The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1369: No one fights, the heart loses first

   While Qin Yang tried to follow Yang Haoran to learn the three ultimate moves, on different occasions in Tokyo, different people were talking about Qin Yang and the ring game that shocked the whole of Japan.

   Aoki Ryu.

   "Sovereign, should we send someone to challenge tomorrow?"

   Ueno Toshie shook his head decisively: "No, we still can't win tomorrow."

   The inquirer widened his eyes: "Is Qin Yang so powerful? Didn't he have been exhausted the last two days? Now that the challenger's strength is upgraded, he can still handle it?"

   Ueno Shijiang's eyesight is a bit deep and distant: "When you think he can't hold it, that's when he can definitely win. Yesterday, although he said he was desperate in the end, do you think he was really desperate like that?"

   The interrogator is silent.

   Qin Yang defeated the challenger cleanly in less than ten seconds. Is this desperate, or Qin Yang's normal strength exploded?

   Before, everyone thought that Qin Yang could not hold it, and then the result was that 23 valuable cultural relics became Qin Yang’s trophy.

   "Then what shall we do now?"

   "Wait! Wait for the fifth day!"

   "Just let Watanabe Nogami?"

   "Yes, if Watanabe can't defeat Qin Yang, then in Japan, no one will be Qin Yang's opponent within the realm of heaven and human!"

   "Is it possible to defeat Watanabe, who is at the peak of heaven and man at the 25th level of heaven and man?"

   Ueno Toshie was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly sighed softly, "I have an unknown premonition."

   The inquirer looked at Ueno Toshie in shock: "Is the suzerain worried that Watanabe is not his opponent?"

   Ueno Tokijiang said solemnly: "The reason tells me that this is impossible, but my instinct tells me that it is very possible, that guy is too dangerous...he is an outlier!"

   paused for a while, Ueno Tokie's voice was deep and affirmed again: "Yes, he is an outlier!"


   A certain villa.

   Kikukawa Jiangsu sat on the sofa, squinting his eyes slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

   Butler Miyazaki Hidenaka stood behind Kikugawa Eju, calmly and silently, staring at Kikugawa Eju in front, and waited quietly.

   "That kid doesn't seem easy."

   After a long while, Kikugawa Jiangsu on the sofa hummed coldly, "I now believe that Xiaoxin's accident is related to this guy."

   Miyazaki Shunaka asked with a little worry: "Now they are the two people most concerned about by Japanese practitioners. If we deal with him, will it cause any trouble?"

   Juchuan Jiangsu coldly snorted: "A group of trash, so many sects, but was beaten to shame by a 20-something-year-old hairy boy. On weekdays, one by one is not good enough, but at the critical moment, all of them are useless!"

Miyazaki Xiuzhong smiled bitterly: "No wonder they, Qin Yang put everything on the bright side, and the Special Affairs Department also sent someone to Qin Yang, even if someone wants to do something to Qin Yang. inconvenient."

   Kikukawa Jiangsu gently tapped his fingers on his knees: "Who else is beside him except the woman in the special affairs office?"

   "There are also three people from China, an old man, who seems to be an expert in cultural relics, and a man and a woman, who should be good at strength, probably extraordinary masters."

   Kikukawa Jiangsu narrowed his eyes slightly: "Are you two extraordinary masters?"


Kikukawa Jiangsu coldly snorted: "Just relying on two extraordinary masters to protect him and the safety of so many cultural relics, is he too underestimated by Japan, Miyazaki, you can contact the Gorefiend and let him organize a team. Ready to shoot at any time!"

  Miyazaki Hideki's pupils suddenly contracted: "Sir, if the blood demon makes a move, then things may be a big trouble, let's not talk about how Huaxia reacted, the special department..."

Juchuan Jiangsu squinted his eyes slightly: "The lady of the special affair can be stunned. I only need Qin Yang and Situ Xiang, and the others can kill them directly. Tell him, all the cultural relics that are stolen, I can find someone. Helping him out is an extra reward for him. I don’t need one. In addition, I will pay him 300 million yen in reward!"

Miyazaki Xiuzhong breathed a sigh of relief. If even the people in the special department were killed together, it would have caused a major disaster. If only a few Chinese people were killed, at least there would not be much action in Japan, maybe On the contrary, my heart is refreshing.

Miyazaki Hideki whispered: "I can ask them to organize a few notorious foreign assassins and let them show up inadvertently. This will point to the foreign assassins, making people feel that they are selling for those valuable cultural relics. It won't involve us."

   "Yes, you can handle this matter. Never show any footwork."

   Miyazaki Hidenaka respectfully promised: "Then when shall we shoot?"

Juchuan Jiangsu squinted his eyes slightly: "The night after tomorrow, that is, the fourth night of his ring competition, that time should be when he harvested the most, and he just caught them all. The cultural relics of China are the blood and life of our parents. How could it be possible for him to take it back!"



   A certain hotel.

   Ito Shunsuke was talking on the phone, and on the other end of the phone was Taichi Ryukawa, the master of Nidaotang.

   "Master, originally I was planning to compete with Qin Yang in the swordsmanship, but now he is holding a ring competition, restricting weapons... Should I challenge him in the ring, or should I challenge him alone according to my original plan?"

  Taiichi Longchuan's voice was steady: "Why do you ask me that?"

Shunsuke Ito gritted his teeth and lowered his eyebrows and whispered: "My heart is a little Longchuan sighed: "Because Qin Yang defeated Chisaka Yanagyu and defeated more than 20 challengers in a row. So you feel the pressure, do you think you might not be Qin Yang's opponent? "

Shunsuke Ito had a two-point ugly face, but he nodded calmly: "Yes, Master, I was full of confidence and thought I could defeat Qin Yang, but now I feel that I may not be able to beat him. I am afraid of losing Master Izumi Mamoru. At the same time, revenge will not come, but it will become a new shame!"

   Taichi Longchuan was silent for a few seconds, and finally whispered: "Since your confidence has been shaken, then there is no need to fight. If a person has shaken his confidence, how can he win?"

   Ito Shunsuke gritted his teeth, clenched his fists subconsciously, and struggled a bit in his eyes, but in the end he dropped his eyes slumping.

   "Yes, master!"

   Longchuan Taichi didn't say anything more, so he hung up the phone.

   Ito Shunsuke dropped his hands feebly, and lay down on the bed, as if his spine had been drawn all of a sudden, and his energy and spirit seemed to collapse at this moment.

   is still fighting, my heart is already timid!

   He has already lost!

   Ito Shunsuke raised his hand and placed it in front of his eyes, his eyes hollow...


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