The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1374: Is this your attitude towards your benefactor?

? Supreme!

The Gorefiend had a voice of boundless despair in horror, which stunned everyone present.

Qin Yang was also stiff, turning his neck in disbelief and looking at Yang Haoran, who was still calm and calm.

Yang Haoran looked at the blood demon lying in a pool of blood, smiled faintly, and did not answer.

He didn't care what the blood demon said, in other words, the blood demon might be a terrifying existence for others, but to him, the blood demon was nothing.

Yang Haoran turned out to be the supreme powerhouse!

Qin Yang opened his eyes wide and looked at Yang Haoran in shock, his eyes full of disbelief.

He had always wanted to raise Yang Haoran's strength as much as possible, but now it turns out that Qin Yang's imagination is still a bit poor.

He turned out to be the supreme powerhouse!

No wonder Dragon King used such an attitude with such a tone, no wonder he said that as long as Yang Haoran came, everything would be fine, and no wonder Yang Haoran didn’t worry about living in this lonely villa and told himself indifferently " You on the stage are in charge, and I on the stage is in charge."

That's it!

There are no more than two or three supreme powers in Japan. They are the pinnacles of the sea in the world of cultivation. They are highly respected. They will naturally not shoot casually, and naturally will not do things like robbery. It can be said that Yang Haoran is invincible. of!

A group of robbers who followed the gorefiend to robbery were all stunned, with a look of horror in their eyes.

I thought it would be easy and pleasant to follow a master such as the Gorefiend to robbery, but who would have thought that I could bump into the supreme power here?

Such a powerful person as the Gorefiend couldn't survive a single move, so he was beaten to death and got down?

What are there to do, wait for death?

The group of people glanced at each other, rushing towards the rear almost at the same time, and still moving in all directions.

I don't know how many can escape, but one can escape!

Yang Haoran smiled: "Since all are here, don't leave."

Yang Haoran's figure suddenly disappeared in place, instantly appeared on the wall of the villa, and pointed out.

Following Yang Haoran's finger pointing out, all these escaping people fell to the ground instantly, or fell to the ground directly holding their abdomen, howling miserably.

Yang Haoran's figure flickered, and all those who fled suddenly flew up, and instantly fell back to the yard and fell to the ground.

Yang Haoran finally appeared in front of the blood demon, and he waved out his hand, hitting the blood demon's lower abdomen.

The blood demon suddenly bounced as if he had been stabbed, and looked at Yang Haoran with bitter eyes, "You devil! You can just kill me!"

Yang Haoran didn't pay any attention to the blood demon whose dantian had been deposed, and his eyes fell on Qin Yang, who was stunned next to him: "I have deposed all their dantians. I will leave the rest to you!"

Qin Yang swallowed a sip of water. With such a group of psychic, transcendent and celestial masters, such a blink of an eye is gone?

Adding these people together, if it were a sneak attack, there would be no problem at all to destroy a small unit, but they were killed by Yang Haoran in such a backhand?

Ono Akita also recovered at this time, watching Yang Haoran wave his hand to destroy these people's dantian, and suddenly shouted: "You can't do this! You don't have the right to deal with them!"

Yang Haoran frowned and asked Qin Yang, "What did he say?"

Qin Yang translated Ono Akita's words, Yang Haoran glanced at Ono Akita coldly, ignored him, and patted Qin Yang on the shoulder: "You have a fierce fight tomorrow, hurry up and go to sleep, here is handed to A Chao and Afeng is fine."

Qin Yang said, "Okay! Old, senior..."

Yang Haoran said with a smile, "It's called Lao Yang, it's good."

Looking at Yang Haoran's back in the living room, Qin Yang felt extremely complicated for a while.

The supreme powerhouse is by his side, so there is no air!

Ono Akita saw Yang Haoran completely ignored him, and walked to Qin Yang's face angrily, and said in a deep voice: "Qin Yang, since they have lost their offensive power, they should be handed over to our special department to deal with them. No right to deal with without authorization..."

Qin Yang curled his lips and said coldly: "If Senior Yang hadn't taken the shot, you would be a corpse now. How thick is your skin? How can you talk to the savior with such an attitude after being saved? ?"

Ono Akita's expression became quite embarrassed, gritted his teeth and said, "These are two different things."

Qin Yang said coldly: "Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. I just want to catch this group of people back, use special means to control them, and then let them become thugs in your special department and work for you. Don't yell at me. If you have the ability, you can talk to Senior Yang. It really doesn't work. Your special department sent someone to arrest us?"

Ono Akita was pushed against the wall by Qin Yang's words, because Qin Yang said the facts, like these desperadoes, the state often does not kill them directly after catching them, but will use many special methods to control them and let them Working for the country, this is the same as in ancient times when people who committed crimes filled the death squads to earn credit for atonement.

In China, the Lushan Prison also has such a system. After all, the practitioners are powerful, and they are more powerful than the trained soldiers and kings. They are used to perform some tasks like beheading. Will be the best candidate.

What's more, people at the level of Gorefiend not only carry many unsuccessful cases on their backs, but also have super strength. If Ono Akita can capture these people back, it will definitely be a great achievement, but now this group of people has been completely abandoned and worthwhile. It has fallen dramatically, and this is what makes Ono Akita really annoyed.

Ono Akita frowned and glared at Qin Yang, his words were equivalent to naked provocation.

Qin Yang said coldly: "They came to the house and robbed us. You can't protect us. We defended ourselves and protected and saved your lives. You are embarrassed to treat us so badly, haha , Is this how you Japanese treat your savior?"

Ono Akita took a deep breath and fumbled out the phone, only to find that the call could not be made at all.

"The signal is shielded, look for a signal jammer!"

Yamaguchi Rika quickly found the signal jammer in the box and confirmed that the power supply was damaged.

Turning off the signal jammer, Ono Akita called the special department and reported the incident.

Qin Yang stood by Yamaguchi Lixiang and gave her a faint look.

Yamaguchi Rika looked at Qin Yang's eyes with a look of shame on her face. After hesitating, she bowed to Qin Yang, "I'm sorry...thank you!"

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