm going back."

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and suddenly said: "Who you are, no matter why you save me, please let me know your name."

Qin Yang turned his head and looked at the middle-aged man with a soft smile: "My name is Qin Yang. I came to Tokyo to participate in the Asian Chopin International Piano Competition."

The middle-aged man remembered Qin Yang's name silently, and Qin Yang didn't say much, turned and left his room.

Qin Yang returned to his room. Situ Xiang was sitting on the tatami, looking at him with a smile, "Why leave his name?"

Qin Yang smiled and answered frankly: "Since I did a good deed, why not leave his name, I saved his life, although I was willing to do it, and I don't force him to give me anything back, but if he is willing to do so, Why don't I accept it?"

Situ Xiang smiled and said, "Well, I'm done, then I'll call for breakfast, and I ran for a trip. I was starving to death."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Okay, have breakfast, take a stroll to the beach, come back for lunch, take a bath and take a nap, I didn't sleep well last night."

"it is good!"

The two had breakfast and when they were about to go out, the lady boss suddenly asked, "Two, where are you going?"

Qin Yang smiled and replied, "We are going to take a walk on the beach and take a stroll."

The lady boss reminded her with a lingering fear: "Then you go out and go to the left, but don't go to the right. It's temporarily blocked over there."

Qin Yang knew it well, but he asked with curiosity on his face: "Blocked? There was no blockade yesterday, what's the matter?"

The lady boss seemed to hesitate, and finally said: "You all saw the villa in front, right? There was a murder case there last night and it is said that many people died..."

Qin Yang's face changed slightly, and he pretended to be surprised: "A life case has been committed?"

The lady boss hummed: "The police came to inquire this morning. I asked and said that the owner of the villa and his large group of bodyguards were all killed. No property in the villa was lost. According to the police Guess it should be a vendetta..."

Qin Yang asked, "Did the murderer catch it, or is there another clue?"

The proprietress shook her head: "I don't know, but I think they weren't caught, probably there is no clue."

As if afraid to scare Qin Yang and the others away, the lady boss quickly said: "Sir, don't be afraid. Those rich people do everything to make money. Seeing that the villa owner is always a group of bodyguards when he travels, I am afraid. I’m not a good person. I was retaliated by someone for doing bad things. There will be absolutely nothing wrong with us here."

Qin Yang nodded: "Well, let's go around first and come back for dinner at noon."

"Well, you can also order the dishes first, we prepare in advance."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "No hurry, the last thing we lack is time."

The two went to the beach and looked at the white villa on the beach in the distance.

Situ Xiang smiled and said, "Do you think it is a vendetta?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Perhaps it was a vendetta, or he was a silent killer. He just killed someone and was injured, so he couldn't run, so he stayed. Do you see that many martial arts novels have such descriptions? An ordinary person, carrying a knife or a dilapidated box, quietly entered the city, I think it matches his image."

Situ Xiang couldn't help laughing: "Then you said we will go back later, is he still there?"

Qin Yang shook his head: "Perhaps let's go. Since the police have already visited the door for questioning, there is not much danger. He can leave calmly."

Situ Xiang smiled and said, "I can still encounter such things on this trip, but it's really strange. In fact, I'm still a bit curious, but you don't want to ask him, it's nothing more."

Qin Yang smiled helplessly: "Is this your woman's gossip heart?"

Situ Xiang smiled slightly: "Yes, it's always curious."

Qin Yang was about to say something when his cell phone rang.

Li Siqi.


Li Siqi smiled and said, "Handsome man, I heard that you have finished your wave in Korea, but now you have gone to Japan again?"

Qin Yang chuckled and said, "Yes, maybe you will go to Poland in the next ten days. How is your training?"

When Li Siqi heard about training, she suddenly screamed: "Hey, it's too miserable. It's so inhumane. I'm all tanned. The director said that my skin tone is too pale, unlike a soldier... You can only see a little black in the future. Carbon, you won't despise me?"

Qin Yang laughed and said, "It's good to get more exposure to the sun. Don't worry, I don't dislike it!"

Li Siqi smiled sweetly: "But the special training is about to end. It will be turned on soon. It will be turned on after the Chinese New Year. It is estimated that it will take three months...Speaking of which, I haven't seen you for a long time. Miss you, do you miss me?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Think, you are in special training, and I am also in special training. I worked overtime in the hospital every day before, even on New Year's Day..."

Li Siqi laughed happily: " I laughed unkindly. Someone accompanies me to work overtime, which is great!"

Qin Yang asked: "You called me to talk about Weibo, right?"

Li Siqi smiled and said: "Yes, I call you on weekdays, and I am afraid of disturbing your two-person world. Now that I have a business deal, I certainly want to harass you in a fair way."

Qin Yang happily said, "Okay, let's post on Weibo at twelve o'clock, and then interact and help me get some fans."

Li Siqi laughed and said, "I should say that. You are a big cow with more than 10 million fans. I don't have as many fans as you. Hey, it's really sad to say that I was thinking about becoming an actor. Becoming a celebrity must be more appealing than you. As a result, you don’t sing or act. You have more fans than me, and your fans are very hardcore. You made me very frustrated..."


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