The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1340: Shameless?

   "You want to be beautiful, do you treat me as your bodyguard or your nanny?"

   Yamaguchi Rika sneered at Qin Yang's proposal with a sneer on her face.

Qin Yang didn’t care about it, and smiled: “I’m telling the truth, you know, what Aoki Ryu, Erdaotang, they are all great genres with many masters, although maybe they can’t help my master or Master, but my strength is low, and they can send a supernatural person over to quietly destroy me. When the time comes, they will spread their hands and ask three questions. Who can do with them?"

   Yamaguchi Rika frowned, her eyes slightly more serious.

Although Qin Yang's tone of speech seemed like a joke, he said it might not happen. If Yanagyu Chisaka loses, loses the great Prajna Changguang, loses face, they might not really take the risk, after all, just like Qin. If what Yang said was quietly extinguished, no one would be able to deny it.

   The rules of the dark world are very simple, crude, and effective.

   "I will ask the above for instructions before answering you."

   Qin Yang smiled: "Well, I think in order to be harmonious and stable, your boss will definitely agree to you. After all, I want to really hang in Japan, I am afraid that the Japanese spiritual world will not be peaceful."

   Qin Yang's words were two-pointed warning and intimidation, Yamaguchi Rika did not respond, because she knew he was telling the truth.

Qin Yang’s master, Miao Jiangong, made a huge move in Japan and won the title of a frightening magic eye. If Qin Yang died in Japan, then Miao Jiangong would come to the east again, and Erdaotang and Aoki Ryu The blood will flow into a river, and it is still unknown whether other schools will be affected.

   "Ito Shunsuke is here."

   Yamaguchi Rika's thoughtless words made Qin Yang stunned for a moment, and then he came back to his senses: "The challenger of the Erdaotang?"

   Yamaguchi Rika nodded: "Yes."

   Qin Yang's mouth curled up for two points: "Then he will have to line up. There was also Chisaka Yanagyu before. Chisaka Yanagyu has pressed their famous sword Da Prajna Changguang. I don't know what Ito Shunsuke is going to put on?"

   Yamaguchi Rika said grimly: "Don't you agree to his challenge if he doesn't press on something?"

   Qin Yang replied naturally: "Of course, why should I agree, do I still care about the false name of victory, am I such a person?"

   Yamaguchi Rika almost spit out blood, you guy, don't accept the challenge if you don't want to accept the challenge, what do you say so bright and majestic?

   Still shameless?

   Yamaguchi Rika pointedly said: "People are avenging their relatives..."


Qin Yang did not hesitate to interrupt Yamaguchi Rika's words: "I know that his family member you are talking about is Ito Koshiro, but I have said that I don’t know Ito Koshiro. His death has nothing to do with me. He died. When I was still in China, if you don’t believe me, check my flight information..."

  Check flight information?

   You are my three-year-old kid.

   Don’t you think I don’t know that there is a way of travel in this world called smuggling?

   China and Japan are not far apart. It’s not easy for people like you to smuggle it?

   Yamaguchi Rika didn't argue with Qin Yang more about this matter. She had already discovered that Qin Yang was tight-lipped and he would never admit this matter. In this way, he could take the initiative in this matter.

   I don’t know anyone, and I didn’t kill them. Why should I agree to your challenge?

   If I agreed, wouldn’t it prove that I killed it?

   Yamaguchi Rika's eyes fell on the stage. The piano competition was about to begin. Her task was to watch Qin Yang without major accidents. She didn't want to care about the others.

   In fact, Yamaguchi Rika had put forward an opinion. Since Qin Yang has so many insecure factors on his body, and also confirmed that Ito Koshiro was the culprit, why not expel him directly from Japan?

The boss’s answer to Yamaguchi Rika was naturally denied. On the one hand, Qin Yang came to participate in the piano competition through legal formalities, and on the other hand, Masayoshi Ishida had to discuss medical skills with Qin Yang. Masayoshi Ishida has a very high status in Japan. Expelled, what about Madam Ishida?

   What's more, if you really do this, it will fall into the hands of others. There is no basis for it. Why do you want to expel me?

   If you do this, does it mean that China can also expel people from your country wantonly?

   There is always a rule to do things. You can play within the scope of the rules, but if you go beyond the rules of the game, then it is estimated that everyone will just lift the table and stop playing.

   Qin Yang also turned his attention back, calmly, preparing for the game.

   It didn't take long for Chisaka Yanagyu to take the stage. He chose an impassioned song, which may be in line with his mood at the moment. The song was extremely smooth and empathetic, and he got a high score.

   "It seems that Chisaka Yanagi will be promoted, but I don't know if he still has a chance to go to Poland."

   Yamaguchi Rika raised her eyebrows: "You are so confident. According to the information, you have just advanced to the Dacheng Stage, and he is already twenty-sixth of the heavens."

   Qin Yang smiled and said: "If I don't have the confidence to win, how can I accept his challenge? In this foreign country, if I lose, wouldn't my face be swollen by you?"

   Yamaguchi Lixiang stared at Qin Yang with faint eyes: "You have the strength to leapfrog your opponent?"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "The realm of strength is one power is another thing. There are always some abnormalities in every rule circle. People who don’t take the usual path and can’t think according to common sense. , And I am that kind of person."

   "If you win, are you going to hurt him badly?"

   Qin Yang smiled: "I don't know how to kill, but I can wipe out an opponent for myself, so why not do it? Anyway, he is my opponent and not my friend, so I don't need to show mercy!"

   Yamaguchi Rika was silent, looking at Chisaka Yanagyu who stepped down, with two sympathy in her eyes.

  Although the two have not fought yet, as far as Yamaguchi Rika has learned, Qin Yang is at least a very dangerous person.

   is still in the Xiaocheng Realm, can kill the guy who can kill the extraordinary master, is it not dangerous?

   No matter what methods they used at the time, they were able to kill the opponent after all. This is already very powerful. Now that Qin Yang has reached the Dacheng stage, doesn't it mean that he is more dangerous?

  As a Japanese, Yamaguchi Rika naturally hopes that Chisaka Yanagi can defeat Qin Yang, but from reality, she feels that Chisaka Yanagi's hope of victory is too small.

   Looking at the confident smile on Yanagyu Chisaka's face, Yamaguchi Rika sighed quietly.

   When you are still happy for the promotion, others have already figured out how to beat you to bed rest, so that you can't participate in the Polish game...


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