The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1372: You all are going to die!

? "Watanabe, how strong is it?"

"Thirty-five years old, the peak of celestial beings, very strong, and quite prestigious in the entire Japanese practice circle. After all, at the age of thirty-five, the peak of celestial beings can reach extraordinary at any time. This is not something that anyone can reach. ."

Qin Yang smiled and said nothing.

Thirty-five-year-old Celestial Peak is indeed very strong, but Qin Yang has seen even stronger!

At the Practitioner Alliance Conference, the peerless double arrogant Zhao Qinglong and Yun Bailing were both only 27 or 28 years old, but they were both at the peak of the heavens and humans, and they were born from famous sects, possessing super combat skills and amazing combat effectiveness.

Qin Yang had never fought against the two of them, but Qin Yang had fought against extraordinary masters before, so Qin Yang was still very confident in himself.

Situ Xiang squeezed Qin Yang's shoulders and whispered softly: "After this incident, you are probably not known to everyone. Don't think about your life being clean."

Qin Yang touched his nose: "It seems that I should buy an independent villa? Otherwise, I am afraid I will be harassed a lot."

Situ Xiang smiled and said, "Then buy it, anyway, you are not short of money."

Qin Yang blinked: "It just happens that the company is going to pay dividends at the end of the year. It should be able to divide a lot of money. Then buy a building. After I go back, you can help me pay attention to this matter."

Situ Xiang nodded and remembered the matter in his heart: "I will arrange this after I go back."

"Well, don't worry too much."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "The renovated existing house is the best. I don't want to wait a few months for renovation and put it aside for a few months."

"I will screen it first, and then let you see if it is suitable."

"Okay... it's almost there, and you should rest earlier."


As night fell, the entire villa fell into silence.

At midnight, a train group quietly appeared on the road not far from the villa, and then stopped about two hundred meters from the villa.

More than a dozen figures walked out of several cars, and the leader was a tall old man with a blood-red face and gloomy eyes, occasionally flashing a sharp look, full of fierceness.

The old man picked up a mask and clasped it on his face. It was a vicious mask that made him look like a ghost crawling out of hell.

The people around him were obviously headed by him, and they all took out the masks they carried and buckled them on their faces, and then each took out their own weapons, some were knives, some were swords, and one was even a stainless steel sledgehammer.

After the group of people were ready, the old man in the lead waved his hand, and a group of people quickly followed the old man towards the villa on the mountainside, rushing towards the villa, one by one, like electricity, as fast as a ghost.

Soon, the group of people approached the villa. They did not take the road, but the woods beside the road.

The headed old man stopped in the woods and waved his hand behind him.

A man dragging a large box approached the villa lightly with footwork, and the two men next to him pounced towards the back of the villa.

The two men disappeared behind the villa. Soon, the lights in the villa suddenly went out. Obviously, the power supply in the villa had been cut off.

At the same time, the man dragging the large box opened the box, revealing a piece of metal equipment inside, and a row of green lights lit up on the equipment, indicating that the machine had started working.

The man turned around and made an OK gesture to the crowd hiding behind.

The old man wearing a blood-red ghost mask waved his hand, and a group of people suddenly rushed towards the villa like ghosts, each of them with excitement and bloodthirsty in their eyes.

Zhou Chao was on duty to guard the batch of cultural relics. The lights in the villa suddenly went out, and the surroundings were suddenly plunged into darkness.

Zhou Chao stood up abruptly, looking around with alert eyes.

This power outage was too sudden, and there must be a demon if something goes wrong!

Sure enough, only ten seconds later, Zhou Chao heard a rush of footsteps coming from the woods next to the villa, and it was obvious that many people were rushing towards this place.

Zhou Chao's face was solemn, and he shouted: "Be careful, everyone, someone is invading!"

Zhou Chao's voice was still floating in the air, and a dozen figures had crossed the fence of the villa like ghosts and appeared in Zhou Chao's sight.

At the same time, the door on the second floor was quickly pushed open. Zheng Meifeng, Situ Xiang, Qin Yang, Ono Akita, and Yamaguchi Lixiang appeared in the window or balcony, and jumped directly from the second floor.

Ono Akita looked at the large line of masked visitors in front, and shouted sharply: "Ono Akita is here, who are you, don't you want to live?"

The leading old man wearing a blood-red ghost mask coldly glanced at Ono Akita, and did not answer his words, but coldly smiled: "According to the plan, do it!"

A group of uninvited guests wearing masks rushed to everyone at the same time, bursting with anger and fierceness.

Ono Akita's heart was stunned. These people obviously planned to be together a long time ago. They may have known that the person from the special office is here, but they don't care at all!

Ono Akita rushed to the old man wearing the ghost mask, hoping to hold the person leading the other, but the old man with the ghost mask just glanced at Ono Akita coldly, his eyes full of disdain, and he slapped him in the air. come.

Obviously it's just a simple palm, but Ono Akita just can't resist it!

He slapped a punch with all his strength, the qi was like a tiger, but when he encountered the palm of the masked old man, the thick tiger-shaped qi was directly slapped away clean.

A ray of blood red gas suddenly gushed from the palm of the old man, directly dispelling the fist blast of Ono Akita, and then directly hit Ono Akita to vomit blood and flew back, like a meteorite, directly knocking away the walls of the villa. A big hole.

Ono Akita stood up from the dust and smoke with bleeding from the corner of his mouth, his eyes filled with horror: "Blood demon! You are a blood demon!"

The angry old man said coldly: "Hey, you little guy has a bit of eyesight, and he actually recognized me. Originally, he was going to save your life on the face of your special but Now that you recognize me, you all must die!"

Rika Yamaguchi, who was not far away, also looked miserable, with horrified eyes. She didn't expect the robbers to attack this time to be so strong!


That old man turned out to be a blood demon with a reputation for murder without blinking an eye!

This guy is murderous, just like a devil, and because of his special cultivation method, his qi will emit blood, so he is called a blood demon.

This guy committed countless crimes and carried heavy debts on his back. He has always been the most wanted S-level wanted criminal, but because he is so cunning and has no trace of his whereabouts, and because he has a powerful God-passing realm strength, no one can help him.


It's dead this time!

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